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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Have I woken up and it's Tuesday again? :hmm:

Jeremy Corbyn is likely to face a leadership challenge in "the next few days" his ally John McDonnell has said.

The shadow chancellor said Mr Corbyn was "staying as leader", despite dozens of frontbenchers resigning.

In a speech responding to the EU referendum result, he said all parties should "recognise their responsibility" to secure the country's interests.

Senior MPs Angela Eagle and Owen Smith are considering leadership bids if Mr Corbyn does not stand down.

Corbyn to face challenge 'in days', says John McDonnell - BBC News

If there is a leadership challenge, would a new Tory PM call a GE thinking they can capitalise on the collapsing opposition?
can they actually do that?

I thought the new election law for 5 year terms prevented this from happening outside of a vote of no confidence in the government.
the terms are:
I guess they can just push another act through that changes it though, if they can't get the two thirds.
Have I woken up and it's Tuesday again? :hmm:

Seumas had to drive the Corbynator home last night after the Bearded One polished off that half bottle of Black Rat lurking at the back of his shelf in the commissars' refectory by way of a celebration after Boris went yo-yo yesterday; and somehow - downhill with the wind behind him or something - the Austin Maxi ended up nudging 88mph, and before you know it, here we are three days ago :eek:
...It may be that he and Corbyn have come up with a response to the vote which can actually help re-build their support, not within the PLP or the media obviously, but with those they seek to represent.

Corbyn to face challenge 'in days', says John McDonnell
The shadow chancellor outlined five guidelines which he said should be followed in the UK's exit negotiations with the EU. These were: freedom of trade for UK businesses with the EU and for EU businesses with the UK, protection of residency rights for EU citizens living in the UK, and UK citizens living elsewhere in Europe, existing protections at work, the UK's role in the European Investment Bank and the rights of UK financial services to win business across the EU to be maintained.

Going on what he's said there, I'm not sure he/they are any closer to rebuilding support among potential Labour voters who voted to leave the EU
Going on what he's said there, I'm not sure he/they are any closer to rebuilding support among potential Labour voters who voted to leave the EU

Really? Which one of those do you think potential Labour voters who voted leave would object to? In fact, what do you think anyone sensible would object to from that?
Really? Which one of those do you think potential Labour voters who voted leave would object to? In fact, what do you think anyone sensible would object to from that?

It's not just about what he has said, it's more about what he hasn't said - there seems to be little or no recognition that there is a significant number of people, many of them that he and his party need to win back, for whom maintaining all that stuff we get by being in the EU isn't rated that highly.
I'm disappointed McDonnell talked about "existing protections at work" rather than improving protections at work.

To be fair, the Lambeth councillors are currently busy suspending fellow councillors...for disloyalty to the Lambeth leader. Fancy that!
Not just that, they accused her of "failing to persuade people" regarding their policies. How she's supposed to do that when they're not in people's interests and not what they want is unclear.
Isn't it odd that to find toynbee bigging up her no prayer breakfast mate for at least 10 years now. I think she's put her fellow oxbridge mate forward for every singe labour job going at one point or another.
Novelist , edgy young grimester / "roadsman" ( as, I believe, the saying goes) - along with Stormzy, trying to remember the last time working class London youth were coming out in support of a socialist politician, and joining the Labour Party etc ....am struggling - suspect it says more about the future than Tooting / Camden liberals no confidencing....

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Novelist , edgy young grimester - trying to remember the last time working class London youth were coming out in support of a socialist politician, and joining the Labour Party etc ....am struggling - suspect it says more about the future than Tooting / Camden liberals no confidencing....

I wounder what the membership pack consists off? I'm tempted to join just to find out.
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