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Just Stop Oil

Amongst other things, creating a policy framework that causes a multinational insurance company to act as a social lever to force the reduction of CO2 output from its customer companies.
Which is great as long as the customer companies don't get away with green washing. :hmm:
Which is great as long as the customer companies don't get away with green washing. :hmm:
And how is it that companies don’t get away with greenwashing? There are various ways, but one major one is that disruptive protestors make a massive fuss about the fact that they are doing it.
As no one has picked me up in the 'crap plastic trees' post I made earlier I'll take that as 'the stupid old duffer doesn't know what he's on about', so let's have a quick chemistry lesson.

The reaction the 'scientists' are on about is using lime water to react with CO2 in the atmosphere to produce limestone.

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 ---> CaCO3 + H2O

The atomic weights of the above are 74, 44 for the reactants. Let's call it 2:1 for simplicity. This means that for every tonne of lime water you can absorb 2 tonnes of CO2. Sounds good in paper.....so far.

But the plastic leaves need to be kept wet either with water or preferably with more lime water which will take a small amount of power to pump it up the tree. Pump too much and you could end up with excess lime water dripping on the ground which could affect the environment not to mention the hazard of having containers of lime water hanging around where anyone or anything could get to it. There's also the energy involved to make the metal frame of the fake trees and the energy and oil (oh dear) to make the plastic.

Not looking so good now is it?
However it gets much worse.

To make lime water you need 2 things (there's a clue in its name). So how do you make the lime water.... It's from lime

CaO + H2O ---> Ca(OH)2

This reaction is highly exothermic i.e gives off heat in fact it can make the water boil which should give a clue as to what happens earlier.

To make the lime you need to roast limestone at around 900°C
CaCO3 + lots of heat ---> CaO + CO2

The carbon dioxide is given off to the atmosphere.

The atomic weights are 100 for limestone and 44 for the CO2 which is again roughly 2:1 so for each tonne of limestone you roast you get 2 tonnes of CO2 given off.

In this whole process you have given off 2 tonnes of CO2 to absorb 2 tonnes of CO2 plus all the energy and oil to produce the explosives to break up the limestone in the quarry, plus all the oil used by the machinery to collect and move the limestone, plus the huge amount of energy used to roast the limestone, plus the energy used to produce the metal frame of the trees and the oil used to make the plastic etc etc etc.

tldr: Basically you put more CO2 into the atmosphere than you take out.

Any 'scientist' that thinks this is a good idea should have their degree taken of them.

I've not looked into it but I hope these machines that are being developed to pump CO2 from the atmosphere don't use the same chemistry. :eek: :facepalm:
No one picked you up on it cos no one was talking about it as it’s not what this thread is about. what do you mean by ‘scientists’ anyway?
Yes I am aware of that which is why I've said that big companies should be doing a lot more. The more people that take measures themselves the less reliance there will be on gas in particular so the gas companies will have to change.
They will change, gas is excellent for making plastic.
And how is it that companies don’t get away with greenwashing? There are various ways, but one major one is that disruptive protestors make a massive fuss about the fact that they are doing it.
How is that working out?

I only remember 2 protests regarding green washing, 1 was about British airways (?) The other was about an oil company. I've not seen or heard anything about them changing their ways and they certainly haven't cut flights / oil production. :hmm:
No one picked you up on it cos no one was talking about it as it’s not what this thread is about. what do you mean by ‘scientists’ anyway?
Sorting the mess out is certainly part of it. :(

'Scientists' educated people who should know better that come up with stupid ideas that will actually make the problem worse. :(
Sorting the mess out is certainly part of it. :(

'Scientists' educated people who should know better that come up with stupid ideas that will actually make the problem worse. :(
They’re either scientists or they’re not scientists. saying ‘scientists’ is like saying ‘experts’ and often precedes the imperative ‘do your own research!’
How is that working out?

I only remember 2 protests regarding green washing, 1 was about British airways (?) The other was about an oil company. I've not seen or heard anything about them changing their ways and they certainly haven't cut flights / oil production. :hmm:
You still don’t get it. You’re either not reading or not understanding anything at all about this.
If Grant Shapps was a halfway decent politician (which obviously he isn’t) he’d say how serious he realises the issue is, what they are doing about it & so the protests aren’t needed but the fact is none of that is true, hence the need for protest.
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I think Just Stop Oil should do a version of "Just Say No" from Grange Hill in the 1980s after Zammo got hooked on smack, except change it to "Just Stop Oil" and maybe get some celebrities for the video where everyone looks really earnest and then everyone share it until it goes viral and then the energy companies will be like "Yeah, loads of people agree with this so we have to stop oil now." Sorted.
It shows that those who use the term must be the opposite and therefore are proud of their vice, their avarice, their selfishness, their petty objections to being mildly inconvenienced, and their small-mindedness in that they cannot imagine other human beings being magnanimous and actually caring what happens to our planet and future generations. They think we’re all as paralysed with self-serving cynicism as the rest of them in their race to the gutter
We're all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars
Who gives a fuck what individual consumer choices are made by somebody whose economic activity literally constitutes a magnitude of 0.000000000001% of the planet’s economic activity?

The reduction of environmentalism to individual actions and a ludicrous 'competition' to see who is greenest is counterproductive.
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 ---> CaCO3 + H2O

The atomic weights of the above are 74, 44 for the reactants. Let's call it 2:1 for simplicity. This means that for every tonne of lime water you can absorb 2 tonnes of CO2. Sounds good in paper.....so far.
It's a minor point but the chemistry lecturer in me cannot let this slide.
Your reasoning is wrong - Ca(OH)_2 and CO_2 react 1:1 in terms of moles. A mass of 1 kg of Ca(OH)_2 contains 13.5 moles, 13.5 moles of CO_2 has a mass of 594 g.

The reduction of environmentalism to individual actions and a ludicrous 'competition' to see who is greenest is counterproductive.

It's a minor point but the chemistry lecturer in me cannot let this slide.
Your reasoning is wrong - Ca(OH)_2 and CO_2 react 1:1 in terms of moles. A mass of 1 kg of Ca(OH)_2 contains 13.5 moles, 13.5 moles of CO_2 has a mass of 594 g.
The numbers may be the wrong way round due to dyscalculia but the chemistry is right and it still results in more CO2 being released due to the processes involved than is absorbed. :(
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