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Joe Biden's time is up

i didn't 'pin' it all on Krtek. I told the tuth.

If you want to have a go go for it.

True, you also blamed petee. Still think you're wide of the mark. Urban has actually done pretty well compared to the other forums I used to frequent. One of them's been offline for years now, and the other one is a ghost town.
True, you also blamed petee. Still think you're wide of the mark. Urban has actually done pretty well compared to the other forums I used to frequent. One of them's been offline for years now, and the other one is a ghost town.

Could you specifically say which post I 'blamed' Petee in. Becuae I know I did'nt.
Could you specifically say which post I 'blamed' Petee in. Becuae I know I did'nt.

Not just petee.

Well what's the thing Krtek. This shit politics is why you will get hoofed in the teeth.

You don't know your arse from your elbow politically, and around about 2 dozen people who did get it have left this board (because of the likes of you and Petee) and won't and can't face coming back.

i didn't 'pin' it all on Krtek. I told the tuth.

If you want to have a go go for it.

Seriously, this is fucked up. Knock it on the head for a while.
Christ the pissed up shit-posting and random insults continues.

As for Trump being a better politician, well if you define being a politician as making zingy media friendly put downs to an audience of simpering morons then sure, but not by any other measure.
What electoral advantage? He lost the last time, and that was with the advantage that comes with being the incumbent.
The electoral college has definitely favoured the Republicans over the last couple of decades - hence their ability to win the Presidency despite losing the popular vote.
The electoral college has definitely favoured the Republicans over the last couple of decades - hence their ability to win the Presidency despite losing the popular vote.

Sure, but Trump lost despite that. Voter suppression and gerrymandering favours the Republicans too. That's at least three advantages and he couldn't clinch it. Which would seem to cast doubt on the "good politician" hypothesis.
Trump's clearly not without political skills - in the 2016 election cycle, when a lot of people started out thinking his candidacy was a joke, he steamrollered the Republican establishment, followed by the Democratic establishment, without even spending that much money. In 2020, he got more votes than in 2016 and somehow expanded his (small) share of the vote among Black and Hispanic voters. He then managed to make a comeback and seemingly effortlessly crush the opposition on his way to winning the 2024 nomination.

But luckily, his powers seem to be fading and I don't think his political skills will be enough to expand his appeal beyond his base enough to win this time around, I think his obsession with losing in 2020 will make him a loser again
Biden looks doddery

Trump looks ranty

These two can't be the best candidates the USA can find!

fair enough, but it's not biden v trump, it's Biden's legislative record against Trump's. full disclosure, I've never watched a presidential debate and I'm not watching this one. there's no choice to ponder over.
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