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Kingswood Byelection 2024

Ah, I'd read the headline that he was stepping down at the General Election, but this is better.

Even better would be to resign the whip and stay as an independent, weaken Sunak still further.
Quick on the draw with this one steveseagull !

From the Telegraph:

Rishi Sunak faces another by-election after former energy minister Chris Skidmore announced he would be quitting Parliament “as soon as possible.”

Mr Skidmore who described Rishi Sunak’s relaxation of net zero targets as “the greatest mistake of his premiership” said he could no longer support a Government committed to a course of action “I know is wrong and will cause future harm.”

The MP, who signed next zero into law as Theresa May’s energy minister, said he could also not support the legislation before Parliament next week allowing new oil and gas licences.

His decision sets up a by election in Kingswood in south Gloucestershire, where he had a majority of 11,220.

It will be the second by-election of the New Year following a recall petition unseating MP Peter Bone in his Wellingborough after he was found guilty of bullying and sexual misconduct.
From the VoteUK website

Assuming this happens, it gives the two main parties a bit of a headache over candidate selection. Kingswood is effectively abolished by the boundary changes. 47.3% of it goes to North East Somerset and Hanham, which is likely to be the seat fought by Jacob Rees-Mogg (55.4% of the new seat comes from North East Somerset, by far the largest element). Jacob Rees-Mogg is obviously not going to be the candidate at the byelection.

The next largest section, 35.8%, goes to the new Bristol North East constituency. Labour has a candidate there, but it's the current Mayor of Lewisham Damian Egan. He could resign as Mayor and stand in this byelection but that would be a risky strategy.

There are two smaller elements. 16.5% goes to Filton and Bradley Stoke, where the Conservatives also have a sitting MP and there is a Labour candidate in place (Claire Hazelgrove, who introduced Keir Starmer at his speech yesterday), but it is a very small part of the new seat. A small element, 0.5%, goes to Thornbury and Yate.
Don't think the LDs will make a run at this. They just don't have the resources if they think a GE might be May onwards.

They'll be focused on local elections where they have targets and defences.
Not quite my own backyard, but the the general area where I was brought up.
In my youth, it was very mixed between forelock-tugging yokels, the comparatively well-off and the almost revolutionaries ...
But, been away so long that I've no idea what it is like now.
The returning officer must be miffed at not getting to be a star ringmaster, as these candidates seem so boring and uncontroversial in comparison with those standing in Rochdale and Wellingborough.
I used to live in Kingswood (irrelevant but means I have a soft spot for the place!)

It's a bit like Basildon in that it's changed MP since 1974 in line with the national govt, the one exception being 1992 when it went Labour 5 years before the rest of the country did in '97.

What I mean is it could be a good litmus test for the upcoming general election. Chris Skidmore was known for being a good constituency MP but the new tory being an unknown quantity means that won't count this time. And with the fucking state of this government, I don't think Kingswood is true blue enough to elect a conservative regardless of that.

Anyway, one way or another I'm looking forward to hearing the result...
(Yes, those coloured plastic boxes are an important part of this, each party's bundle of votes will be placed in their respective colours as the night progresses)
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