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King Charles III's time is up

Seemingly not the case; you still appear to be very exercised about her role, motives and effect on the anachronistic edifice.

If you dig back, you will find that I was very much in favour when she first arrived on the scene, however, subsequent actions on her part have changed my view.

Trashing your family in public is not a good look, neither is making statements which you later have to admit were accurate.

Anyway, an irrelevance.
For clarity, I favour monarch over president, it is what I've known all my life. The late Queen was a terrific head of state. I can't really say I feel the same about the heirs and successors.

I'm old, with old world views on a lot of things, but I'll be gone relatively soon. It is the next generations who will make the change. The polling shows that the youngsters are less in favour of a monarchy. If a change is made, I suspect the driver will not be our grandchildren, but their children.

Although I favour monarchy, I'm not fanatical about it. Were there to be a referendum tomorrow, I wouldn't vote. The old should not tie the hands of the young.
You actually said you'd never heard of her "until she got in tow with the idiot." :confused:

Are you a little slow tonight? When she got in tow with the idiot was when I heard of her. Harry is a s thick as mince, so much so he couldn't even do the 'History of art' type of degree.

As I said, dig back on here, you will find that I thought she could be a breath of fresh air, and by doing her bit, modernise the monarchy. Then it all went very sour.

Anyway, as I said, an irrelevance.
Are you a little slow tonight? When she got in tow with the idiot was when I heard of her. Harry is a s thick as mince, so much so he couldn't even do the 'History of art' type of degree.

As I said, dig back on here, you will find that I thought she could be a breath of fresh air, and by doing her bit, modernise the monarchy. Then it all went very sour.

Anyway, as I said, an irrelevance.
An "irrelevance" that you're still engaging with and arguing about?
We see a heavily curated pile of shite from a family load of manipulative parasites
If you say so. You seem to know considerably more about the POW's marriage than I do, but really the state of their marriage is of little concern to me.

Edited to add:

If you had told me as a boy that three of the Queen's children would divorce, I don't think I would have believed you.
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If the republican element of the country can gain the momentum for a referendum to be held, and win it, then we will be a republic.
Bloody liberals. I prefer a more historic approach. If it was good enough for Charles I... 🤷‍♀️

(Forgetting sbout Charles II etc for the moment... :()
That’s making a fuss and airing your family baggage in public*

*the baggage that is your uncle being a corrupt pedo isn’t aired just a couple of brothers wives fighting cos that’s the important bit

Andrew is quite unbelievable, he really is. He seems to think he has a way back into public life, which is as deluded as it is absurd.
Sky news naming them now.

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They just need to get on twitter and start calling people paedophiles....oh, hang on...maybe they can't do that?
Andrew is quite unbelievable, he really is. He seems to think he has a way back into public life, which is as deluded as it is absurd.
Woman who marries into the Royal Family and subsequently denounces perfectly credible- and backed up by her Royal Family member husband- allegations of bullying, mistreatment and bigoted behavour towards her at the hand of some members of the Royal Family and its machinery = a nobody 'gold digger' with no moral values who will leave her husband the moment his bank account balance runs low.

Meanwhile, disgusting piece of shit, compulsive liar, adulterer, and peadophile abuser of trafficked minors Royal Family member, who has brought the Royal Family into far more serious disrepute than anything Meghan or Harry have ever said = "quite unbelievable".

Seriously Sas, have a fucking word with yourself already.
As I said, dig back on here, you will find that I thought she could be a breath of fresh air, and by doing her bit, modernise the monarchy. Then it all went very sour.
What might a non-sour modernisation of the monarchy have looked like, in your eyes?
What might a non-sour modernisation of the monarchy have looked like, in your eyes?
Presumably senior members of the Royal Family being reprimanded for sleeping with trafficked underage escorts. Back in the day, such acts would have gone completely unacknowledged by Buckingham Palace, never mind reprimanded in any way. But look at poor Andrew now. He’s had a few privileges removed and excluded from sitting at the top table at some official events. If that doesn’t show how ethical and modern the British monarchy has become, I don’t know what would.
that's certainly easier than deciding whether you're on team william or team harry

team fuck the lot of them

Of course. I’m in neither. But parasitic privileged twats any of them might be, every decent person should be able to at least call out unacceptable treatment of any individual even if they don’t like them at all in general. Never mind the rank hypocrisy about how a certain member of that family is judged by much of the mainstream media and celebrity commentators compared with other royals whose behaviour is at least as questionable.

We’ve even descended to the level of a woman being accused by supposedly professional press organisations of eating planet-destroying plants (avocados), with those very same newspapers having previously published an image of the other princess eating same produce and being commented as a wise move. Or the ever evil Meghan being photographed entering a gala event with her hands covering her pregnancy bump and it being actually described as a vain, possibly worrisome psychological trait. And again, the same newspaper having previously published an almost identical pic of saintly Kate doing the same and being lauded as the sign of a caring mother-to-be. And that shit doesn’t even get pulled up by the supposedly fair Press Complaints Commission.

Anyone is free to dislike Harry and Meghan as much as they like, but only a complete cunt could fail to see fault with how she’s been treated by much of the media. Or by being demonised by the Morgans and Clarksons of this world and dozens of other regular columnists in the four best selling papers for basically having revealed something that makes the Royal Family look flawed.
For clarity, I favour monarch over president, it is what I've known all my life. The late Queen was a terrific head of state. I can't really say I feel the same about the heirs and successors.

I'm old, with old world views on a lot of things
, but I'll be gone relatively soon. It is the next generations who will make the change. The polling shows that the youngsters are less in favour of a monarchy. If a change is made, I suspect the driver will not be our grandchildren, but their children.

Although I favour monarchy, I'm not fanatical about it. Were there to be a referendum tomorrow, I wouldn't vote. The old should not tie the hands of the young.
Age and "old world views" has bugger all to do with it. I remember talking to family members born in the 1920s who openly thought the idea of monarchy was an abomination. It all depends on how cap-doffing, forelock-tugging and servile you want to be.
For clarity, I favour monarch over president, it is what I've known all my life. The late Queen was a terrific head of state. I can't really say I feel the same about the heirs and successors.

I'm old, with old world views on a lot of things, but I'll be gone relatively soon. It is the next generations who will make the change. The polling shows that the youngsters are less in favour of a monarchy. If a change is made, I suspect the driver will not be our grandchildren, but their children.

Although I favour monarchy, I'm not fanatical about it. Were there to be a referendum tomorrow, I wouldn't vote. The old should not tie the hands of the young.
"The late Queen was a terrific head of state." Not when it came to "loyalists" burning Catholics out of their homes in Belfast. She said nothing about that.
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