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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Novelist , edgy young grimester / "roadsman" ( as, I believe, the saying goes) - along with Stormzy, trying to remember the last time working class London youth were coming out in support of a socialist politician, and joining the Labour Party etc ....am struggling - suspect it says more about the future than Tooting / Camden liberals no confidencing....

DC's 'Legends of Tommorow' has a great iteration of Hawkgirl. Kendra. Every time I see her on screen I immejutly have to... but not just that, she carries it off so well as the reluctant warrior.

unlike angela eagle who seems to have realised she's been punted forward for a stalking horse to made into glue come the resounding re-win of st jezza

Nice to see a whiff of racism there:

These could be the end days of Labour. Expect a challenge to Corbyn shortly, but there are wrangles as to who should do it: splitting the anti-Corbyn vote would be suicidal. Eagle has most support – soft-left, close to the unions, level headed, an experienced safe pair of hands. Owen Smith takes a slightly further left stance, but some say it can’t be someone Welsh, and he’s unknown. Watson is the key player, a wise bargainer and as deputy leader the one with a direct mandate elected by the party membership: he still hopes that Corbyn can be talked down off his miserable throne of thorns before Monday.

A sportsman's bet for anyone interested: After several more days of this, battle eagle Angela will pull a Boris and bottle it.

Have I any takers?
The Graun isn't even trying any more. I read the same story yesterday in another source.
Watson is seeking to organise a meeting with Corbyn’s closest advisers to try to agree a negotiated settlement that would see the Labour leader step down voluntarily, thus avoiding an acrimonious and drawn-out battle.
Tom Watson calls on Labour MPs to prevent leadership contest

"Negotiated settlement". FFS.
I'm off to watch the wales game, but if there's a mighty screeching in the background I'll know the Mighty Eagle hath swooped. Don't say she didn't warn him. And then again. Or perhaps tomorrow. Anyway, he'll know not to mess with the indecisive. :mad:
I think this comment really illustrates her hypocrisy
If Corbyn hadn’t so forcefully emphasised his belief in free movement on the eve of the poll, he might not have lost the 27% of core working class Labour voters who now say they won’t be voting Labour again. It’s that cataclysm facing Labour, in what might be an imminent election, that precipitated the great rebellion against their leader.
Simultaneously making Remain the non-racist option while either wanting freedom of movement for EU nations to be stopped or for Corbyn etc to lie about it.
Mrs b's housemate, who's politics veer between totally apolitical to mildly reactionary said she was going, seemed really up for it. I was astonished.
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