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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

Interesting article here.

Lambeth: Labour wins Thornton by-election, but Lib Dem comeback bodes ill for Corbyn Brexit strategy - OnLondon

Yesterday’s by-election was a test of how well Labour’s metropolitan voting coalition is holding together. The answer was “not very well”. On a turnout of 27 per cent, the party’s share of the vote fell from 63 per cent in May 2018 to 45 per cent. The Liberal Democrats recovered their position as the main challengers following their coalition-era slump, rising from 10 per cent last year to 33 per cent. Their candidate, retired NHS worker Rebecca Macnair re-established Thornton’s status as a marginal ward with a hefty swing of 21 per cent from Labour. She was still 309 votes short of the winning candidate Stephen Donnelly, a young LGBT Labour activist who contested St Leonard’s ward in Streatham in 2018 where he lost to the Green Party.

Even though Donnelly himself is a pro-European, according to local MP Chuka Umunna he suffered from Labour’s “incoherent Brexit policy which constantly came up on the doorstep”. The national polls have not picked up much movement from Labour to Liberal Democrat or Green among Remain voters, but the Thornton result – in a ward that was probably over 80 per cent Remain in 2016 – is sobering nonetheless. In a divided ward like this, it is reasonable to conclude that there must have been an enormous swing in the middle-class areas.

So the article is saying an election result like this should worry national Labour party. As it shows dissatisfaction with Labour party take on Brexit at a national level in a Remain area with big Labour vote usually.

Of course nationally Corbyn line may be right in balancing not putting of voters in leave areas.
I looked into this a week or two back and Peck's role is director level and so politically restricted, or at least that is what the documents I read seemed to say.

So if that is right she surely has to resign sooner rather than later.

Also, the Tory attack dogs at Guido have turned their sights on Lib now she's working for Khan and came up with a line that she's basically in tight with Khan and co and in effect helped set up the role she later got.

Sadiq’s New Crime Crony’s Suspect Selection Process
I looked into this a week or two back and Peck's role is director level and so politically restricted, or at least that is what the documents I read seemed to say.

So if that is right she surely has to resign sooner rather than later.

Also, the Tory attack dogs at Guido have turned their sights on Lib now she's working for Khan and came up with a line that she's basically in tight with Khan and co and in effect helped set up the role she later got.

Sadiq’s New Crime Crony’s Suspect Selection Process

Reading the article it does look like Peck was involved early on with setting up the VRU. Then applied for the job to head it. Many on the panel choosing the head would have known her.

The Guido article quotes all the relevant info to show this was the case.

So looks like internal London Labour making sure they had one of their own in important post.
I went searching this morning on the Lambeth website for:
a) a date for another Thornton election post Peck
b) confirmation of the recent rumours that Sue Foster OBE had left the Lambeth Council (which people have been whispering since Christmas)

All I can come up with is a brief account of the Wednesday council AGM and more rumours:

I don't think many residents will be sorry the poison dwarf Foster has gone. Her malign influence as one the backroom architects of New Labour in Lambeth is a legacy Lambeth residents could do without.

I remember a demo at Carnegie library when someone recognised her sitting in her car observing the demo and taking notes.

She didn't get an OBE for services to the New Labour project for nothing.

Its unsurprising that the New Labour Council hasn't made much about her leaving. She did their dirty work and wasn't going to get a public farewell from the politicos.

A bit harsh? She was on a whacking great salary. Not going to leave hard up.
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I looked into this a week or two back and Peck's role is director level and so politically restricted, or at least that is what the documents I read seemed to say.

So if that is right she surely has to resign sooner rather than later.

Also, the Tory attack dogs at Guido have turned their sights on Lib now she's working for Khan and came up with a line that she's basically in tight with Khan and co and in effect helped set up the role she later got.

Sadiq’s New Crime Crony’s Suspect Selection Process
I'm sure I read somewhere that Guido Fawkes was registered in Ireland (to make it more difficult to sue him/it for libel).
I would describe Guido's politics as Nigel Farage wielding a mace. Interesting tit bits of information though.
I'm sure I read somewhere that Guido Fawkes was registered in Ireland (to make it more difficult to sue him/it for libel).
I would describe Guido's politics as Nigel Farage wielding a mace. Interesting tit bits of information though.

