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Just Stop Oil

But it's not reasonable or true though, is it, because you're overlaying your assumptions about what "fighting for the climate" means onto their personal actions. Buying a pair of trousers and some trainers isn't "overconsumption," it's you judging their brand choices, as though the guy on that cricket field has ever actually demanded that people only wear hair shirts.

(And don't think I didn't notice you assiduously ignoring my prior post in an effort to gloss over the criticism and continue presenting yourself as somehow being Unambiguously Correct, rather than another old moaner wielding a rotten bon mot).
But it's not reasonable or true though, is it, because you're overlaying your assumptions about what "fighting for the climate" means onto their personal actions.
He seems like a hypocrite to me and open to judgement. He's quite happy to stop a cricket match cause he thinks somethings wrong and they're doing damage yet he does the same himself.

Personal actions?

Seems a bit preachy and do as say not as i do, to me. they stop cars/ traffic, climb on fucking tube trains as people try to go to work. I don't need to assume what there personal actions mean, it's clear to see. They can wear and use imported plastic shit, drive fucking vans, consume away but anyone that does will be targeted for affect.
He seems like a hypocrite to me and open to judgement. He's quite happy to stop a cricket match cause he thinks somethings wrong and they're doing damage yet he does the same himself.

Personal actions?

Seems a bit preachy and do as say not as i do, to me. they stop cars/ traffic, climb on fucking tube trains as people try to go to work. I don't need to assume what there personal actions mean, it's clear to see. They can wear and use imported plastic shit, drive fucking vans, consume away but anyone that does will be targeted for affect.
Nah, you just want to feel better about your choices and don't want to be made to feel uncomfortable so attack is your defence and they are an easy target
Lazy and tedious
Not sure that's the incredible pwn you seem to think it is, tbh. Also why are you insulting people like a 1920s swindler? Frankly, sir, this dyspeptic attitude makes you sound quite the buffoon.

I'm not sure you have to be WG Grace to know what a cricket pitch is, but there ya go :D

Anyway, it was an amusing little interlude to an otherwise pretty boring day of cricket.
He's quite happy to stop a cricket match cause he thinks somethings wrong and they're doing damage yet he does the same himself.
But he's not stopping them because he thinks they are doing something more or less wrong. And quite clearly he's not decrying them for wearing cricketing clothes. That's just a deliberate misreading of the situation on your part to justify a silly bit of sneering.

I don't need to assume what there personal actions mean, it's clear to see. They can wear and use imported plastic shit, drive fucking vans, consume away but anyone that does will be targeted for affect.
Again though, they're not targeting people to shame them for using public transport, or for playing snooker, are they. In fact their aim is to pressure the government's use and promotion of oil through spectacular acts of disruption. So where's the hypocrisy you keep talking about? Are they setting up a rig in the North Sea?

I was ‘inconvenienced’ by them last week. It’s a good reason to turn up to work late but in the event the bus I was on was able to circumvent them when oncoming traffic was stopped by traffic lights.
View attachment 381060

I was ‘inconvenienced’ by them last week. It’s a good reason to turn up to work late but in the event the bus I was on was able to circumvent them when oncoming traffic was stopped by traffic lights.
Surely you missed a vital cancer appointment whilst a fleet of ambulances behind you performed CPR on their dying patients? Plus, little Johnny was late for school.
Cheap clothing is more likely to be imported from sweatshops than some of the more expensive ‘designer’ clobber. And you can get decent trainers made in the UK.
Stupid point is stupid point
He seems like a hypocrite to me and open to judgement. He's quite happy to stop a cricket match cause he thinks somethings wrong and they're doing damage yet he does the same himself.

Personal actions?

Seems a bit preachy and do as say not as i do, to me. they stop cars/ traffic, climb on fucking tube trains as people try to go to work. I don't need to assume what there personal actions mean, it's clear to see. They can wear and use imported plastic shit, drive fucking vans, consume away but anyone that does will be targeted for affect.
Are all of your clothes ethically and sustainably sourced then?
Matt Bors did another version of that famous "Mr Gotcha." Quite pertinent. (Text version spoilered below.)


Comic with 4 frames, signed "BORS":

Frame 1: Person in long-sleeved purple T-shirt holding a bottle shouts through a loud-speaker: "WE NEED A GREEN NEW DEAL NOW!" Behind are a group of other protestors, including a person with blue hair holding a sign that says "CLIMATE JUSTICE".

Frame 2: Someone in an orange T-shirt appears, looking smug, and says "SAVING THE EARTH... ...WHILE DRINKING BOTTLED WATER, EH? GOTCHA!"

Frame 3: Someone stands in front of a factory with smoke rising from chimneys. The sky is grey and there's a broken car on the left in the background. The person has dark skin and short dreadlocks, they wear what looks like a bullet holder and they have a plaster and a bandage on one arm. With their hand under their chin they say "MAN, WE SHOULD STOP PUMPING CARBON INTO THE ATMOSPHERE!" The orange T-shirt guy is there again, saying "YET YOU EXHALE CARBON, THE GAS OF HYPOCRITES." Underneath, to the right, green liquid spews from a pipe.

Frame 4: A thin person (from the original 2016 cartoon?) in a ragged beige hoody carries on their back an open bag of tools and miscellania. One of their arms is a prosthetic and looks mechanical or robotic. They wear a black eye patch and their other eye is small. Their face is gaunt. The sun is small and low in the sky, which is an orangey-brown, the ground is grey and there is some scattered litter and debris. The gaunt person says "WE SHOULD REESTABLISH SOCIETY SOMEWHAT." Orange T-shirt guy is on the right again, his upper body visible from a well that he is in. Green liquid or slime oozes down from the rim. He only has a few tufts of hair left and lumps on his head and neck; his T-shirt is ragged. His forefingers point at the gaunt person, arms bent at the elbows in a "gotcha" position. He says "YET YOU SCAVENGE THE REMAINS OF SOCIETY. PUZZLING! I AM VERY INTELLIGENT."
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Are all of your clothes ethically and sustainably sourced then?
Off course not but i'm not out attaching myself to things and protesting about the climate. I do though try and keep my consumption to a minimum where possible and source as much as i can in food/ necessities from the uk and local producers etc. I'm all for protest and raising awareness but also aware of what i deem a little bit hypocritical which can weaken your argument/ contradict for the cause.
Cheap clothing is more likely to be imported from sweatshops than some of the more expensive ‘designer’ clobber. And you can get decent trainers made in the UK.
Stupid point is stupid point
But those brands aren't. And yes it's all stupid. If you think Nike aren't produced in sweat shops you're wrong.
Lol... bit of a fail here. Literally being carried off the field by the keeper before the dickhead could make it on the pitch

Well at least they can’t be accused of targeting the working class this time!

I see the protestor on the pitch is the son of some hedgefund billionaire, to the delight of the right-wing media et al...
Ah the old "if you're rich you're a dilettante who doesn't understand The Real World, if you're not you're just jealous" line. Which in this case doesn't even apply of course, as JSO aren't pushing the environment as a class demand (more's the pity) and never pretended that they don't recruit poshos.
This is an outrage, as the son of a billionaire he should instead be on a homemade submarine exploring the wreck of a century old ship
in keeping with the beatles' prediction that 'our friends are all aboard' and 'many more of them live next door'. not to mention the admonition in 'piggies' that 'what they need's a damn' good whacking'
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