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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

you can join the labour party as a supporter for 3 quid and that gets you a vote

You can buy the whole fucking thing for 3 quid at the moment. In fact you could probably get Labour for 3 quid and get the Tories for free.

Wifey suffered bleed on the brain day before referendum and been in Southampton General since. On the mend now, but we've missed all the political fun and games.
You can buy the whole fucking thing for 3 quid at the moment. In fact you could probably get Labour for 3 quid and get the Tories for free.

Wifey suffered bleed on the brain day before referendum and been in Southampton General since. On the mend now, but we've missed all the political fun and games.
poor lass, a stranger on the internet wishes her and you all the best.

but you didn't miss anything, apart from some football nothing much has happened :D
I joined labour on a cheapo option just to stick it to the surplus cunts. And mentioned JC as one of my reasons ofc.

Jezza is better than most. And honestly i dont really care ahout the labour party but supporting him and a more progressive political direction seems like a good plan.
They all put their names to the other letter, the one calling on him to quit. I suppose being criticized like that by the people responsible for Cressingham Gardens (and the rest) is the best endorsement Corbyn could get.

(edited to correct link)

I found it ever-so-slightly interesting that not only are all but one of Lambeth's declared Progress councillors on the list, but a majority of the Fabians too.
I am genuinely appalled:

Dare I suggest that there may be a class element to this? Corbyn is showing no such grace and elegance. And when Gordon Brown had to quit Downing St after losing the elections, he took his own sweet time about packing... I suspect being bullied and tortured at public school during your childhood makes you better at biting unpleasant bullets and gives you an appreciation of the importance of putting on a good show for the public at a time of crisis...

Ha, did not think of that!

Normally what happens is you get bullied and tortured as a new boy and then, 5 years later when you're a senior you do the same thing to others. So it's probably not that so much as the vestigial Victorianism in public school culture: being a bad loser invites universal contempt

And quite right too.​

(from Shitebook, if you were wondering - and this is why I really don't like when people insinuate that I went to a private fee-paying school).
And she's defriended me. Best all round.
Neil Kinnock weighing in now. This 'Corbyn must go to save the party from destruction' nonsense is really doing my head in.

me too, but he'll want someone else in first as the 'stalking horse' candidate to take the flak for starting the contest, he can then steam in as the unity candidate to save the party from destruction.... that'll be the storyline he'll give anyway.

Probably what will happen. Typical backstabbing behaviour


It wasn't a meeting of the CLP. It was a meeting of the West branch. There are 3 branches in Stoke Central CLP who meet separately, and then there are main CLP meetings which bring together everyone.

So, minor point perhaps, but it's best not to be too hasty in saying the CLP as a whole has voted, because they haven't. (There was no CLP meeting that night.)
So what's the game? Why do Jeremy's aides not let him have his say? He's been keeping quiet throughout the referendum the coup.. Part of the silent majority? Has it been decided that Somehow, not even entering into the arguments that shouldn't even be taking place, his profile gets stronger?
Knowing how he usually confronts misdoings, this must be really infuriating for him..
Jeremy Corbyn held back by aides after furious confrontation with reporter who asked if he was 'running away' from Labour crisis
It is all very well Corbyn hanging tough and not resigning, but if it comes to a leadership election in which he stands and wins, he will still have to be able to cobble together a shadow cabinet from the existing PLP which is still likely to be a mess.
It is all very well Corbyn hanging tough and not resigning, but if it comes to a leadership election in which he stands and wins, he will still have to be able to cobble together a shadow cabinet from the existing PLP which is still likely to be a mess.
I thought he'd already got another shadow cabinet?
'I was elected by the constituents of Stoke on trent, not the Stoke on trent clp - and my constituents need me fighting for them in Westminster' will be the line.

Which might sound good but isn't factually correct. The membership give them their mandate, not the wider electorate.

Getting the shites to recognise that is another matter.
Well, my membership card should have arrived in time for Stoke Central's next CLP meeting. It's not for another couple of weeks though, and with our rapidly changing (read: chaotic as fuck oh my god what the fuck is happening) political landscape who knows whether there will even need to be a vote of no confidence in Trissy.

Either way, I'm sure the evening will be entertaining.
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