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Joe Biden's time is up

left libertarian

more than likely how Groovy sunday found the name
not sure if he know the guys politics
I came across him on YouTube years ago. I'm aware that he's a social democrat, but he's one of the more informative soc dems that are quite likeable, despite me not agreeing with his politics.
We all know that he is, but people like Shawn Fain want the workers to think union bureaucrats like him are on their side when they're actually just with a different part of the ruling class.

Anyway, have a nice election later this year. You are clearly very fond of capital just like Genocide Joe and his union poodle.
What do you make of the UAWD caucus, and the strategy of striking the Big Three simultaneously?
look up the special advisor
If you mean Special Counsel..

Appointed by a Dem Attoney General. And he cleared Biden Also Wiki says he's a Republican...play that card if you want to just adds credidence to idea political affiliations have based everything...which helps a certain other fella facing countless charges
The White House is pushing back against the special counsel's report:

The report comes with an attached letter from Mr Biden's legal team, asking that the special counsel "revisit your descriptions of President Biden's memory and revise them so that they are stated in a manner that is within the bounds of your expertise and remit".

"We do not believe that the report's treatment of President Biden's memory is accurate or appropriate," wrote White House lawyer Richard Sauber. "The report uses highly prejudicial language to describe a commonplace occurrence among witnesses: a lack of recall of years-old events."

They may have a point, though with the election still nine months away, maybe they should go the other way and use this as off-ramp for him to step aside and let the party try to find a ticket more likely to beat Trump than Biden-Harris
If you mean Special Counsel..

Appointed by a Dem Attoney General. And he cleared Biden Also Wiki says he's a Republican...play that card if you want to just adds credidence to idea political affiliations have based everything...which helps a certain other fella facing countless charges

look down on appointment side of wiki gosub

On November 1, 2017, Hur was nominated by President Donald Trump to be the next United States Attorney for the District of Maryland. On March 22, 2018, his nomination was reported out of committee by voice vote. He was confirmed by voice vote later the same day. He was sworn in on April 9, 2018.


merrick is an independant not a dem as well
look down on appointment side of wiki gosub

Not in the States as you know.

You are playing the political affiliations Trump's anything card and the White House is also pressuring a report it doesn't like.... Can only help a disruptor
ok so you idea is old man Vs wanna be dictator who want presidential immunity when he gets back in power


but why would a republican not play up for his side :hmm:
Re the memory thing.. his remembering of dates will be shit, he wouldn't need to remember would have a secretary for that sort of thing...to end in a report fella doing the report is going to have stuff he can quote...
hmm republican slags of age and memory of biden and you saying it's not political gamesmanship

who are you trying to convince yourself or me

did he leave them in a bathroom for the FBI and other guest at his hotel to find..
The special counsel did take care to distinguish the Biden case from the Trump prosecution:

With one exception, there is no record of the Department of Justice prosecuting a former president or vice president for mishandling classified documents from his own administration. The exception is former President Trump. It is not our role to assess the criminal charges pending against Mr. Trump, but several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's are clear. Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts.

Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it. In contrast, Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview, and in other ways cooperated with the investigation.
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republican says nasty thing about president biden after finding out their is no criminal case to resolve

its not political..

republican says nasty thing about president biden after finding out their is no criminal case to resolve

its not political..

Lawyer who's made it to AG making claims he can't substantiate...

Did get a glimpse at the edit history b4 it got locked...this IS very much sharp end we are doing here Ax ...I have no need for it
with a straight face and no links to any data from a website do you think it weird that normally without any criminal charges to face
no special consol should excessively overreach in his reporting and explain that whilst he could not find any reason for criminal charges

he still does not think the charges would of stuck because the defendant is old and has a bad memory

with a straight face and no links to any data from a website do you think it weird that normally without any criminal charges to face
no special consol should excessively overreact and explain that whilst he could not find any reason for criminal charges

he still does not think the charges would of stuck because the defendant is old and has a bad memory

With an equally staight face 25th on the table...
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