He's a nasty piece of work by all accounts but useful to know what the lines are that'll be running
If any of you are interested, Bureau Local is looking for local journalists in Lambeth to help cover stories on the selling-off of public spaces. (As a local, I have a hunch there's a lot to say about that)

Join us
This investigation aims to shed light on the loss of public spaces and the impact this is having on communities. We have compiled data on nearly 12,000 assets - including libraries, playing fields and community centres - sold off by councils since 2014/15. Our findings so far include cash-strapped councils selling publicly-owned land and buildings to make ends meet. That includes using the money to pay for thousands of redundancies.

If you would like to take part please send an email to garethdavies@tbij.com, explaining which area(s) you want to look into and stating that you agree to:

  • Respect the Monday March 4 embargo

  • Share your findings within Slack ahead of publication

  • Credit The Bureau of Investigative Journalism in your coverage

If any of you are interested, Bureau Local is looking for local journalists in Lambeth to help cover stories on the selling-off of public spaces. (As a local, I have a hunch there's a lot to say about that)

Join us
This investigation aims to shed light on the loss of public spaces and the impact this is having on communities. We have compiled data on nearly 12,000 assets - including libraries, playing fields and community centres - sold off by councils since 2014/15. Our findings so far include cash-strapped councils selling publicly-owned land and buildings to make ends meet. That includes using the money to pay for thousands of redundancies.

If you would like to take part please send an email to garethdavies@tbij.com, explaining which area(s) you want to look into and stating that you agree to:

  • Respect the Monday March 4 embargo

  • Share your findings within Slack ahead of publication

  • Credit The Bureau of Investigative Journalism in your coverage

This is more of a Waterloo Nine Elms and Southwark issue surely?
Though I must say our council allowing the demolition of the Canterbury Arms and then using it as a Pop Brixton Annexe feels like a similar issue to me.
And of course we have the Garden Bridge bubbling along merrily in the background. So many things to get angry about!
Looks like Ted Knight called for deselection of all Labour councillors at a local Labour meeting (something called "the campaign's forum" which I hear is important but I don't know why). Anyway, at least one local Labour councillor on Twitter, wasn't happy.
Looks like Ted Knight called for deselection of all Labour councillors at a local Labour meeting (something called "the campaign's forum" which I hear is important but I don't know why). Anyway, at least one local Labour councillor on Twitter, wasn't happy.

I did think the Campaigns forum was under control of the New Labour leadership?

Tricky Skills
Right, reliably heard Lib Peck has now resigned as a councillor and the election therefore will likely be from mid April
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Looks like Ted Knight called for deselection of all Labour councillors at a local Labour meeting (something called "the campaign's forum" which I hear is important but I don't know why). Anyway, at least one local Labour councillor on Twitter, wasn't happy.
The campaigns forum is elected at the AGM and acts as a vetting mechanism for all council candidates. In Lambeth there is an ongoing fight to wrest control of the party away from the right wingers, and although good progress has been made since Corbyn took the leadership, the rightwingers still hold the balance across the local partys that make up Lambeth, but that balance is slowly shifting. Deselecting rightwing councillors are and selecting more responsive left wing candidates in their place, is how the Lambeth left hope to change the focus and direction of the council. Vauxhall and streatham are both massive partys’ and Vauxhall in particular has traditionally been a stronghold for progress, so the fight has been particularly tough for the left. I would suggest the shift In the balance of power in the local party was a strong driver for chukka jumping ship. Corbyn winning the leadership was only the start. The process of replacing incumbent representatives is ongoing, at both local and national level.
Go Lambeth! Go and help to lower the standards of living in London.
Will these be the worst new ‘rabbit hutch’ flats in Britain?
This is in Thornton Ward - the former seat of ex-council leader Lib Peck.
Maybe there is an issue to be made here in the forthcoming by-election?

