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Just Stop Oil

It’s not great publicity, though. Comes over as a pointless childish tantrum.

If they’d thrown some Campbell’s soup over that Warhol painting at least there’d be some situationist value to it.


why soup?
why tomato soup?
why the sunflowers?
If my blood looked like tomato soup, I'd be calling 111 because clearly something would be badly wrong.

Stupid and pointless action. I doubt anyone who cares about paintings is unaware of the climate issue. The oil companies certainly aren't gonna give a shit about it. They're not exactly making it the government's problem either.

What are these idiots going to do next, kick over sandcastles and trample over picnics because climate change is more important than either of those things? Pathetic way of seeking attention all round.
If my blood looked like tomato soup, I'd be calling 111 because clearly something would be badly wrong.

Stupid and pointless action. I doubt anyone who cares about paintings is unaware of the climate issue. The oil companies certainly aren't gonna give a shit about it. They're not exactly making it the government's problem either.

What are these idiots going to do next, kick over sandcastles and trample over picnics because climate change is more important than either of those things? Pathetic way of seeking attention all round.
These actions get them in the news, which is the reason for them I guess. The soup can be squeegeed off the glass that fronts the painting, so no actual damage done. pretty effective IMO
These actions get them in the news, which is the reason for them I guess. The soup can be squeegeed off the glass that fronts the painting, so no actual damage done. pretty effective IMO

That hangs on the premise of all publicity being good publicity. That's a fallacy beloved of shit marketeers.

OK, so they get in the news. What then transpires from this brief period of attention? Because I doubt that fossil fuel companies are going to change their behaviour at all because of this. Why would they? It has literally nothing to do with them. Maybe these activists can get the government to do something if they keep doing things like this, but I'm pretty damn certain that any response would simply amount to more legislation against this kind of action. Is that the goal? Not seeing the point myself. If anything happens, then it will most likely involve increased security costs for galleries. OK, so that's more people and resources being directed somewhere they previously weren't, producing more carbon emissions along the way. Own goal much?

It seems like the activists didn't think much of this action beyond "get some attention". As if there's isn't already a constant drumbeat of articles and opinion pieces on the subject already. Hell, there's even an entire TV channel dedicated to the subject. Who could possibly be unaware at this point?
tomato soup cos it's like blood or something? dunno. i'm still in favor anyway.

But it’s not a game of Would You Rather…

…live in a world without art, or a world where we were no longer reliant on carbon based fuels.

Why can’t we have both?

I doubt the world would be a lesser place if Van Gogh had never existed, but he has enriched my life for sure, and I’m not the only person who can say this.

If we ever get to a place where oil is anachronistic, I still want art to be in that world.

Throwing food at art doesn’t strike me as useful.

Like that stupid protest a few weeks ago when a few vegans poured out pints and pints of posh milk all over Harrods Food Hall floor.

Direct action is a powerful tool and weapon when used well. When it’s applied like this it arguably devalues direct action as a whole.
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These actions get them in the news, which is the reason for them I guess. The soup can be squeegeed off the glass that fronts the painting, so no actual damage done. pretty effective IMO

Not sure though.
This thread is about the very issues they wanted to highlight and yet we’re now chatting about tomato soup and art, not oil.

I reckon the news and any other discussion anywhere else will also be about soup and art, not oil
These actions get them in the news, which is the reason for them I guess. The soup can be squeegeed off the glass that fronts the painting, so no actual damage done. pretty effective IMO

Effective, yeah. But in the same way that Piers Morgan is effective.
The corporate press are more bothered by this than the planet being destroyed, of course they are. They know which side their bread's buttered.
I don't get why ordinary people are bothered by it. The painting's not even damaged. Maybe it's not the way I'd go about it but what am I currently doing?
Part of their latest press release quotes the two young people involved.

Phoebe Plummer, 21, from London said:

“Is art worth more than life? More than food? More than justice?

“The cost of living crisis is driven by fossil fuels—everyday life has become unaffordable for millions of cold hungry families—they can’t even afford to heat a tin of soup. Meanwhile, crops are failing and people are dying in supercharged monsoons, massive wildfires and endless droughts caused by climate breakdown. We can’t afford new oil and gas, it’s going to take everything. We will look back and mourn all we have lost
unless we act immediately.”

Anna Holland, 20, from Newcastle said:

“UK families will be forced to choose between heating or eating this winter, as fossil fuel companies reap record profits. But the cost of oil and gas isn’t limited to our bills. Somalia is now facing an apocalyptic famine, caused by drought and fuelled by the climate crisis. Millions are being forced to move and tens of thousands face starvation. This is the future we choose for ourselves if we push for new oil and gas.”

The actions this month are timed to coincide with the planned launch of a new round of oil and gas licensing in which over 100 new licences for oil and gas projects are likely to be awarded and an energy price hike on October 1st, which means almost 8 million households are expected to fall into fuel poverty by April 1st 2023.

Just Stop Oil supporters throw soup over Van Gogh’s Sunflowers to demand no new oil and gas. – Just Stop Oil
My kid told me off for joking about how we'll all be eating irradiated rats for dinner in a decade the other day

Remind him that a significant percentage of U.K. food being sold today is already irradiated - incl fish, chicken, fruit and veg.

Last time I saw a figure it was a little under 30% but that may have been a global estimate. It is much higher in some product types eg packet/pre-cooked rice, where it must be closer to 100%
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why soup?
why tomato soup?
why the sunflowers?
If my blood looked like tomato soup, I'd be calling 111 because clearly something would be badly wrong.

Stupid and pointless action. I doubt anyone who cares about paintings is unaware of the climate issue. The oil companies certainly aren't gonna give a shit about it. They're not exactly making it the government's problem either.

What are these idiots going to do next, kick over sandcastles and trample over picnics because climate change is more important than either of those things? Pathetic way of seeking attention all round.
What do you realistically suggest instead?

I can feel the sense of anger and frustration that these people have. We're literally looking at the deaths of millions, if not billions of people, total destruction of entire ecosystems, the collapse of civilisations, all for the profit of a few oil company execs, and it feels like no one gives a fuck.

No one else is doing shit, so I've got no right to criticise their actions, unless I'm stepping up and doing something better - which I'm not.
Just wondered if they even checked that the glue they used had no petroleum based chemicals or petrochemical derivatives.
They're clearly absolute hypocrites then. I bet they got to the gallery via a train using diesel, or their bike tyres had petrochemical by-products in them.

We're stuck in a world where everything has got a cost to the environment for the benefits of profit. It doesn't mean you can't strive for better.
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