Are you a doctor?Oh grow up. Yeh, he's senile. Combine that with a deluded supersized ego, an idiotic electoral system and hey presto. TRUMP. 2.0.
Are you a doctor?Oh grow up. Yeh, he's senile. Combine that with a deluded supersized ego, an idiotic electoral system and hey presto. TRUMP. 2.0.
Oh grow up. Yeh, he's senile. Combine that with a deluded supersized ego, an idiotic electoral system and hey presto. TRUMP. 2.0.
Oh fucking grow up you juvenile flute.
Oh grow up
Oh grow up
grow up.
Er, I dont care who posted it. It's from C-SPAN. The footage speaks for itself. Grow up.
Right now Biden is the most dangerous man on planet Earth, more than Putin or whatever nutter is currently running China. Just fucking go, Joe. You're gonna kill us all.
raises eyebrowHe's nuts. Can someone not just remove him from office now? I have a young son, I don't really fancy WW3 because of this fuckwit's senility.
Both would seem to be stubborn and vain, and are putting themselves ahead of their country.If he could get himself assassinated that would both one-up Trump and solve the age thing.
Eh?Marist is not catholic anymore
Both of them are shite.If he could get himself assassinated that would both one-up Trump and solve the age thing.
Both of them are shite.
And Harris is useless too.
Marist College secularized years agoEh?
They're Catholic.
What's all this "grow up" business, btw?
Things feel like they’re moving quickly to the logical endgame…
Her record for being overly tough on "criminals" is attractive for some and repellent for others...
Biden getting off the plane last night. And no it's not slow motion.
Maybe he overheard something about “bullet time” and misunderstood..
He was supposed to be a one term president and then hand it over, so fuck him.
Well, Kamala Harris had a hand in how that played out tbf.
In what sense?
Are you stalking me?
I'm taken sonny jim, sorry.
Anyway, won't post Biden's latest gaffe referring to his secretary of defense as 'uh uh uh, you know. uh the black guy'. You don't need to be a doctor. You just need to have some hope for this world. And this idiot doesn't provide that.
He has to go.
It's impossible to take you seriously when you speak with such confidence on matters about which you have no knowledge.Oh grow up. Yeh, he's senile.
Biden getting off the plane last night. And no it's not slow motion.
I would like to feel sorry for the guy but he's fucking the world here. Trump's gonna get on stage tonight like a fucking rockstar and unfortunately that's what appeals to a lot of the idiots who decide this shit. He was supposed to be a one term president and then hand it over, so fuck him.
The sad truth is that the British public are too thick to understand PR. These are the same people who voted for Brexit. I can't be arsed googling the turnout for the last referendum but I'm fairly certain it was quite low.
I wouldn’t be so sure of that.She can't win.
Indeed. She’s also better at handling him in any debate tooKamala Harris leads Trump in all polling. She is ready, willing & able to take the baton from President Biden
Can Kamala Harris Beat Trump? Polls Say “Yes.”
The vice president’s numbers keep rising. One new survey puts her ahead of the Republican—and in a better position to beat him than Joe
Kamala Harris scores double poll boost over Donald Trump
Two surveys suggest the vice president could beat the Republican in November's
the NOT CATHALIC Marist poll;
Home of the Marist Poll | Polls, Analysis, Learning, and More
The Marist Institute for Public Opinion (MIPO) is a survey research center. MIPO is home to the Marist Poll and conducts polls on politics, the economy, sports, technology and more at the local, state, and national
The pace is quickening, wouldn’t be surprised if he steps down Monday.
The number of different leaks and comments suggest it’s really soon…So he could go by the weekend?
Yeh cos the weekend's so many many days awayThe number of different leaks and comments suggest it’s really soon…