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Joe Biden


On course for the White House, he's 77, is running the vaguest all-things-to-all-people campaign ever, appears to have some form of dementia, and isn't Trump. He's shortly going pick his running-mate, probably a black woman, who may well end up succeeding him as president.

What do we expect from a Biden presidency? FDR-like climate change action? A return to business as usual with military intervention overseas? Improved relations with China?
It would be weird if he won just not having Donald Trump in the news every day. It's been 5 years now, so strange

Probably another massive corporate bailout for the recession and people don't oppose it because everyone is just happy that nightmare is over. Foreign relations will become relatively normal again, probably another war with Pakistan or somewhere 2 years in. He'd hang on for four years of stability, probably a bunch of other experienced Democrat people running it and him napping in the office all day.
terrible but less terrible than trump.

possibly building momentum in other deparments to restric the flaws shown by this presidency

hopefully bernie and the squad to gain more traction

Bernie has endorsed Biden so it Biden wins Bernie takes flack for everything he does.

I would guess the same as Trump to be honest. By the time the campaign is done, if he wins, he'll have threatened more tariffs on China and I don't see what else he wants to do differently.
Same old same old. A bandaid on the state of the country until someone or some movement can actually begin to address everything that's wrong with the US.

Whoever gets in will oversee much more trouble and injustice.
Bernie has endorsed Biden so it Biden wins Bernie takes flack for everything he does.

I would guess the same as Trump to be honest. By the time the campaign is done, if he wins, he'll have threatened more tariffs on China and I don't see what else he wants to do differently.

Like with Brexit, without going into the economics and politics, I am opposed to these things just because them wining ensures that we will have to listen to their idiotic ideas being discussed for years
I would guess the same as Trump to be honest.
unlike Trump I don't expect he'll be actively fuelling the race & culture wars in the US. Thats a meaningful difference, though i doubt he will do anything effective enough to cool the situation down.

The US economy in 2021 is going to be a bloodbath. Or rather unemployment and poverty are going to be off the scale.

Its not a situation that will allow for much napping. I expect more will happen from the White House than we might expect - born of necessity and pressure from the street rather than political desire. I think its going to be a decade full of uprising. From what I can see here in London the US has found its taste for taking to the streets again....
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unlike Trump I don't expect he'll be actively fuelling the race & culture wars in the US. Thats a meaningful difference, though i doubt he will do anything effective enough to cool the situation down.

Maybe not on purpose.

Its not a situation that will allow for much napping. I expect more will happen from the White House than we might expect - born of necessity and pressure from the street rather than political desire. I think its going to be a decade full of uprising. From what I can see here in London the US has found its taste for taking to the streets again....

Yes, quite possibly.
we, who actually live here, expect center-liberal policy proposals, a continuation of think-tankism, and a woman in the vice president's office, who gets a slingshot start to the presidency in four years since biden isn't running again. we also get the sanity-restoring satisfaction of the rejection of trumpism, at least on the electoral level.

* puts thread on ignore before the posturing shitheads show up *
Clinton seemed to want to rachet things up against Russia quite quickly. Bit worried that will kick off again. At least having a Russian agent in the White House has been good for world peace. Ideally they should hurry up and have their civil war or whatever and leave the rest of the world alone.

It's a ridiculous situation all round really, especially since Covid hit. I genuinely believe members of the Trump administration were happy to let the carnage go on as long as they thought it was killing more Democratic voters than Republicans. Excess deaths are nearly up to 200,000 now and will be considerably higher by November. Its hard to believe anyone except his completely insane base will be able to stomach voting for him.
The dementia thing is worrying. Too many examples of him just talking absolute gibberish. That his team is keeping him out of the public eye is not a good sign tbh. I think in any TV debate Trump will tear him a new arsehole and that will be game over for the Dems.
Senility didn't stop Reagan, though maybe he wasn't that far gone when he got into the hot seat. The thing about the Reagan White House though is that even when the man himself was in the hands of Dr. Alzheimer, the team underneath had one shared anti-communist agenda. A Biden White House would, I suspect, be full of squabbling courtiers all trying to jockey for position as individuals and as factions. The chaos and incompetence under Creepy Joe might be even greater than that observed under Orangina.
The dementia thing is worrying. Too many examples of him just talking absolute gibberish. That his team is keeping him out of the public eye is not a good sign tbh. I think in any TV debate Trump will tear him a new arsehole and that will be game over for the Dems.

Yeah, I agree, I think the TV debates are gonna kill him. Trump is obviously going to be Trump, everyone knows what to expect and he's not gonna put anyone off who wasn't already put off. But what is Biden going to do? Will he be able to string sentences together?

As an aside I don't think we should speculate too much on diagnosing Biden - he could have any number of conditions that affect his public speaking abilities, as could any 77 year old, that's not the point, the point is he is not particularly coherent.
Yeah, I agree, I think the TV debates are gonna kill him. Trump is obviously going to be Trump, everyone knows what to expect and he's not gonna put anyone off who wasn't already put off. But what is Biden going to do? Will he be able to string sentences together?

I don't think the debates will necessarily be that big a worry for Biden - he took part in 29 debates on his way to the Democratic nomination and apparently didn't disgrace himself in any of them - Trump hasn't debated anybody in 4 years and he tends to stomp out of press conferences when he gets questions he doesn't like.

