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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I must have told this story before, but when I did market research in Belfast I had to a job about people's sunday newspaper habits. I met quite a few auld fellas who obviously thought "right, I'll have a bit of fun with this lad". I think they were having fun because they'd say - "look son, don't tell the wife, but I read the Sunday Sport", and then they'd wink at me.

Anyway, back in head office they must have thought "wow loads of people in West Belfast read the Sunday Sport, we didn't expect that."
GHQ England Dept communicating with the lads in London via coded messages in the phone sex ads
I take no pride is noting that Labour had a resounding victory without him :(
They would have had an even bigger victory had they kept him and not fucked up over
Faiza Shaheen but whats done is done and it is no use crying over spilt milk. They have to
work with what they have...

"By the skin of his teeth." The man just can't stop himself lying.

Funny how the fanatical anti-Corbyn people have suddenly stopped posting, isn't it?
Again, higher vote share (and number of votes, incidentally) than the leader of the party managed in his own constituency, not only without a national party behind him, but actually with at least one actively working against him*.

So if that was "by the skin of his teeth", what exactly do we say about Keith's performance...? :hmm:

*I mean, presumably parties of all candidates were working against him to some degree, but you know what I mean! :p
Did I read about this encounter in Beating the Fascists? :hmm: :D
No to be fair. :) I was putting up posters I had made of an early issue of Class War in Hackney town hall during the eighties miners strike.

I got attacked by a crew of radical feminists and their mates. The gist was the CW cover that I had made big posters of (Thatcher with a cleaver in her head) was sexist (no one said misogynist then) and they attacked me.

The leader of their mob had been attacked with a cleaver in the face at some recent point. This became obvious as the row went on. Other people present got involved Wild West saloon style. It was a mess. I was very upset. JC was very nice and helped calm things down. I was on my own as a 17 year old kid.
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No to be fair. :)

I think I was thinking of this passage in the book: ;)

Blows were exchanged. I took this tremendous punch in the forehead. Eamonn decked one of them; everyone was hacking away, A large bald fascist right in front of me took an iron bar straight over the nut. His whole face just went grey. Fractured skull for sure, I thought. Another one on his hands and knees on the floor dropped his iron bar - a great big silver thing with a screw through the top of it - and began shouting, ‘Enough! Enoughl’ You’lI be lucky, I thought, as blows rained down.

“People started chasing the others over walls and through gardens. I think the van pulled away with only about half of them in it. Three were left in the middle of the road. A taxi stopped, and a woman got out, screaming hysterically. Someone pulled her back in. Everyone else ignored her.

“Without much discussion it was decided to carry on with the meeting. Though it was unlikely they would come back, I volunteered for sentry duty outside, more to calm myself down than anything else. One of the women who worked in the kitchen was carted off in an ambulance with a suspected heart attack. So I’m standing there when Labour M P Jeremy Corbyn opens the door of the centre and peeps out. ‘Have they gone?’ he says. ‘Yeah,’ I say. ‘Were they here for you or me?’ he says. ‘It was us,’ I reply. You could see the relief visible on his face. ‘Oh, good!’ he remarked cheerfully. Then, with a quick look in both directions, he skipped off down the road. I remember laughing at the time. How ironic, I thought. Here we have a Member of Parliament, no less, having to skulk around his own constituency for fear of rampaging fascists everyone else seems determined to deny exist.”
Good interview here. I like how furious Harman is that she doesn't even ask him a question, while somehow Rory the Tory and Alasdair Campbell manage to actually ask him something.

Harriet Harman complaining that Corbyn was not following the , in her view, Labour party belief in "Collective Endeavour" by standing as an Independent.

Is this the Labour party MPs which when members voted for Corbyn spent the rest of the time of trying to undermine his leadership?

Is this the Harriet Harman that supported Owen Smith for leader?

Rory the Tory actually asked him a sympathetic non hostile question on what he thought of Labour party economic policy.

And Campbell asked his views on the rise of the right across Europe.

Throughout the interview Corbyn was is usual self. Not being goaded into attacking individuals Not sounding bitter. And talking about the politics.

