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Joe Biden's time is up

Trump will be in prison and Biden will be pushed off the cliff face in a month or two when they finally come to their senses and realise Biden is incapable of holding office anymore. Either that or they just leave him to die in office when they see Trump isn't going to be coming back.
true but get rid of biden at this stage when he boring but stable but gaff as he has done his entire life regardless of age and you handing trump the keys to the white house

it was always going to go down the bidens gaffs like the last election
did trump not lose the last debate to Biden

would not be surprised if he starts calling Joe obama
All this strengthens the argument against having the UK general election on the same week as the US presidential election.
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The most disturbing thing I’ve ever heard a president say did not come from Donald Trump.

It came from Joe Biden. Speaking with reporters in California on Thursday, the president said this about Donald Trump. “Two of your former colleagues not at the same network personally told me if he wins, they will have to leave the country because he’s threatened to put them in jail,” Biden told Katie Couric. “He embraces political violence,” Biden said of Trump “No president since the Civil War has done that. Embrace it. Encourages it.”

but hey, bsab
Interesting side-effect of Biden's enabling of the continuation of the war in Ukraine - it's massively increased US Oil profits:

Profits for the biggest US oil and gas producers have almost tripled under President Joe Biden, even as the industry berates his administration’s “hostile” policies and warns that a second term would be “disastrous” for the sector.
The country’s top-10 listed operators by value, which will finish reporting their 2023 earnings this week, are on track to have amassed combined net income of $313bn in the first three years of the Biden administration, up from $112bn during the same period under Donald Trump.
The recent profit bonanza was driven in part by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which pushed up oil and gas prices. A strong rebound in global energy demand from the depths of the Covid-19 shock in 2020 also supported prices. West Texas Intermediate, the US crude benchmark, averaged about $80 a barrel during Biden’s first three years compared with $58/b in Trump’s.

Which leads to the weird spectacle of Trump's "drill baby drill" base cheering for his plan to abandon Ukraine, which would cause a downturn in oil companies' fortunes, while the green lobby cheers for Biden whose policies have directly caused record oil profits. ¯\(ツ)
trump cruised to a crushing victory in SC primary, getting 60%.
biden gets rebuked in MI primary, winning 80% of the vote.
Doesn't this fill you with confidence?

Amazingly, Bernie Sanders is a year older... and a lot sharper still.

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