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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Indicate - in any way that you may be able to - which are the non-racist parties that it may be acceptable to vote for.

Out of the two main parties, Labour were the ones that would have tried to make these people’s lives better and luckily are also the party with the least number of racists out of those two.
So they are a racist party. Just the least racist. So you voted for a racist party.

Is the leader a racist, I don’t think so, is the candidate a racist, I don’t think so.

I’m happy with my vote. If they are happy with theirs then good for them. They will live with their conscience and so will I.
Is the leader a racist, I don’t think so, is the candidate a racist, I don’t think so.

I’m happy with my vote. If they are happy with theirs then good for them. They will live with their conscience and so will I.
So you're happy to be be racist, just not as racist as the person next to you. Solidarity. How long have you voted labour?
Absolutely bang on - this election might as well have been classed as a second referendum as for the majority Brexit was the overriding issue.

It’s perfectly understandable for those living in high remain areas (London and parts of the South) to think otherwise in their echo chamber bubbles, but this result should be a hard dose of reality.

tbf, if this was a ‘second referendum’ then a greater number of votes went to remain/second ref parties, by a million or so. Just happened that the ‘remain’ vote was split.

A shame other issues couldn’t get any daylight, but Tories played their tactics well in shutting down Labour with anti-semitism dead cats and similar, aided by a few ex-labour ringpieces whose words were given far more attention than they deserved (I didn’t see much focus on Tory dissidents, generally of higher status than Gapes etc.)
So you're happy to be be racist, just not as racist as the person next to you. Solidarity. How long have you voted labour?

You think I should find a political party that has never had a racist be a member? I’m sure you have stayed as pure.

I have voted labour since I was 18.
It's time for realism.

People voted in droves for Brexit, the main point of this abismal election.
Labour, especially Corbyn and his silly pals, fucked up in epic style by either working for party and politics rather than people, or directly working again the obvious wishes of the people.
Labour is now looking even more foolish because Corbyn is dithering about leaving and those amazingly stupid demos in London.

Labour must now openly support the government in getting the best possible Brexit deal, dump that bloody idiot of a leader, then set about rebuilding with electable policies for the next election.
Dumping the tories under Johnson shouldn't be that hard as people are very likely to suss the cunt out pretty quickly, but to get rid means a strong Labour party under a strong leader, one the press can't find a million faults a day with, and one that isn't a marxist wanker without a fucking clue.
Brexit was about racism for more than a few, but was about wanting rid of what they saw as European for the majority. Being anti EU doesn't mean they're racist, just pissed off with what they saw as over-control of their lives by people they never had the opportunity to vote for. As I believe I mentioned some time ago, EU officials hardly helped the cause by sticking their fat beaks into UK politics and making thinly disguised threats since the referendum result. Frankly, that started putting me off the EU but I came to the conclusion the ideal was far too valuable and change was possible, so I backed remain.
However, I have to accept I'm now in a minority, democracy dictating the government must be supported as far as Brexit goes because it's that or opposition MPs sitting in the chamber yapping like silly little lapdogs tied to a chair, ignored because their barking means shit all.

It's now time to rebuild the Labour party and get ready to win the next election.
I don't know why I'm watching Have I Got News For You but Jon Richardson just blamed the next five years of Tory attacks on the country's most vulnerable people on Corbyn. What a steaming shit

I didn't see the program, but letting the fucking tories in was definetely down to Corbyn - that much is as obvious now as it was some months ago when I first started saying it. However, I was simply dismissed as a cunt, as I still am because the far left don't want to see the truth, rather blaming anything but Corbyn and the far left for the almighty fucking cock up we now know as the worst general election result since fuck knows when.

It's time for an honest Labour party, one that works for the people, not for its own idealism and policies for the few. Frankly, the Labour left is as bad as the Tory right in so much as they're only interested in themselves and only offer a fuck off to anyone that doesn't agree with them.
Once Corbyn is dumped and a new leader, a press friendly one is found, policies have to be sorted out, but all must be sensible (Electable), and all must be very well thought out.

Free education for all - Nice start, but with no shit about abolishing private schools

Free NHS, including dentistry and prescriptions - Absolutely, but with no shit about abolishing private hospitals
Improving NHS efficiency, dumping tory business managers, and running hospitals as places for sick people rather than businesses - Yes please. As for private industry within the healthcare system - No, it's health care not a fucking business opportunity. Anything that can be outsourced can be done internally at a cheaper price.

Housing is an expensive mess.
Heavy taxes on all non-UK residents owning property in the UK, even heavier if more than one property.
Repossession of abandoned properties if the owners can't be contacted or they leave it in disrepair after warnings. These can be sold off and cash diverted to homeless shelters or whatever else is needed.
A building program as I described a few weeks ago. Cheap houses/rents will naff up greedy estate agents and force prices down, but provide a lot of work for builders, thus can be sold as business friendly.
Building cheap single room housing (with bathroom) for young couples or single people, probably for rent as council homes. Small is cheap to heat and easy to clean.
Homeless shelters in the style of pod hotels. Cheap but can help a lot of people. These can also be used to identify heath issues these people may be suffering from, and even provide free training so they have a better chance of finding work. A real address and email service can be provided at almost no cost, that giving these people a solid address to give to potential employers.

Roads - Massive tax breaks for EV manufacturers. This has to be backed up with renewable energy generation, and all sold to the country as promoting business opportunities and saving people's money, as well as being green.
Business gets scared when left wing Labour governments get elected, so sell the policy as business friendly and invite car and energy companies to the table. The tories aren't even close on this one so they'll be forced to copy, and it'll be obvious they're desperate.
It can also be promoted as forward thinking because North Sea oil is all but finished in not many years, so Labour can outflank the tories on that as well.

Everything should be built around helping people, never just for political ideals, and everything sold as business friendly and at minimal cost to the taxpayer.
Free parking for EVs and EV only spaces as sales increase, and zero road tax for EV motorcycles for X number of years.
Eventually, EV only roads in towns and cities.

Space provided free for green energy charging points.
That’s an interesting contribution . What I don’t understand in all this rush of belief by Labour remainers that the referendum result could be overturned is the lack of any risk assessment of how that would be interpreted by Labour voters in leave areas. The signs in the North East were already there with sizeable UKIP votes and generally the trend of Tories eating into the Labour vote in the midlands and north generally were there in the last election .
I’m not sure I buy the split issue either to be honest . Any split would have meant breakaway remain candidates losing badly in leave areas even if they had a pact with the Lib Dens which would have been a step too far for even some Labour remain supporters .Equally I’m not sure how a breakaway remain party would have done in competing against official Labour candidates in remain areas .

I didn't read that as saying that a break away would have done well or made sense politically but that the internal tensions within the labour party would've made a split inevitable. Politics isn't all rational analysis and objective risk assessment is it?
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