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Just Stop Oil

I'd say that both can be useful, but if I had to pick one definition, then I'd go with option c, social relationship. If you want to pull out some stats about how many truck drivers own their own trucks and go for an argument about means of production and petit-bourgeois artisans or something, then you can do that, but I still dunno if it'd be a very good use of a bank holiday afternoon. But wages are a pretty weak argument, unless you do the same thing with tube drivers?
I've never read any theories on class so you'll have to forgive me but are you saying that if Julie, works on the tills at Tesco, became best friends with Jane, barrister then Julie would leave her working class status behind?
I've never read any theories on class so you'll have to forgive me but are you saying that if Julie, works on the tills at Tesco, became best friends with Jane, barrister then Julie would leave her working class status behind?
Not quite, I'm saying that working on the tills at Tesco is a social relationship.
Seeing a lot of push back about them being funded by big oil.

I still root for the buggers on the sharp end though, what’s not funded by big oil?
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These people must be paid stooges for oil companies. There is no other explanation for these fucking absurd 'actions'. If their whole point is that oil is everywhere, then it shouldn't be hard to pick a legitimate fucking target should it? Pretty much anything really. Anything except the cultural heritage of the civilisation they claim to be trying to protect. Twats.

Yep. Apparently though, this makes you a middle aged bore who just hates the kids man.
They seem to have put the wind-up the denizens of a certain US-based travel board well enough - Tins of Tomato Soup = NO AMERICAN IS SAFE IN LONDON :eek:

Do you really feel safe in museums and other public institutions
London? If metal soup cans make it in, anything can.

Apart those who commented on their demonstration of an extreme lack of taste by using Heinz Soup, instead of the much more artistically appropriate Campbells product. There is hope! :D
So if you work with working class people you're working class, is that what you mean?
Not exactly, apart from anything else that'd be a bit circular, it's closer to "if you work for a living you're working class". When I say "social relationship" in the context of arguments about class, perhaps "power relationship" would be a clearer term - if you spend most of your working day taking orders from other people you're working class, if you spend most of your working day giving orders to other people you're a boss, kind of thing.
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Not exactly, apart from anything else that'd be a bit circular, it's closer to "if you work for a living you're working class". When I say "social relationship" in the context of arguments about class, perhaps "power relationship" would be a clearer term - if you spend most of your working day taking orders from other people you're working class, if you spend most of your working day giving orders to other people you're a boss, kind of thing.
Interesting. Power makes more sense to me. I will come back on the rest when it has percolated through.
Anyway, on the action itself, I'm pretty firmly on the fence. I can't really claim to be particularly upset by some soup getting on some glass, but at the same time it would be nice if they did something a bit more materially disruptive to actual fossil fuel infrastructure? The conspiracy theories are obviously stupid though.
This seems a bit more like the kind of thing everyone can get behind, got a lot less publicity though:
Not exactly, apart from anything else that'd be a bit circular, it's closer to "if you work for a living you're working class". When I say "social relationship" in the context of arguments about class, perhaps "power relationship" would be a clearer term - if you spend most of your working day taking orders from other people you're working class, if you spend most of your working day giving orders to other people you're a boss, kind of thing.

I'm much less sure about that second definition without a load more nuance/context; where I work that 'giving orders' could include senior nurses and all sorts of other HCPs for example.
Anyway, on the action itself, I'm pretty firmly on the fence. I can't really claim to be particularly upset by some soup getting on some glass, but at the same time it would be nice if they did something a bit more materially disruptive to actual fossil fuel infrastructure? The conspiracy theories are obviously stupid though.
This seems a bit more like the kind of thing everyone can get behind, got a lot less publicity though:

I can’t agree that action is useful. As I said, because their only demand is for the government to stop issuing new fossil fuel consents, they ought to target the government or the North Sea Transition Authority which are solely responsibly for that.

A fossil fuel services company isn’t going to stop servicing fossil fuel production due to some protesters, they’d have to basically liquidate themselves and go home. And anyone who thinks that abandoning investment in fossil fuel infrastructure and services will lead to a cleaner and quicker wind-down of fossil fuel use is just ignorant - it will lead to greater inefficiency and increased risks of disasters such as oil leaks.
I'm much less sure about that second definition without a load more nuance/context; where I work that 'giving orders' could include senior nurses and all sorts of other HCPs for example.
Fair point, but I was trying to give a short one-sentence definition of what class as a social relationship means and not spend all day writing a more accurate post that would be unreadably long. Can you come up with an equally concise but more accurate way of putting it? (That's not a dig or a snarky rhetorical question, I think clear and simple introductions to these kinds of concepts are a good thing and I'd like to see more of them, if you can think of a better one I may well nick it and use it in future.)
I can’t agree that action is useful. As I said, because their only demand is for the government to stop issuing new fossil fuel consents, they ought to target the government or the North Sea Transition Authority which are solely responsibly for that.