Comes across as decent man.

I'm really glad he got this. He deserves it. He ha been treated appallingly.

Everything he said was imo completely reasonable. Even if one disagrees with it the comments that Harriet Harman made are disgraceful..

The right of party could never really directly disagree with him. So spent time attacking him personally. Undermining and showing contempt for him and anyone who might vote for him

All respect for the voters in his constituency who saw through this and voted for him. Sometimes the people ignore all the bollocks from the establishment
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For anyone who hasn’t read it, Starmer and his pals’ pretence to be against antisemitism is I feel summed up in these extracts from https://www. scribd.com/document/456116786/The-work-of-the-Labour-Party-s-Governance-and-Legal-Unit-in-relation-to-antisemitism-2014-2019 (space inserted after www. because otherwise it shows the whole pdf)

The 851-page report is backed by 1707 references to individual documents and its accuracy is confirmed in the Forde report. It comprehensively documents how Labour HQ employees betrayed their employers, the leader of their party, and at least the 300,000+ members who had joined hoping to see a real change in British society. The report shows that they did this by consistently ignoring complaints of antisemitism and racism from Jewish and other members, then blaming their inaction on Corbyn.

(my bold, and I’ve removed some names)

The events which led to this investigation, including the Party becoming host to a small number of members holding views which were unarguably hostile to Jewish people and in some cases frankly neo-Nazi in their nature, are deeply disturbing. …

In 2015, the membership of the Labour Party was about 200,000 and then suddenly more than doubled, with many of those joining with a desire to elect Jeremy Corbyn following the 2015 General Election defeat…. At its height Labour Party membership was almost 600,000, or roughly 1% of the British population. This is obviously welcome at a time when widespread political disengagement is assumed to be the norm. However, it meant that the Labour Party became more broadly reflective of the problems and prejudices of British society at large. ...

For all these and other reasons, complaints about antisemitism in the Labour Party began to grow from 2016 onwards. At that time, the Party’s disciplinary process was ill-equipped to deal with the impending caseload and, in fact, the disciplinary processes did not adequately deal with even the far fewer number of cases the Party was managing before 2015. ...

In the period until spring 2018, the Labour Party’s investigation shows that Labour HQ
and GLU [Governance and Legal Unit] failed to
● develop any consistent system of logging and recording complaints;
● develop any consistent system of logging and recording disciplinary
investigations, or tracking their progress;
● develop any consistent system, process or training for investigating and
progressing cases;
● develop any general guidance or training for staff on decision-making regarding
● develop any specific guidance or training for staff on decision-making regarding
antisemitism complaints;
● develop any detailed or coherent guidelines for investigating complaints based
on social media conduct, including how to identify Labour members from social
media accounts and how to treat different forms of social media activity;
● recommend or enact any reforms to the ineffective NEC and NCC disciplinary
procedures, to bring in new systems suitable for a mass member party of
500,000 people or more, and capable of dealing with a much enlarged
● implement the Macpherson principle of logging and investigating complaints of
racism as racism.5

This investigation has revealed to the Party that in this period, before Jennie Formby became General Secretary in spring 2018, GLU failed to act on the vast majority of complaints received, including the vast majority of complaints regarding antisemitic conduct. Systematically reviewing all letters sent to members by GLU from 1 November 2016 to 19 February 2018, the Party has found that GLU initiated investigations into just 34 members in relation to antisemitism in this period. More than 300 complaints relating to antisemitism appear to have been received, however. At least half of these warranted action, many of them in relation to very extreme forms of antisemitism, but were ignored.

… many of them were identified as Labour members and sent to the Head of Disputes … for action. The Head of Disputes rarely replied or took any action …

However, when questioned by the office of the Leader of the Opposition (LOTO) about such matters, as the Party’s handling of antisemitism complaints came under unprecedented media and political scrutiny, senior GLU and GSO [General Secretary’s Office] staff, including the General Secretary … repeatedly:
• Insisted that all complaints were dealt with promptly.
• Justified delays and claimed that outstanding issues would be dealt with soon.
• Provided timetables for the resolution of cases that were never met.
• Falsely claimed to have processed all antisemitism complaints.
• Falsely claimed that most antisemitism complaints the party received were not
• about Labour members.
• Provided highly inaccurate statistics of antisemitism complaints.8 ...