Actually the article is a bit OTT IMHO - Weir Road is noted for its former cheese factory, and also the Weir Estate where the unfortunate Sean Rigg was picked up by the police before they took him to Brixton Police Station, where he met his death. Those living in the Edwardian maisonettes in the other part of the road might actually welcome "Pocket Living" micro apartments at Grange Mills as neighbours - although those with a social conscience will surely protest the loss of employment generating space.
Weir Road is an odd one yes. I lived nearby for years but somehow barely walked up it till recently. It's also where I saw a white guy in a car yell some abuse at what looked to be some African people coming out of the Weir Link hall, all dressed up in Sunday best about 3 weeks back. I think he may have said some other things too that might have been worse as he was yelling for a bit but all I made out was the anti immigrant stuff.
The campaigns forum is elected at the AGM and acts as a vetting mechanism for all council candidates. In Lambeth there is an ongoing fight to wrest control of the party away from the right wingers, and although good progress has been made since Corbyn took the leadership, the rightwingers still hold the balance across the local partys that make up Lambeth, but that balance is slowly shifting. Deselecting rightwing councillors are and selecting more responsive left wing candidates in their place, is how the Lambeth left hope to change the focus and direction of the council. Vauxhall and streatham are both massive partys’ and Vauxhall in particular has traditionally been a stronghold for progress, so the fight has been particularly tough for the left. I would suggest the shift In the balance of power in the local party was a strong driver for chukka jumping ship. Corbyn winning the leadership was only the start. The process of replacing incumbent representatives is ongoing, at both local and national level.

Ah, thanks for the explanation. Interesting to get an insight to how it all works.
How's the by election looking now? Has everyone started receiving leaflets again?
Has it been called?
If you look of the Lambeth Democracy section of LBL they were only notifying the vacancy on 4th March.
No mention of the requisite two electors having called for an election.

BTW there is also on there mention of a referendum for an elected Mayor (of Lambeth).
If that happens I'm emigrating. Things are undemocratic enough with the current "cabinet government system" initiated by Tony Blair.
Yesterday there was a feature on knife crime in London on the Al Jazeera news.
There was a scene of Sadiq Khan in a circle with concerned people in a youth centre - including Lib Peck.

There was also a scene of Mahamed Hashi (Councillor for Stockwell Ward) walking round graffiti ridden arches describing his work with youth and the dangers everyone now faces. I thought it odd that Mahamad did not "come out" as a councillor. But then he might well have said all that and it could have been edited down by Al Jazeera to fit the broadcast.

Just goes to show what's on the media can have all sorts of spin for various reasons.
Has it been called?
If you look of the Lambeth Democracy section of LBL they were only notifying the vacancy on 4th March.
No mention of the requisite two electors having called for an election.

BTW there is also on there mention of a referendum for an elected Mayor (of Lambeth).
If that happens I'm emigrating. Things are undemocratic enough with the current "cabinet government system" initiated by Tony Blair.

I don't think the date has been called yet as of now but who knows what today will bring.
I can't think who would be helped by more delay. I assume Labour probably would want a quick start campaign normally but who knows how their selection is going and they didn't seem in any hurry till now.

I can't see that the Greens or Tories would benefit from an earlier date. Libs maybe as they have got a better position after the first one.
It's arrived!
1. Thornton Ward By-Election
Notice of Election
Election of a Councillor for the Thornton Ward in the London Borough of Lambeth
  1. Nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer, Electoral Services, Room 1-17, Lambeth Town Hall, 2 Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW, on any day from Friday 8 March 2019, Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm, but no later than 4pm on Friday 15 March 2019.

  2. Nomination papers may be obtained from the offices of the Returning Officer, Electoral Services, Lambeth Town Hall, 2 Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW, during the times stated above.

  3. If the election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday 11 April 2019.

  4. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Electoral Services, Lambeth Town Hall, 2 Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW by Tuesday 26 March 2019.

  5. Applications to vote by post and amendments to or cancellations of existing postal and proxy votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Electoral Services, Lambeth Town Hall, 2 Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW, by 5pm on Wednesday 27 March 2019.

  6. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Electoral Services, Lambeth Town Hall, 2 Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW, by 5pm on Wednesday 3 April 2019.

  7. Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election on the grounds of physical incapacity or for work/service reasons must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Electoral Services, Lambeth Town Hall, 2 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW, by 5pm on Thursday 11 April 2019. The physical incapacity must have occurred after 5pm on Wednesday 3 April 2019. To apply on the grounds of work/service, the person must have become aware that they cannot go to the polling station in person after 5pm on Wednesday 3 April 2019.
Dated: Thursday 7 March 2019

Andrew Travers

Returning Officer

Notice of Election - Thornton Ward
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