Biden might not be what he used to be - and what he used to be wasn't all that - but after 50 years in politics, I think he'd be able to hold it together enough to get on stage and waffle about his platform for an hour of two even if 90% of his brain had been removed.
It would be weird if he won just not having Donald Trump in the news every day. It's been 5 years now, so strange
Trumps a media whore... He will be still in the news if not more so... Tweeting between gifting and golf rounds (no change there) ..also the media need him to generate content and outrage, he is good for their business ..... . Possibly with his own TV station too . He, and his white magatards will make Bindens life and the country's absolute divisive hell, with now even less constraints..... Then there is the potential of trials against him and the rest of his gifting spawn... With discovery....

Methinks... Its going to be just as bad... Maybe even worse. Particularly if there's no effective vaccine ..... Bindens going to be a disposable one termer, to clear the carnage left from trump and take a hit, and also lose the weak democratic old guard and take them with him... To make way for somebody with real chops and reconciliation .... More than likely a female president. The Democrats have got quite a few younger capable women in the wings.
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Surely Biden benefits from it's the economy, stupid which is why Trump is in panic mode. Even a few car crash debates don't top that.

Not really - he was VP for 8 years. He is associated with the previous administration and regardless of what power he actually had in that he will be seen as responsible for a good chunk of the last 12 years of economic performance.

Added to which, Trump has a narrative on the economy which is that tariffs will save jobs, and Biden is already aping this line rather than challenging it.
I don't think the debates will necessarily be that big a worry for Biden - he took part in 29 debates on his way to the Democratic nomination and apparently didn't disgrace himself in any of them - Trump hasn't debated anybody in 4 years and he tends to stomp out of press conferences when he gets questions he doesn't like.

Biden might not be what he used to be - and what he used to be wasn't all that - but after 50 years in politics, I think he'd be able to hold it together enough to get on stage and waffle about his platform for an hour of two even if 90% of his brain had been removed.

I mean he did disgrace himself in several of those debates, and I think if you're expecting Trump to stomp out of a debate you'll be disappointed. But hey we'll see.

Neither of them is really capable of debating but there we go its gonna happen.
Im not convinced he'll actually win by the way.
Unless there's some absolute fuckery from the Trump team (like Covid safety measures that somehow prevent Democrat leaning groups voting) or Biden totally shitting the bed (which isn't beyond him) then Biden will probably win.

There's a lot of talk about Trumps base of alt-right weirdos and assorted headbangers but less focus on mainstream conservative Republican voters. Older, middle class white voters - who the Republicans rely on in places like Florida, which is often one of the deciding states - have had a double whammy of the fucked economy hitting their savings and being disproportionately affected by Covid, which Trump has turned from a disaster into a catastrophe. That's likely to be more of a decider than what happens in the debates, unless one of the candidates does something truely spectacular during one of them.

As for what a Biden presidency will look like - I assume he'll be looking for a return to business as usual - global US economic dominance, 'free' trade that favours US corporations, perhaps a military intervention somewhere (but a Democrat military intervention: using drones to bomb the fuck out of defenceless foreigners with deepest sympathy), better relations with China in public while they fight like frenzied schoolkids in private, shoring up the global neo-liberal model which has lost its shine of late and maybe an eye catching policy like a Green New Deal which proves to be better for the corporations involved than the environment.
(....) maybe an eye catching policy like a Green New Deal which proves to be better for the corporations involved than the environment.

There was a previous ‘green initiative’ that would be a good example of this, a biofuels policy to line the pockets of farmers that created more greenhouse gas (due to the mechanisation used to harvest and processing required) than just using normal hydrocarbon fuels would. I think it was partly because they were deriving the biofuels from corn(?) which was really inefficient but widely grown rather than a more suited crop. I imagine they’ll come up with something like indoor solar panels charged via electric lights...
Unless there's some absolute fuckery from the Trump team (like Covid safety measures that somehow prevent Democrat leaning groups voting) or Biden totally shitting the bed (which isn't beyond him) then Biden will probably win.

There's a lot of talk about Trumps base of alt-right weirdos and assorted headbangers but less focus on mainstream conservative Republican voters. Older, middle class white voters - who the Republicans rely on in places like Florida, which is often one of the deciding states - have had a double whammy of the fucked economy hitting their savings and being disproportionately affected by Covid, which Trump has turned from a disaster into a catastrophe. That's likely to be more of a decider than what happens in the debates, unless one of the candidates does something truely spectacular during one of them.

As for what a Biden presidency will look like - I assume he'll be looking for a return to business as usual - global US economic dominance, 'free' trade that favours US corporations, perhaps a military intervention somewhere (but a Democrat military intervention: using drones to bomb the fuck out of defenceless foreigners with deepest sympathy), better relations with China in public while they fight like frenzied schoolkids in private, shoring up the global neo-liberal model which has lost its shine of late and maybe an eye catching policy like a Green New Deal which proves to be better for the corporations involved than the environment.

I mean, people thought Clinton would probably win.

Its true that a lot depends on how bad things are but it's also worth remembering that the extent to which both candidates mobilise their base is important too. I don't see Biden motivating his base to turn out at the moment.

There's also the question of what he runs on; you say he would want to return to business as usual and he probably does but that isn't a vote winner, and if he goes the other way and imitates Trump's rhetoric on China and immigrants etc he's boosting his credibility.

I think it will be quite close on the day and that makes me think a) who will mobilise their supporters? b) how will Biden win in the rust belt states that cost Clinton last time and c) Trump didn't need to win the popular vote last time to win the Presidency.
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