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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

What annoys me is Lambeth council refuse idea that they are institutionally racist. Travers after rubbishing the Guardian article has only changed tack to say racism exists in Council. Which isn't saying its institutionally racist. Senior Cllrs like Hopkins say the same.

When Greens try to have emergency motion on racism in Council the New Labour leadership make sure it doesn't happen.

Yet when it comes to Anti semitism the New Labour Council are falling over themselves to do something about that.

They are using anti semitism cynically to have a go at Corbyn and his supporters. Yet institutional racism in Lambeth council , an issue for a number of years, isn't dealt with. New Labour have been running the Council for years. Plenty of time to deal with racism in the Council.
Lambeth admit they didn't follow planning guidelines when works were done on the Macintosh estate for older people. Which is listed building. They ignored the listed status when doing renovations.

What made me laugh was the wankers who run the Council managed to put in new heating radiator that meant the kitchen drawer could not be opened.

Its not funny for the guy who has to live in flat. But to see it on film. Well. Its laughable.
Following on from editor post I got this email yesterday.
I'm Cllr Andy Wilson, Lambeth’s cabinet member for Finance.
I'm sure you've already heard lots about cuts in council funding and the choices we have had to make about local services over the last few years. Unfortunately, today I need to talk to you about further reductions in council funding and choices we'll need to make. On a more positive note, I also want to share some stories with you from people who use Lambeth's services that you may not know are provided for by local government. They show just how important it is that we continue doing everything we can to protect the most vulnerable people in Lambeth.
I recently recorded a short film which explains that despite making huge savings already we will still need to save another £43 million due to continued government cuts.
Click hereWhile we're responsible for keeping our streets clean, our parks green and lots of other things, most of our spending helps us look after vulnerable people. You can read the stories of some of the people we support, and find out more about how vital our care is to them here.
These services are vital for the people who rely on them – but we face choices about how we can protect them while also providing the rest of the services that local people expect.
We need your help to make those decisions – and soon I'll be getting back in touch to share our plans and encourage you to have your say on our proposals. Find out more at lambeth.gov.uk/budget
While this is a huge challenge for us, I’m confident that together we can protect services for our vulnerable residents and keep making Lambeth better and fairer for all.
Yours sincerely
Andy Wilson
Cabinet Member for Finance, Lambeth Council

What gets me is that when group of residents do a lot of unpaid work to keep a community service going, the Grove Adventure playground in Loughborough Junction, the Council reaction is if not hostility a less than helpful attitude. If it had not been for the perseverance of volunteers in face of council officer intransigence Grove APG would not be open.
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look at the list of assentors, isn't that cosy

a full list of candidates and their assentors can be found at https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/de...rsons-nominated-notice-of-poll-GIPSY-HILL.pdf
Can't see your point there. The electoral system is a party based system (at present).
There is one agent for the three Labour candidates.

Are you suggesting they are being lazy because they didn''t get 36 people people to sign - 12 for each candidate?

I defy you to find a situation in any Lambeth ward election since World War II where the three party candidates for each party had 36 separate nominators!
Can't see your point there. The electoral system is a party based system (at present).
There is one agent for the three Labour candidates.

Are you suggesting they are being lazy because they didn''t get 36 people people to sign - 12 for each candidate?

I defy you to find a situation in any Lambeth ward election since World War II where the three party candidates for each party had 36 separate nominators!
traditionally there are ten nominators, never seen this 12 of which you talk. i am saying it's cosy because they all have the same in the same order.
I'm sure they see it as a tiresome ticket box exercise for which they line up appropriate people to sign off forms with little or no thought of the views of anyone being bothered to look back at the records.
So far as I can tell most agents/wards will try and do the same list for all 3 and probably do a couple of copies because mistakes will be made. Some candidates/parties like to do it individually, if the candidate has a strong local presence, but it takes time to do that.
i see the lovely bennett has excised his home address from his register of interests entry, as sensitive information (so sensitive it appears on the statement of persons nominated for gipsy hill ward at the last council elections, available on the lambeth website!)

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Yes, but you're expecting him to think beyond the immediate there, whereas Twitter Boy (as he's known in these parts) isn't exactly a thinker, despite being Oxbridge. That's how we were able to hold a Punch and Judy outside his property - we looked beyond the register, and at the electoral paperwork. ;)
View attachment 151950
look at the list of assentors, isn't that cosy

a full list of candidates and their assentors can be found at https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/de...rsons-nominated-notice-of-poll-GIPSY-HILL.pdf

What's amusing about the Labour assentors is that usually prospective councillors are supported by the local branch executive. Only one name there is an officer of Gipsy Hill branch.

Mind you, given that the Branch Secretary is one Edward Knight, aka "Red Ted" Knight, one can understand why these thrusting young(ish) Neo-Blairites wouldn't want the names of any damned lefties on their papers!
Yes, but you're expecting him to think beyond the immediate there, whereas Twitter Boy (as he's known in these parts) isn't exactly a thinker, despite being Oxbridge. That's how we were able to hold a Punch and Judy outside his property - we looked beyond the register, and at the electoral paperwork. ;)
You say despite Oxbridge, I wonder if he did land economy, the degree for stupid rich people
You say despite Oxbridge, I wonder if he did land economy, the degree for stupid rich people

Eng Lit, I believe.

I upset him back in 2015, when he asked how I had come by some information about demography (I was explaining to him what it meant - i.e. not what he assumed it meant - I told him that I had two MScs. He couldn't believe that someone with a thick south London accent could have better academic credentials than himself. I explained that even though I lived on a council estate, and had lived on them most of my life, it didn't preclude me from learning about subjects I'm interested in, or obtaining qualifications.
Later, in 2016, he signed up to do an MA at Birkbeck, in "Housing", I believe. I know someone there, who was able to feed back to me some comments on his work. "Humdrum" was one of the nicer comments. :D
Eng Lit, I believe.

I upset him back in 2015, when he asked how I had come by some information about demography (I was explaining to him what it meant - i.e. not what he assumed it meant - I told him that I had two MScs. He couldn't believe that someone with a thick south London accent could have better academic credentials than himself. I explained that even though I lived on a council estate, and had lived on them most of my life, it didn't preclude me from learning about subjects I'm interested in, or obtaining qualifications.
Later, in 2016, he signed up to do an MA at Birkbeck, in "Housing", I believe. I know someone there, who was able to feed back to me some comments on his work. "Humdrum" was one of the nicer comments. :D
What are your mscs in?
Just realised my new ward is Tulse Hill not Brixton Hill and I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing

Apols for the late reply. Sadly, Tulse Hill ward has a duo of greasy pole-climbers (Cllrs Atkins and Cameron), and an unknown quantity (Cllr Kind). They're not critical, they won't push resident concerns unless they coincide with their own, and the first two are past masters at stealing credit for the work of others. I wouldn't piss on either of them if they were on fire. The number of times I've had friends who live in the ward say to me "...but they promised they'd get my (insert problem caused by neglect by the council here) fixed 6 months ago!".
Apols for the late reply. Sadly, Tulse Hill ward has a duo of greasy pole-climbers (Cllrs Atkins and Cameron), and an unknown quantity (Cllr Kind). They're not critical, they won't push resident concerns unless they coincide with their own, and the first two are past masters at stealing credit for the work of others. I wouldn't piss on either of them if they were on fire. The number of times I've had friends who live in the ward say to me "...but they promised they'd get my (insert problem caused by neglect by the council here) fixed 6 months ago!".

Sounds a bit like Ferndale then!
Sometimes at Lambeth it's difficult to not think the important characteristic of a councillor is their demonstration of devotion to Lib Jong Peck
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