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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I've never seen Theresa May lunge at anyone. Just saying.
she doesn't need to. she's a giant:
So the Blairite scum have realised how ridiculous they look and have handed over to their friends in the media for a good old-fashioned hounding. Don't think I could deal with that. Good luck Iron balls.
Don't think this has been posted yet

The political elite need to lay off Jeremy Corbyn | LabourList
Angela Eagle said:
Over thirty-five years in the Labour Party, including my time as Chair of the National Executive Committee and National Policy Forum, has taught me that the collective wisdom of our members and grassroots should never be dismissed. All views should be respected whatever end of the political spectrum they are.
The Labour Party is a broad church and all of our constituency activists and trade unionists, Councillors, members and registered supporters have a legitimate place in deciding our new Leadership team under our rules. Attacking those for supporting a particular candidate is a dangerous game and not in the spirt this election should be conducted.
The talk of coups, remarks about not serving in Shadow Cabinets and former Prime Minister’s telling people to get ‘heart transplants’ have no place here.
potential dodgyness from my MP

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Utterly incredible from Rob Marris <a href="Rob Marris MP (@WSW_Labour) on Twitter">@WSW_Labour</a> / seemingly deleted files of huge importance to sabotage leadership &gt; <a href="Aaron Bastani on Twitter">pic.twitter.com/WNFWW4IYru</a></p>&mdash; Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) <a href="">July 2, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
What have you heard. Say it here and now. Or basically you're just using the ITV tweets to give an aura of informed insider. Fuck off. esp with the 'disturbing'.

You can't even get the names right you iphone twat.

Lol here's the pathetic old politico who still hasn't got a clue! Good to see you're still limping on through life waste man.[emoji12]

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