The provision of false and misleading information to both LOTO and the General Secretary (both Lord McNicol and subsequently Jennie Formby) by GLU … meant that the scale of the problem was not appreciated.9 By the time a new General Secretary took over Party HQ in April 2018 there was a backlog of cases that had been ongoing, often for years, with little to no progress …
This section demonstrates that the party machine was controlled by one faction which
worked against Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and to advance the interests of their
faction, and that LOTO did not have authority or influence over GLU or the party
machinery more broadly.
The report confirms that Formby working under Corbyn actually handled the antisemitism problems that the right of the party had created. So why has Starmer concentrated on expelling Corbyn and other left wingers rather than these people who delayed the cases and then lied about it? Seemingly because he doesn’t actually give a shit about antisemitism unless he can use it to attack the left of the party.
For anyone who hasn’t read it, Starmer and his pals’ pretence to be against antisemitism is I feel summed up in these extracts from https://www. scribd.com/document/456116786/The-work-of-the-Labour-Party-s-Governance-and-Legal-Unit-in-relation-to-antisemitism-2014-2019 (space inserted after www. because otherwise it shows the whole pdf)

The 851-page report is backed by 1707 references to individual documents and its accuracy is confirmed in the Forde report. It comprehensively documents how Labour HQ employees betrayed their employers, the leader of their party, and at least the 300,000+ members who had joined hoping to see a real change in British society. The report shows that they did this by consistently ignoring complaints of antisemitism and racism from Jewish and other members, then blaming their inaction on Corbyn.

The report confirms that Formby working under Corbyn actually handled the antisemitism problems that the right of the party had created. So why has Starmer concentrated on expelling Corbyn and other left wingers rather than these people who delayed the cases and then lied about it? Seemingly because he doesn’t actually give a shit about antisemitism unless he can use it to attack the left of the party.
This report isn't publicised enough to be a well-known counter narrative to the usual bilge about Starmer and co 'changing' the party.

Our crap biased media and political systems have made sure of that. :mad:
And when it is, even in the Forde Report it's phrased as a 'factional dispute under Corbyn', suggesting that Corbyn was really responsible with weak leadership.

When actually the one 'faction' was the leader of the Labour Party and the LOTO office who were trying to represent the at least 400,000 members who'd joined because of him and putting forward the manifesto that had been agreed. The other 'faction' was Labour HQ - employees who were paid to further the interests of the party but who actively worked against it.

Some of those WhatsApp messages are disgusting. No action against them that I'm aware of.
This has massively upset a lot of centrists :D and the community note I have rated as unhelpful as it is factually incorrect:

E2a the community note has been removed since I originally posted this, must have had a lot of complaints. :D

What did the community note originally say?
For anyone who hasn’t read it, Starmer and his pals’ pretence to be against antisemitism is I feel summed up in these extracts from https://www. scribd.com/document/456116786/The-work-of-the-Labour-Party-s-Governance-and-Legal-Unit-in-relation-to-antisemitism-2014-2019 (space inserted after www. because otherwise it shows the whole pdf)

The 851-page report is backed by 1707 references to individual documents and its accuracy is confirmed in the Forde report. It comprehensively documents how Labour HQ employees betrayed their employers, the leader of their party, and at least the 300,000+ members who had joined hoping to see a real change in British society. The report shows that they did this by consistently ignoring complaints of antisemitism and racism from Jewish and other members, then blaming their inaction on Corbyn.

The report confirms that Formby working under Corbyn actually handled the antisemitism problems that the right of the party had created. So why has Starmer concentrated on expelling Corbyn and other left wingers rather than these people who delayed the cases and then lied about it? Seemingly because he doesn’t actually give a shit about antisemitism unless he can use it to attack the left of the party.
Yeah, Starmer isn't just a liar, he's built a route to power on a deep strategy of lies. He's despicable scum.
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