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Just Stop Oil

Ah but it's all about why, you see. Taking direct action because you're personally annoyed or inconvenienced is fine, taking direct action for a broader cause that might be considered political is not. Possibly JSO's next defence could be that they weren't being political in blocking the high street, they just had a personal feud with the guy at the front of the traffic jam.
So it seems JSO has just gone full-on People’s Front of Judea, and issued demands, complete with threats of disruption tomorrow for not compliance, to those well-known climate denying, environment hating rich right wing arseholes that LGBTQ activist organisations are.

However valid points JSO might have about questionable sponsorship of Pride, there is a right and a wrong way to go about campaigning and raising awareness, pretty much depending on who is being targeted, and how. And in this particular instance JSO are coming across as complete cunts to me, frankly. Not to mention naive and stupid. Blackmailing and threatening to disrupt Pride? What the actual fuck?
So it seems JSO has just gone full-on People’s Front of Judea, and issued demands, complete with threats of disruption tomorrow for not compliance, to those well-known climate denying, environment hating rich right wing arseholes that LGBTQ activist organisations are.

However valid points JSO might have about questionable sponsorship of Pride, there is a right and a wrong way to go about campaigning and raising awareness, pretty much depending on who is being targeted, and how. And in this particular instance JSO are coming across as complete cunts to me, frankly. Not to mention naive and stupid. Blackmailing and threatening to disrupt Pride? What the actual fuck?
Orange powder & glitter - what’s not to like? Not sure how they can disrupt a parade with orange powder - this stinks more of a JSO smear tbh.
According to the news articles this was posted on their official Twitter account.
Fair enough. Orange powder & glitter for the win! :cool:
Cant see why the LGBTQI+ Pride parade would have any issues with orange powder being thrown on their parade? Not a bunch of stuck up posh boy cricketers.
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Fair enough. Orange powder & glitter ftfw then 😎
Unfortunately there is no intention in JSO’s part of a joyful fusion of orange and glitter celebration. Quite the contrary, in fact. They are threatening to sabotage the march by methods unknown. They are blackmailing Pride and making demands for them to ‘clarify’ where their funding comes from (nice smearing insinuation there). And they are further blackmailing them into releasing a statement lending support to JSO’s calls for no new oil or gas licences by tomorrow. Or else.

As a follow-up for you to take to the Board of Directors, these are Just Stop Oil's demands of Pride:

"1. Clarity on where Pride sources its money from, what floats are included and what ethical considerations are taken when deciding who to accept money from.

"2. Pride makes a statement to demand an end to new oil and gas.

"3. Pride to set up a public meeting for its volunteers about joining in civil resistance against new oil and gas, and why the climate crisis is the biggest threat to LGBT+ rights, due to social collapse.

"We will wait 24 hours, as of 4pm today (June 28), for Pride to respond to our demands and the actions Pride will take.

"Beyond this time or not meeting these demands will mean we may or may not take action at this weekend's events. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Many thanks."

Has the leadership of JSO lost their fucking minds? Or was their Twitter account hacked? Because it’s one of the two.
Political queers have been protesting and having a go at the corporatisation of Pride for years, tbh it says more about the media that they think complaints about its sponsorship deals are somehow novel.

Sure the corporatisation of Pride and other events stinks. But it's fucking arrogant to tell Pride what the biggest threat to LGBT rights is. Threatening them that they have to start climate activism or else?

Society will collapse if we don't all get on board with JSO? Wow.
This, I understand, is coming from LGBT members of Just Stop Oil who are totally within their rights to object to Pride's sponsors - and given gay people have been protesting against the corporatising of pride events for decades now it's really quite traditional.
I don’t have any problem with raising objections or questioning problematic sponsorships.

But all of that can be done without issuing ultimatums and making threats of disruption if not all demands are immediately met. If the target in question had been the lines of Shell I couldn’t have given any less of a fuck. Attempting to disrupt a massively symbolic and historically relevant gay rights march is well OTT, undeserving and will likely prove a massive own goal with many of the very people who are in their vast majority natural allies of any environmental cause.

And I’ve just read in an article that the problematic sponsor is not sn oil company but United Airlines. JSO has said throughout that their core mission statement is to stop new oil and gas licences being granted. Every other day they will actually state to the government that ‘if you agree to stop new licences we’ll cease our actions at once’. I would fully understand XR targeting companies sponsored by airlines, but JSO’s core aims have fuck all to do with commercial airlines. They’re not even following their own manifesto in this case.
And JSO is the answer! Hallelujah, the disaffected children of the elite are going to save us. Fucking bollocks. And worse than that, politically hopeless.
Political queers have been protesting and having a go at the corporatisation of Pride for years, tbh it says more about the media that they think complaints about its sponsorship deals are somehow novel.

Yeh for more than 20 years
If you're not worried about the survival of society at this point you've really not been paying attention.
The issue I am trying to highlight is not about being worried or not- which I am ffs. The issue is whether some forms of protesting might be ill-thought, likely to alienate your target audience, and therefore counterproductive. There is undeniably a line between making yourself as noticeable as possible, and doing so by means so unacceptable the ‘all publicity is good publicity’ mantra goes out of the window. And questioning whether certain tactics are likely to do more harm than good as far as public perception goes does not make anyone complacent about the wider issue.
The issue I am trying to highlight is not about being worried or not- which I am ffs. The issue is whether some forms of protesting might be ill-thought, likely to alienate your target audience, and therefore counterproductive. There is undeniably a line between making yourself as noticeable as possible, and doing so by means so unacceptable the ‘all publicity is good publicity’ mantra goes out of the window. And questioning whether certain tactics are likely to do more harm than good as far as public perception goes does not make anyone complacent about the wider issue.
It's the entitled either you're with us or you're against us attitude beloved of authoritarians through the ages.
JSO aren't interested in 'convincing', they are content with disrupting. How many times does it need to be said ffs? 'Meh disruption .. so what next then?'

Yeah good question. Answer it. JSO don't have to; anyone can, if they think they have an answer.
JSO aren't interested in 'convincing', they are content with disrupting. How many times does it need to be said ffs? 'Meh disruption .. so what next then?'

Yeah good question. Answer it. JSO don't have to; anyone can, if they think they have an answer.
And we should support this disruption wherever and whenever it happens, whatever the target? The only concrete thing they've achieved so far is a massive increase in security at public events. Propaganda of the deed, updated here to remove the gun from the powder, inevitably provokes a response from the authorities in the form of a clampdown of one kind or another. But does it produce the intended change? Some here seem to talk as if the answer to that question were obvious. But is it? Historically, when has it ever worked as intended?

It's no surprise to me that it's mostly posh kids doing this. Their threat to Pride, instructing them how to do gay rights, reeks of arrogance and entitlement. Meanwhile, I see no coherent politics behind any of what they do, let alone class politics.

And if you don't cheer them on, somehow you're in denial about climate change?
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