A fossil fuel services company isn’t going to stop servicing fossil fuel production due to some protesters, they’d have to basically liquidate themselves and go home. And anyone who thinks that abandoning investment in fossil fuel infrastructure and services will lead to a cleaner and quicker wind-down of fossil fuel use is just ignorant - it will lead to greater inefficiency and increased risks of disasters such as oil leaks.
Well, while I posted it on this thread it's not actually a JSO action, so the "one demand" point is less relevant here. Arguably that's on me for posting it on this thread when it's not a JSO action, but when we have existing XR and JSO threads, setting up a third thread for "actions against fossil fuel infrastructure taken by anonymous activists not affiliated with any named group" would seem a bit redundant.
And yeah, getting them to liquidate themselves and go home is sort of the point, I don't think there's a way to ending fossil fuel use that fossil fuel services companies are going to be happy with. But OK, I'm happy to rephrase my point above as "the kind of thing everyone can get behind, provided they see fossil fuel extraction companies as legitimate targets and not vital partners in the fight against climate change."
Fair point, but I was trying to give a short one-sentence definition of what class as a social relationship means and not spend all day writing a more accurate post that would be unreadably long. Can you come up with an equally concise but more accurate way of putting it? (That's not a dig or a snarky rhetorical question, I think clear and simple introductions to these kinds of concepts are a good thing and I'd like to see more of them, if you can think of a better one I may well nick it and use it in future.)

Well, while I posted it on this thread it's not actually a JSO action, so the "one demand" point is less relevant here. Arguably that's on me for posting it on this thread when it's not a JSO action, but when we have existing XR and JSO threads, setting up a third thread for "actions against fossil fuel infrastructure taken by anonymous activists not affiliated with any named group" would seem a bit redundant.
And yeah, getting them to liquidate themselves and go home is sort of the point, I don't think there's a way to ending fossil fuel use that fossil fuel services companies are going to be happy with. But OK, I'm happy to rephrase my point above as "the kind of thing everyone can get behind, provided they see fossil fuel extraction companies as legitimate targets and not vital partners in the fight against climate change."

No, it's not what they should be doing and it's shit politics. If you want the last of our fossil fuels to come from ailing infrastructure in developing countries with massive environmental costs associated with frequent oil spills, dumping, methane burning and other negative externalities maybe. But I think most people would support it being done in a clean and efficient manner as possible.

Targeting random fossil fuel infrastructure at this point in time when a moment's thought will identify better targets is just a wankers game tbh.
No, it's not what they should be doing and it's shit politics. If you want the last of our fossil fuels to come from ailing infrastructure in developing countries with massive environmental costs associated with frequent oil spills, dumping, methane burning and other negative externalities maybe. But I think most people would support it being done in a clean and efficient manner as possible.

Targeting random fossil fuel infrastructure at this point in time when a moment's thought will identify better targets is just a wankers game tbh.
Go on then, what targets do you have in mind? Hopefully not Sunflowers, that's already been done.
Go on then, what targets do you have in mind? Hopefully not Sunflowers, that's already been done.

I already said upthread.

Looking forward to Animal Rebellion's new protest going around snatching BLT sandwiches out of the hands of street sleepers.
Anyway, on the action itself, I'm pretty firmly on the fence. I can't really claim to be particularly upset by some soup getting on some glass, but at the same time it would be nice if they did something a bit more materially disruptive to actual fossil fuel infrastructure? The conspiracy theories are obviously stupid though.
This seems a bit more like the kind of thing everyone can get behind, got a lot less publicity though:

They do

I'm much less sure about that second definition without a load more nuance/context; where I work that 'giving orders' could include senior nurses and all sorts of other HCPs for example.
Perhaps 'is your role giving orders, eg captain mainwaring, taking and giving orders, eg Sgt Wilson, or taking orders eg private pike'
JSO are funded by big oil?
Just Stop Oil are funded by the Climate Emergency Fund, which was founded by Aileen Getty, who comes from an oil money family. Which could mean that there are some individual people who are born into rich and powerful families who feel bad about it and give (some of) their money away to good causes, or it could mean that anyone who uses any tactics that I don't personally approve of is actually a false flag stooge of capital and the state. Feel free to apply Occam's Razor here. I'm also not convinced that Marx being funded by Big Cotton tells you much about the content of Marxism, really.
Just Stop Oil are funded by the Climate Emergency Fund, which was founded by Aileen Getty, who comes from an oil money family. Which could mean that there are some individual people who are born into rich and powerful families who feel bad about it and give (some of) their money away to good causes, or it could mean that anyone who uses any tactics that I don't personally approve of is actually a false flag stooge of capital and the state. Feel free to apply Occam's Razor here. I'm also not convinced that Marx being funded by Big Cotton tells you much about the content of Marxism, really.

