Well-Known Member
I do not wish to fall out with anyone.
Dont worry, I dont want to fall out with you either. I have exhausted my point, although a lingering one remains that I dont want people to edit themselves on u75 specially. I want whats acceptable here to be whats commonly considered acceptable in a broader context, and that any challenges to things people say here be a way to explore this stuff rather than an overzealous attempt to enforce a standard that has nothing to do with how anyone actually talks about stuff in real life or how we think society should be.
Its certainly not your fault that labels are a mess these days, something of a prison has been made of language as a side-effect of fighting against a lot of shit terms were used for in the past. Many terms have been soiled in a manner that makes recycling them less than trivial to achieve, since the stench of their old meanings is not easy to completely wash away.