My issue is this New Labour Council has ideologically driven obsession to work with private enterprise, AKA bloodsucking property developers, and disposing of land/ property they own.
As in Pop these New Labour types get shafted every time and don't see it. Private enterprise is their to compete and make a profit and so no surprise when Council get worst end of the bargain. The average Council office isn't up to dealing with the bloodsuckers. Even if the bloodsuckers are masquerading as doing the community a favour as in Pop.
Disposing of land/property. This really winds me up. Lambeth owns a lot of and and property historically. One might think they would treat this as valuable asset. Instead they treat it as bargaining chip they can use like any private developer. Once they dispose of property/ land they will never be able to get new land / property in foreseeable future.
Its imo totally short sighted to get rid of property/ land portfolio. The Council , contrary to New Labour philosophy, is not a business.