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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

Government by cabinet concentrates power in too few hands. Add the party whip - effectively, whatever Lib Jong Peck orders, must be done - and it is pretty far removed from any recognisable form of democracy.
Same applies to some Lambeth Greens too though - Becca etc.

Ah, someone else who has issues with the poison dwarf!

She recently demanded my expulsion from the party, after I helped gate-crashed a meeting she'd set up to form a TRA on an estate where there's already a TRA, the existing TRA having a chair and committee members who question Lambeth Council policies (like sticking 5g masts on top of their homes). She gave me the evil eye, and then when there was a demo outside City Hall on 03/11, she spotted me and demanded to know what I was doing there. My reply: "I helped set this whole thing up. I'm entitled to be here. What about you?".

She's also creepily close to Jim Dickson, even if you discount the strong rumours from when she was last a councillor. Most other Lambeth Greens I get on with, but Thackray? Nah.
She seems to be in awe of him. She certainly does not provide any opposition. Very disappointing considering that so many green votes were clearly a vote to shake up the status quo.

It seemed to me that HH Green Party had a bit of historical amnesia - perhaps due to changing population - because people seemed to forget that she wasn't impressive the first time around. It was as if they thought "ooh, let's select the person who's been a cllr before. They must be good!", and the voters went with it. I think they're already finding out that while she's Green, she's very much reactionary.

If she reads this, she'll probably be demanding my expulsion from the party again! :D
Can you supply more details - on Lambeth's dabblings that is?

I was under the impression that Lambeth were proposing to borrow large sums to develop Somerleyton Road with an Housing Development Vehicle which would have been like the Harringey Development Vehicle, but based on council borrowings from the Pubic Works Loan Board rather than a dodgy PFI with Leand Lease.

All I could see in the article you have linked is stuff about Spellthrone investing in shopping centres etc.

Whilst Spellthorne may be of interest in that their MP is a recently appointed Undersecretary for Exiting the EU (and allegedly the lover of the new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions) - it seems to me that their property investments are the opposite of what Lambeth is doing (or would be doing if they could get it together).

The problem for local authorities is often generating investment income. You may recall (though probably not!) back in the 1980s councils indulged in so-called Interest Rate Swaps in order to generate investment income. Unusually Lambeth Council was clean and didn't lose any money on this. The worst case was Hammersmith and Fulham, and you can see from this article huge sums were involved British Court Invalidates Some Financial Swaps

It is quite possible that if Spellthorne and others are making leveraged property investments it could easily go tits up - with the potential for both the councils and the government (in the shape of the Public Works Loans Board) losing a lot of money.

I have two questions:

1. Where is Lambeth mentioned in the article?
2. Any news about Somerleyton Road now Neil Vokes (responsible officer) has gone on to higher things in Camden, and former Finance chief Cllr Paul McGlone (who seemed to understand these things) has retired from office.
Friend showed me a letter today briefly from LC (to parents who use the services) about children's centres - as there will be some changes, with rationalisation of services and closure of 5 sites. LIst seems to be Coin Street, Healthbrook, Lark Hall, Weir Link and Sunnyhill.
This got posted to Facebook tonight. The waterloo residents alliance is concerned at Coin St not living up their social housing obligations.

Waterloo Residents Alliance
2 hrs ·
URGENT - We desperately need your help! Lambeth council is considering a new Local Plan i.e. a guideline that sets out local planning policies and identifies how land is used. Bizarrely, Lambeth’s Plan no longer designates the Coin Street sites or any others in Waterloo for social housing!

Lambeth council are legally required to listen and respond to every resident/consultee so we have a really good chance of making a change. All you need to do is to send an email to Lambeth proposing that the remaining vacant Coin Street sites are major development opportunities for social housing and should be designated as such, to guide and encourage their development: The sites in question are:

• Doon St (vacant since 1984)
• B2 - corner of Cornwall Rd and Stamford St (vacant since 1985 but very nearly an Abba nightclub!)
• Gabriel’s Wharf (temporary market - could be retained with housing above)
• Prince’s Wharf (vacant ITV studios)

You might mention that the sites could provide at least 200 new social homes. You could refer to the chronic shortage of social housing in Waterloo and Lambeth. These sites could house from several hundred to over a thousand local people, including young families, grown up children who were born here, the homeless and older people.

Please email your comments to localplan@lambeth.gov.uk and copy in: admin@wcdg.org.uk i.e. Waterloo Community Development Group (WCDG). The deadline is 17th December 2018, 11pm.

