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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

ruining the country. the conservative party are currently ruining the country.

It says everything about how terrible the Conservative Party are is that they have spent nearly two centuries trying to ruin the country - fighting against expanding the voting franchise, the Corn Laws, defending the pre-1907 House of Lords, appeasement, Suez, Thatcherism, privatization and now "austerity", and they haven't managed to do it yet. I cannot think of any comparative record of repeated failure at achieving ones long-held aims, outside of the Scooby Doo universe.
It says everything about how terrible the Conservative Party are is that they have spent nearly two centuries trying to ruin the country - fighting against expanding the voting franchise, the Corn Laws, defending the pre-1907 House of Lords, appeasement, Suez, Thatcherism, privatization and now "austerity", and they haven't managed to do it yet. I cannot think of any comparative record of repeated failure at achieving ones long-held aims, outside of the Scooby Doo universe.
Ironic really considering that Mays Master Plan for a big majority was undone by the youth vote, she would have succeeded if not for a bunch of meddling kids
If I ever find myself thinking about voting tory, at that point I'll have to reconsider my attitude to suicide.

EtA, too late really, but worth putting in writing.
Absolutely. It's great advice no matter which country you live in.

America is the worlds richest and most powerful country and is filled with people with a great work ethic and love of their country. The same can be said for other economic powerhouses like Japan and Germany. Unfortunately, Britain has far too many people with a massive sense of entitlement and little work ethic who constantly whinge that their country is not doing enough for them. Kennedy obviously despised such people, and rightly so.

The US is like anywhere else: Throughout the country it has a mix of people in every state, hard workers, the indolent, the content-to-get-by etc, and the ratio of patriot to "don't give a fuck" is the same too. Same with Germany (I've lived in both). Japan is another story: Japan's work ethic arises in part from social shaming of a degree that would be seen as gross bullying over here.
I'm not here to wipe your bum. If you Google "myths of socialism" your page will fill up with interesting and well informed articles setting out why socialism just doesn't work. If you are really interested (which you probably aren't as you're just being a troll) if you Google "the myth of Scandinavian Socialism" you will find a whole lot more interesting articles on that part of the world often referred to by socialists desperate to find somewhere where socialism may be argued to have worked.

If you google "myths of socialism", the first page of results holds NO links to scholarly articles, just to opinion pieces untested by peer review.

Same with googling "myths of Scandinavian socialism". Loads of opinion, some pseudo-scholarly articles (footnoted), but nothing that's appeared in an academic journal and/or been peer reviewed.

So, in sum, you're a bullshitter who tried to blag a line about "scholarly articles" supporting your claim, but have been found out as full of brown smelly stuff.
Nope, instead it's a list of chapters from a book written by a member of the Mises Institute.

As mentioned several pages ago.

Happy Larry probably isn't aware that the Mises Institute, thought it may sound very well-informed, what with being named after Ludwig von Mises, is actually a politically-partisan "think tank" of the ilk of the Adam Smith Institute - i.e. it doesn't necessarily follow the economic prescriptions of the person the institute is named after, but rather they appropriate credibility by riding on that person's coat-tails.
Lorenzo is as credible as David Irving.

Actually, Irving did have Hint of rigour in his reputation once upon a time as strange as it seems - So maybe less credible than Irving.

Which is pretty shit tbh

Lorenzo is a dauber writing with finger-paints, compared to Irving. Lorenzo's work is of a similar cast to Murray and Herrnstein's work on "The Bell Curve". It looks well-constructed, but when you look at the works it references, as well as those it doesn't, you soon get a keen sense of an author constructing a book to fit a preconceived hypothesis, rather than someone doing research, then constructing a book around the evidence their research garners them.

TLDR: It's shit written for right-wingers, that reinforces their already-formed opinions. It sucks walrus cock.
Not much logic there. As people get older and wiser, they tend to vote Tory, so although some Tories may die off over the next few years, many more will take their place.
I am absolutely unconvinced that everyone, or even most people, gravitate to the Tories as they get older. Many do, agreed, but many don't (including myself), it's also affected by how strong and bitter your memories are, of being fucked over by capitalism and by the Tories, when younger.
It's simply a lazy, facile assumption, for which the evidence - beyond the baby boomers generation - is sketchy, to put it mildly (and I think there is every chance that generation will prove a historical one off)
that socialist at 20/ tory at 40 one ( or variations thereof) - its a lazy trope that selfish twats churn out to justify their innate self evident selfish hateful twattery that they have been unable to mask any longer. it has also been attributed to everyone from jesus christ, through jack the ripper to cliff richard or wheoever.

i shall assault the next person i hear uttering it in my presence.
I'm not here to wipe your bum. If you Google "myths of socialism" your page will fill up with interesting and well informed articles setting out why socialism just doesn't work. If you are really interested (which you probably aren't as you're just being a troll) if you Google "the myth of Scandinavian Socialism" you will find a whole lot more interesting articles on that part of the world often referred to by socialists desperate to find somewhere where socialism may be argued to have worked.
OK, let me educate you on the rules of debate. You make a broad, sweeping claim, and defend it by saying 'but there's LOADS of articles out there to support this!' - it's up to you to front up with those articles
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With astonishing arrogance the tories called the election as they were sure of an absolute victory and a thorough trouncing of the labour party.

Er, no. They were gullible enough to rely on the results of polls which showed that they would increase their number of seats.

You will find similar gullible people on these threads rattling on about the same polls (which probably also failed to predict Brexit and the Trump victory) that show the age demographic of those who voted for each party. These people, overly excited at these polls, have now gone ape by claiming that the Tories are now doomed as they have wrongly concluded that support for the Tories will die out. It's laughable but you always have to take into account from whence such wishful "thinking" comes. When "your lot" haven't been in power for some time, desperation obviously makes you cling to whatever "good news" comes your way.

The reasons that there was a swing towards Labour at the last election was purely because many UKIP and SNP voters returned to their natural home in the Labour Party. There would also have been a number of mainly working class voters who voted Tory after Cameron promised an EU referendum if elected. These latter voters, now that the referendum has been concluded have also returned to Labour. Apart from some youngsters who were gullibly taken in by Corbyns vague promise of handouts for their student loans, nothing much has changed.
Dilorenzo's excellent work "The Problem with Socialism" used figures produced by the Pew Foundation to show how Bernie Sanders gained the support of the younger generation by "campaigning on a platform of free higher education, free health care and a vastly increased welfare state".

Corbyn promptly did a "monkey see, monkey do" when he saw how productive promising handouts was, come election time. It worked then. Will it work in future? Everyone likes a free lunch, right? Problem is, nothing is free in this world. As a well known baroness once said :

"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of someone else's money"
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