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Just Stop Oil

Who'll probably be delayed by the traffic and/or lights a few hundred yards down the road too!
In the Brockwell park events thread someone was surprised that posters on this forum would complain about festivals taking place there.

They obviously haven’t come across this thread to see how many have fascist tendencies here!
Who'll probably be delayed by the traffic and/or lights a few hundred yards down the road too!
This! Aren’t JSO doing this for like 10mins at a time? Northbound on Blackfriars bridge is slow moving all morning so that guy would presumably hardly notice. Just shows how aggressive most drivers are!
I'm always left wondering where this disdain for the rule of law and appetite for violence goes when it comes to fighting for the NHS or going after price-gouger landlords. It seems these people's inner killers only get roused when the scenario involves being locked inside a big metal box targeting well-meaning environmentalists who won't fight back, for the perceived personal slight of getting held up in traffic a bit.
I'm always left wondering where this disdain for the rule of law and appetite for violence goes when it comes to fighting for the NHS or going after price-gouger landlords. It seems these people's inner killers only get roused when the scenario involves being locked inside a big metal box targeting well-meaning environmentalists who won't fight back, for the perceived personal slight of getting held up in traffic a bit.
Not sure facciata care much about either of those issues tbh.
I'm always left wondering where this disdain for the rule of law and appetite for violence goes when it comes to fighting for the NHS or going after price-gouger landlords. It seems these people's inner killers only get roused when the scenario involves being locked inside a big metal box targeting well-meaning environmentalists who won't fight back, for the perceived personal slight of getting held up in traffic a bit.
yeah it's the "how dare you inconvenience me" and "I should be able to drive where I want when I want" entitlement
I'm always left wondering where this disdain for the rule of law and appetite for violence goes when it comes to fighting for the NHS or going after price-gouger landlords. It seems these people's inner killers only get roused when the scenario involves being locked inside a big metal box targeting well-meaning environmentalists who won't fight back, for the perceived personal slight of getting held up in traffic a bit.
It’s all fine until they get inconvenienced one day.
Then they want to send in the army
I think I posted pages ago criticising them for the art gallery stunt. I have changed my mind. I’m actually all for it. for various reasons. it would be better if impeded ordinary people going to work as little as possible. But the spectacle of the stunt, the disruption at highly televised events. Yes.

I agree, but even with being late for work presumably you can do a quick U-turn and go another route if you need too? Probably a lot better for your long term future than running over another human being.

I don't particularly like the road blocking, but I think the press and government are quite keen for something to happen hence their narrative. If someone gets ran over and killed they can say told you so, and the person who did it will go to jail which the government don't care about.

Some drivers are incredibly entitled too - I was reading a thread by a recycling truck worker and he was listing all the abuse and shit that gets thrown at him on a regular basis when they are blocking the road.

It's pointless targeting oil stations imo as no one gives a fuck unless they seriously disrupted fuel supplies, but if they did that then the narrative would be the same and they'd use the police to crush it.

The targeting national events is fine unless it's the sacred pool table of course.

10-15 years ago I'd probably have been tempted to get involved with JSO before I became way more cynical, though I think even then I would have found their tactics a bit weird. People like this are the target market for them and they are keeping themselves in the news every week, and they keep getting invited on to panel shows to explain why they are doing it.

I admire their persistence if nothing else.
Oh do dry up with this faux victimhood spiel, no-one's impressed by it. Especially when you've literally just been applauding physical attacks against people who've done you no harm at all.
I can’t express how little I care about people’s opinion of me on here. I do find it revealing though.
Yet you remain, nearly 6,000 posts of chattering to people whose opinions you supposedly have no interest in, and continually whinge whenever you're disagreed with. I'd say that's rather more revealing.
Yet you remain, nearly 6,000 posts of chattering to people whose opinions you supposedly have no interest in, and continually whinge whenever you're disagreed with. I'd say that's rather more revealing.
That doesn’t make any sense. I don’t think you understood what I wrote.
You said you don't care about people's opinions. I noted that you spend a lot of time responding to/whinging about people's opinions for someone who doesn't care. Feel free to explain the misunderstanding, if there is one.
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