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Joe Biden's time is up

I think Harris could do it with Gavin Newsom on the ticket as her VP. A young, white, handsome male who can level things up in the minds of the idiots who constitute the American electorate who can't stomach the prospect of a black woman getting the job.

Biden just has to do the decent thing, and fast. This Nato summit is three gruelling days of him trying to be appear to be the most powerful person in the world. And he's clearly, clearly not up to it.

Fails at the first hurdle. They're both politicians from one state, California. And it's nothing personal against the kooks, porn stars and tech bros on the west coast. Balanced ticket and all that bollocks, and that's especially important when it comes to geography.

That's never going to happen. If Biden goes, it's one or the other, not both.
I thought that one of the points about cronyism was that one took pleasure in selecting the promising proteges, moulding them a little, backing them for smaller appointment and experience gaining roles and that. Marvelling at the little dysnasty you have put together as they go on while you go to retire to sit upon your throne of money, content that a new generation will see forward your shit politics. So what has happened here then.
I thought that one of the points about cronyism was that one took pleasure in selecting the promising proteges, moulding them a little, backing them for smaller appointment and experience gaining roles and that. Marvelling at the little dysnasty you have put together as they go on while you go to retire to sit upon your throne of money, content that a new generation will see forward your shit politics. So what has happened here then.

I guess when too many people are playing the same shitty game, none of them can win.
If the Democrats are stupid enough to put Hillary Clinton anywhere near power, they deserve every bit of Fascism that is inevitable from that point on. They deserve to be executed for crimes against politics, which funnily enough is probably what President Trump would do to them.

America had a black president. It will have a woman president. It will have a gay president. All of these things are possible.

What there will never be is a president Hillary Clinton - rightly or wrongly, she was a tainted name seen as too divisive back in 2016 and time hasn't dimmed that in the slightest. She was literally the only way that the Democrats could lose the 2016 election, and they chose that path.

Vice president is one illness/incapacitation/gunshot away from being president. Trump would win in an absolute landslide against any ticket with the name Clinton on it.

I think the only reason Clinton's name came up is because Politico included her in its poll for clickbait
ah the media is running for a second trump run because of the clicks and money it will make from result

amazing what jumped upon from Biden whilst the orange turds comments and slips that piss into the wind
if he stands down it handing presidency to trump as Harris does not have the popularity to get people out to vote against trump base

jebus would have to do the unthinkable and knock on the obama door for replacement and she never really given a sign of being interested in returning to the white house
Yeh you never address posts you bluster on trump-like

i forget you are getting mentally slower in your old age

even in a thread basically about Trump and Biden

you need a crayon drawn map to make a mental link whilst talking about the 2 performances during speeches

if he stands down it handing presidency to trump as Harris does not have the popularity to get people out to vote against trump base

jebus would have to do the unthinkable and knock on the obama door for replacement and she never really given a sign of being interested in returning to the white house
It's like a joycean stream of thought. Without the thought.
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