It’s really quick and simple to do – just copy and paste some of the sentences in the leaflet* attached or even just what is written above. Your contribution will really make a difference so please take a moment to do this! Thank you – and please pass on to anyone who you think will write in and/or be affected.

My publications - Lambeth Local Plan - Coin St 071218 F - Page 1 - Created with Publitas.com
From website
Be interesting to see who requests an election (ie which party).
This ward was Lib Dem from 1994 - 2002 and LD still polled strongly (over 1000) in 2010.
Since then Greens have been slightly ahead, but Greens and LD consistently below 500.

If anything it probably makes sense for Cllr Peck to get the election underway - can't see Labour losing Thornton right now.
Depending on how it's going in various branches ousting new labour and getting momentum candidates instead he may not want to call it though is there not an automatic calling anyway?
BusLanes This appears to be the official story (from the horse's mouth as it were):

Dear friend

I wanted to let you know that I have sadly resigned as a Councillor. This is due to taking up a new job that is politically restricted so I cannot continue to be a councillor.

I want to apologise to the people of Thornton ward and Thornton Labour Party. I had every intention of serving as your Councillor for four years but since then I have unexpectedly received a career opportunity that would not allow me to stay as a councillor. After great thought and reflection I feel I can’t pass up this opportunity. I did not take this decision lightly and I want to apologise for letting you down.

I am proud of my time as a Lambeth Councillor and Cllr Lib Peck, as Leader of the Council, and Lambeth Labour Councillors still have my full support and admiration. Ed and Lib are excellent local Councillors in Thornton and I have enjoyed working with them immensely.

I have lived in Thornton ward for eight years and it is where I am proud to bring up my family. I hope to continue to use the invaluable skills I’ve learnt as a Councillor to continue to be an active and engaged resident working to keep Thornton a great place to live.



Dear friend – Jane Edbrooke – Medium
I looked at a map of Thornton ward today and realised that I used to live about 2m walk away and walked through it most days, on the edge anyway.

This before I knew the names of wards.
[QUO TE="BusLanes, post: 15851607, member: 75714"]Has anyone found why she resigned yey?[/QUOTE]

From her Twitter:

Dear friend – Jane Edbrooke – Medium

Dec 17

Dear friend

I wanted to let you know that I have sadly resigned as a Councillor. This is due to taking up a new job that is politically restricted so I cannot continue to be a councillor.

I want to apologise to the people of Thornton ward and Thornton Labour Party. I had every intention of serving as your Councillor for four years but since then I have unexpectedly received a career opportunity that would not allow me to stay as a councillor. After great thought and reflection I feel I can’t pass up this opportunity. I did not take this decision lightly and I want to apologise for letting you down.

I am proud of my time as a Lambeth Councillor and Cllr Lib Peck, as Leader of the Council, and Lambeth Labour Councillors still have my full support and admiration. Ed and Lib are excellent local Councillors in Thornton and I have enjoyed working with them immensely.

I have lived in Thornton ward for eight years and it is where I am proud to bring up my family. I hope to continue to use the invaluable skills I’ve learnt as a Councillor to continue to be an active and engaged resident working to keep Thornton a great place to live.



I say good riddance. As someone who had the misfortune to deal with her she was 100% true believer in the " Third Way", no interpersonal skills and obnoxious right winger.

" Career opportunity". :facepalm:. So middle class so New Labour.
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Someone showed me a Streatham Labour leaflet they'd received yesterday. Seemed pretty normal except for the slogan "Putting Streatham First"
Someone showed me a Streatham Labour leaflet they'd received yesterday. Seemed pretty normal except for the slogan "Putting Streatham First"
In my day (on old boundaries) "Putting Streatham First" would have been seen as a wind-up.

Most Thornton residents in the 1990s saw their part of SW12 and SW4 as Balham - and part of Wandsworth, complaining that they wanted Wandsworth's then zero or near zero council tax.

Not that I'm predicting a Tory victory now. There hasn't been a Tory councillor in Thornton Ward since 1994. The somewhat dipsomaniac Thornton Tory councillor "Dickie" Bird 1978-1994 did make it into "Labour Uncut" in a piece about the Loony Left they posted in 2014:

"the rate-capping struggle of the 1980s was a rough and ready affair for the Lambeth left. One council meeting in July 1985 even had to be adjourned for 20 minutes after Conservative councillor “Dicky” Bird put Labour councillor Terry Rich in a headlock."
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