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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

The Green Party ought to do well, with St Leonards next door.
But then again that argument makes it safe Labour - since 3/4 of the boundary is Labour wards!
How is Ms Macnair doing?

Lots of activity from MacNair/LDs. Lots from Labour.

Some activity by Conservatives (canvassing this weekend) and some by Greens.

A little from UKIP this weekend.

No sign of the WEP.
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Quote in "Love Lambeth" makes it sound like she is resigning as Councillor
“The experience and insight I have gained in Lambeth will be central to this new role. I want to thank everyone that has worked with the council throughout my time as a councillor and as Leader.”
It certainly seemed like she was quitting as a councillor at the time. Maybe she'll delay in order to not undermine Jane's replacement's campaign.

Although why that would be a problem given the Labour majority
WEP leader was on Woman's Hour this morning - resigning. She said she wanted to make more space for members views and the WEP needed to adopt a new model of leadership. I guess a long interview on Radio 4 is more important than getting out on the knocker in Thornton?

The first leader of the Women’s Equality Party is standing down. Sophie Walker has been doing the job since 2015. In 2017 her party published a manifesto full of feminist policies from which she openly invited all the mainstream parties to steal. She has said repeatedly that she wants to change the way we do politics. And yesterday, she sought to change it saying that “sometimes in order to lead, you have to get out of the way”. She explains what she meant and why she’s decided to go now.

BBC Radio 4 - Woman's Hour, Freida Pinto in Love Sonia
I don't think WEP need to make any effort in Thornton, as I assume their plan is to run in Vauxhall against Hoey, as that'll get them national press.
Great work!


In photos: Lambeth town hall occupied by campaigners fighting children’s centre cuts, Weds 23rd Jan 2019
Any news on who the new leader of the council will be?
I guess there will have to be a Progress Caucus meeting.
I was disturbed to read on Lib's Lambeth Council website CV that she studied history at Manchester University.
What with myself, her and Chuka being alumni of Manchester is this now the University Trivialis?
The only saving grace for Manchester Uni seems to be the current renaissance of the magnificent Dame Margaret Becket!
Did a walkthrough Thornton just now to Balham (had to carry a portable table) and saw just one political sign on a wondow, for the Greens. Although I think that may have been there for a bit.

Therefore I think the Greens will win 100% of the vote if the voter votes
Did a walkthrough Thornton just now to Balham (had to carry a portable table) and saw just one political sign on a wondow, for the Greens. Although I think that may have been there for a bit.

Therefore I think the Greens will win 100% of the vote if the voter votes
Maybe that's the candidate. Unusually, he lives in his prospective ward!
He can of course vote for himself!
I see from Twitter banter between the Streatham Conservatives and local Labour members that the Streatham Labour Party has changed its voting procedures last night. Owen Jones being in town during the day to campaign for the reform too (he filmed a video outside the White Lion).
Has Peck quit yet I wonder
My understanding (from a clandestine meeting with officials in the Hero of Switzerland) is that the new leader Jack Hopkins has been chosen by the Labour council group - but his coronation will not be until the next full council meeting on Wednesday 13th February.

Lib Peck will apparently resign as a councillor. Don't know when - but I guess there must be rules about councillors and restricted posts which she will no doubt follow to the letter. She has certainly not resigned yet.
My understanding (from a clandestine meeting with officials in the Hero of Switzerland) is that the new leader Jack Hopkins has been chosen by the Labour council group - but his coronation will not be until the next full council meeting on Wednesday 13th February.

Lib Peck will apparently resign as a councillor. Don't know when - but I guess there must be rules about councillors and restricted posts which she will no doubt follow to the letter. She has certainly not resigned yet.

So mid month maybe
Right, the election is tomorrow. Hope everyone is ready!

The main questions are, to me, what is the deal with Labour's new boy (I've not met him nor know his beliefs so he's a blank slate to me at least) and I guess which party gets second. Then following on, who gets the nod from Labour to stand for Peck's seat
I guess this result indicated Thonrton Ward's dissatisfaction with Labour vagueries on Brexit, and maybe also less than wholehearted support for the Clapham Park Project. Had I known the result at 11.15 I'd have asked in the Crown and Sceptre for the Progress spin on the matter!
I guess this result indicated Thonrton Ward's dissatisfaction with Labour vagueries on Brexit, and maybe also less than wholehearted support for the Clapham Park Project. Had I known the result at 11.15 I'd have asked in the Crown and Sceptre for the Progress spin on the matter!

That is quite something!
Thinking more, it is a bit surprising that the Green vote went back a little. Thought they'd make hay with Coldharbour and last year's elections making them the second largest party.
There's a council meeting tonight being tweeted about by a local reporter and councillors. They're all talking about it like it's her last so I guess tonight may be night
Right, the election is tomorrow. Hope everyone is ready!

The main questions are, to me, what is the deal with Labour's new boy (I've not met him nor know his beliefs so he's a blank slate to me at least) and I guess which party gets second. Then following on, who gets the nod from Labour to stand for Peck's seat

Labours new boy is a Progress supporter. Was head of Scottish Labour students. Now works for the Labour party.

So a career politician. The New up and coming right of the party. Who can't wait for Corbyn to be got rid of.

Kind of depressing that with all the new young people who joined after Corbyn became leader all Lambeth can come up with is someone from the next generation of Blairites.
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