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King Charles III's time is up

Do we know how much all the "traditional" bollocks of the Lizard's Speech costs the public purse? That's not the cost of keeping the people involved running throughout the year; just the pomp and circumstance of the day itself. I can't find anything from a quick search.
It is going to be particularly weird one considering it sounds like its going to be full of stuff he has said he is specifically opposed to previously.

We have a Ukrainian community cafe here. They host events to help families who have come here fleeing the war meet other local people, they do fundraisers for refugee support, it's all volunteer-run, they have good links with the local Hong Kong refugee group, it's just wonderful heartwarming stuff all round.

The landlord of the building they use, the crown estate, is now kicking them out. They have no plans to use the building for anything else, they just want it stood empty. All pleas and appeals have fallen on deaf ears.

The person who makes these decisions, nominally on behalf of the public, probably sleeps like a fucking baby at night as well.
Do we know how much all the "traditional" bollocks of the Lizard's Speech costs the public purse? That's not the cost of keeping the people involved running throughout the year; just the pomp and circumstance of the day itself. I can't find anything from a quick search.

It's close to a quarter of a million. Pretty sure this was the figure I heard on radio 4 yesterday. Can't find an official source though.
It's close to a quarter of a million. Pretty sure this was the figure I heard on radio 4 yesterday. Can't find an official source though.
That's not as much as I expected, although still a colossal waste of money. Either the funeral or the coronation, or both, were quoted as being about £10m.
That's not as much as I expected, although still a colossal waste of money. Either the funeral or the coronation, or both, were quoted as being about £10m.

A presidential inauguration is like $100 million so it’s practically pocket change.

Still a massive waste though
It was Margaret who had Rose as a second name. There was an old unfunny joke: Margaret Rose sat on a pin. Margaret Rose.
(Just found out that the registration of her birth was delayed by several days to avoid her being numbered thirteen in the Glamis parish register. WTF.)
Always remember it being said that Chuckie's initials also stand for the Child Poverty Action Group which is also not very funny given the obscene wealth he has.
Would be funny if he'd left out the bits he didn't agree with. :)
Start reading out the nonsense then act affronted, reach for and knock over a pen, get annoyed then start crossing bits out

Seems it already happened lol. "This Bill will support the future licensing of new oil and gas fields" despite them being basically useless for all the last ones that have been done for years. Read somewhere they produced something like 9 days of gas for some ridiculously large number considering.
I very much imagine that it was Charles who enquired about the baby's skin colour.

I imagine it so forcefully, it is as if I had read a long twitter thread about the subject from a journalist based outside the UK.
nor was it William.

Is there some thing where if you watch a video until a third of the way through, it registers as a 'viewing' or whatever the benchmark is? Because it is almost exactly at a third of the way through his show that he says the names he doesn't believe at all.
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