This is too many layers of thinking for me.
I'm going to blame George Soros.
Maybe Bill Gates is in on it too... :hmm:
Just Stop Oil are funded by the Climate Emergency Fund, which was founded by Aileen Getty, who comes from an oil money family. Which could mean that there are some individual people who are born into rich and powerful families who feel bad about it and give (some of) their money away to good causes, or it could mean that anyone who uses any tactics that I don't personally approve of is actually a false flag stooge of capital and the state. Feel free to apply Occam's Razor here. I'm also not convinced that Marx being funded by Big Cotton tells you much about the content of Marxism, really.


Some of the breathless replies tweeting about imply the Getty lady/Shell personally fracks yer Nan rather than being a rather messed up but well off philanthropist
Just Stop Oil are funded by the Climate Emergency Fund, which was founded by Aileen Getty, who comes from an oil money family. Which could mean that there are some individual people who are born into rich and powerful families who feel bad about it and give (some of) their money away to good causes, or it could mean that anyone who uses any tactics that I don't personally approve of is actually a false flag stooge of capital and the state. Feel free to apply Occam's Razor here. I'm also not convinced that Marx being funded by Big Cotton tells you much about the content of Marxism, really.

I'm sure there's no nuance between those two extremes and the Tories taking money from Russian oligarchs or Shell funding the Science Museum or whatever is also totally fine.

Of course Occam's Razor says the protestors are egotistical idiots, but let's not criticise them directly right?

Some of the breathless replies tweeting about imply the Getty lady/Shell personally fracks yer Nan rather than being a rather messed up but well off philanthropist
Yeah, I really shouldn't be surprised by this point, but it is always disappointing to see how quickly people jump to "these people did something I personally disagree with therefore they must be working for the enemy" rather than "these people did something I disagree with, perhaps some of their perspectives on how to achieve our shared goals are different to mine."
I'm sure there's no nuance between those two extremes and the Tories taking money from Russian oligarchs or Shell funding the Science Museum or whatever is also totally fine.

Of course Occam's Razor says the protestors are egotistical idiots, but let's not criticise them directly right?
I wonder if there's any difference between Shell as an institution and an individual who happened to be born into a wealthy family with oil money?

I'm happy for people to criticise them, I would just prefer it if people could keep the criticisms to vaguely sensible ones. Do you think that the protesters are egotistical idiots who are knowingly or unknowingly working in the interests of the oil industry, according to the instructions of Aileen Getty? Or do we actually agree that that particular line of criticism is asinine, and you're just trying to invent a disagreement where there isn't one because you got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?
Yeah, I really shouldn't be surprised by this point, but it is always disappointing to see how quickly people jump to "these people did something I personally disagree with therefore they must be working for the enemy" rather than "these people did something I disagree with, perhaps some of their perspectives on how to achieve our shared goals are different to mine."

I wonder if there's any difference between Shell as an institution and an individual who happened to be born into a wealthy family with oil money?

I'm happy for people to criticise them, I would just prefer it if people could keep the criticisms to vaguely sensible ones. Do you think that the protesters are egotistical idiots who are knowingly or unknowingly working in the interests of the oil industry, according to the instructions of Aileen Getty? Or do we actually agree that that particular line of criticism is asinine, and you're just trying to invent a disagreement where there isn't one because you got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?

I haven't criticised JSO for taking money from Aileen Getty, I was just surprised at your implication that individual philanthropic funding of a protest movement wouldn't come with any strings, implied or otherwise, related to the nature of the resultant protests, and that the protesters are either entirely free agents or false flag provocateurs with no nuance in between.

I think my criticisms have been entirely sensible, as I've only criticised their tactics and demands. Sure, this has led me to question their personal motivations, but that doesn't seem unreasonable given what they're doing.
I've noticed from irl and elsewhere on the internet the way people have reacted to it seems to have a lot to do with what filter bubble they're in. For example all my leftie tiktok obsessive mates are sure it's fake but aren't talking about it unless someone else brings it up. Whereas my mates who were vocal remain voters and have Twitter are being very vocally critical of it.

I am also incredibly frustrated with the whole "I disagree so it's a conspiracy" theme because not only is it conspiraloony but it also fundamentally misunderstands conspiracy theories, what the aims of sabotage is in radical movements and how to counteract it
For example all my leftie tiktok obsessive mates are sure it's fake but aren't talking about it unless someone else brings it up.

What?! People think the chucking soup was fake? Like fake what? A hologram, fake soup, people in the pay of others, wtf?
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