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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I think people's natural sense of fair play is being impacted when they see each new (and progressively ridiculous) tale in the media along the lines of "he kills puppies, kittens AND fairies".

I went with shitty brown for the Progress colour because they can't keep the red.

They should knock that "unelectable" argument on the head as well - Leicester have won the league, Wales are in the semis of the Euros; anything is possible if you work together.
I think this comment really illustrates her hypocrisy

Simultaneously making Remain the non-racist option while either wanting freedom of movement for EU nations to be stopped or for Corbyn etc to lie about it.

she's off the scale...just hoping that this is the last stand of all that lot at the Graun, with a demographic , Vice shaped bomb ticking away under them, and them just endlessly repeating themselves, to ever lesser effect .
What's all this bollux on the BBC about the right now asking JC to announce his retirement if they promise to keep being a bit lefty when he's gone.
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Why would people vote for public school millionaire 'austerity for the poor' wankers, or those tainted by Blair's crimes instead over someone who seems to genuinely be 'no bullshit' as far as public persona goes? Its been said but I reckon they would rather be in opposition than under a Corbyn leadership in govt. So, is the party fucked? Its interesting viewing anyway.
Didn't see it, but presumably this is the same thing:

Tom Watson calls on Labour MPs to prevent leadership contest

That is priceless.

One Labour MP said there was still hope that Corbyn would go voluntarily, but others were less patient. Another said he was not optimistic about Watson’s chances: “I don’t think Jeremy will go voluntarily. He has stubbornness in his DNA. And he could end up destroying the Labour party.” The democratically elected leader of just a few months ago could destroy the party with the awful thing he is doing just now.

Allies of Eagle expect her to trigger a contest as early as Monday if Watson is unable to persuade Corbyn to quit.

As early as Monday. That soon. Only 5 days after she said she would. If she does.
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That is priceless.

One Labour MP said there was still hope that Corbyn would go voluntarily, but others were less patient. Another said he was not optimistic about Watson’s chances: “I don’t think Jeremy will go voluntarily. He has stubbornness in his DNA. And he could end up destroying the Labour party.” The democratically elected leader of just a few months ago could destroy the party with the awful thing he is doing just now.

Allies of Eagle expect her to trigger a contest as early as Monday if Watson is unable to persuade Corbyn to quit.

As early as Monday. That soon. Only 5 days after she said she would. If she does.

"He who can destroy a thing, controls a thing"
'we've thown everything we have and the bastard won't go' is what I'm taking from that.

I know what it's supposed to mean.
It's the open acknowledgment that they don't view Corbyn (or the 40) on that scale, at all...that they're claiming the right of the entire PLP now, to continue waging their war (after a ceasefire for tea etc).
Corbyn still standing tall. How long before the likes of Owen Jones come crawling bad to do a u-turn after their u-turn on Iron Corbyn?
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