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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

And there was me thinking that we've had a welfare state and NHS since 1945 precisely because of widespread public support for such socialist institutions and that the depredations visited on both are a key reason why Labour's fortunes have revived so markedly. Maybe us lazy people are in a majority.
nhs established 1948
And you really think Corbyn is happy with what you term is a "welfare state"? if so, you are delusional.

Read the Labour manifesto. You will see that he is totally unhappy and wants increased taxation, nationalisation and all the other trappings of a true socialist system.

Bringing back British rail, an increase of corporation tax to the European average and building some more council houses. Bring it on comrade.

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Socialism favours the lazy at the expense of the hardworking.

Say there are two brothers, both bricklayers. Brother A works hard, has bought his own house, works long hours and pays loads of tax. Brother B is constantly losing his job due to him pissing it up and not attending work. He lives in subsidised housing and regularly claims unemployment benefits due to being a lazy shit and preferring to take lengthy breaks from work.

Under a socialist system, hardworking brother A is indirectly subsidising the lifestyle of lazy shit brother B.

There are valid reasons why the Tories are the most popular political party.

You been watching re runs of eastenders again ?
Socialism favours the lazy at the expense of the hardworking.

Say there are two brothers, both bricklayers. Brother A works hard, has bought his own house, works long hours and pays loads of tax. Brother B is constantly losing his job due to him pissing it up and not attending work. He lives in subsidised housing and regularly claims unemployment benefits due to being a lazy shit and preferring to take lengthy breaks from work.

Under a socialist system, hardworking brother A is indirectly subsidising the lifestyle of lazy shit brother B.

There are valid reasons why the Tories are the most popular political party.

"Not sure making up bullshit stories about non-existent things like subsidised housing counts as valid by any usual definition"

Just trying to keep it simple for you.

There are many scholarly articles that I could link to on why socialism doesn't work, but they'll probably go right over your head.

Why do you think UK voters have not supported such a system, come election time?

Firstly, brother A, due to his work ethic, will be a highly sought after employee, even during a recession, so will have no problem finding employment.

Secondly, being prudent and hard working, he will have put aside some funds to carry him through the tough times.

Brother A looks after himself whilst Brother B depends on a nanny state to look after him.

And you really think Corbyn is happy with what you term is a "welfare state"? if so, you are delusional.

Read the Labour manifesto. You will see that he is totally unhappy and wants increased taxation, nationalisation and all the other trappings of a true socialist system.

Wow, you really haven't a clue. That one about the work ethic and being a prudent saver was a particular gem...

So where's the scholarly articles oh simplistic bullshitter?
Socialism favours the lazy at the expense of the hardworking.

I work because there are things that I need to do, and things that need doing by someone. I'd like to be paid more for doing the work I do but that's another question.

If someone else decides to do fuck all with their time, why do I care? I could do that too but I choose not to.

Also plenty of people who don't ''work'' actually do work. Full-time parents, for one. People that do voluntary work, for another.

The problem isn't people ''being too lazy to work'' the problem is envy. Fuck envy. Find something to do with your time that makes you happy, and let other people do the same. Nobody deserves to starve and live in the cold.
And you really think Corbyn is happy with what you term is a "welfare state"? if so, you are delusional.

Read the Labour manifesto. You will see that he is totally unhappy and wants increased taxation, nationalisation and all the other trappings of a true socialist system.
And ? I'm quite happy to pay more tax if it makes society better , you know things like, giving the people who work in services that look after and teach us a decent wage , crazy eh ?
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Socialism favours the lazy at the expense of the hardworking.

Say there are two brothers, both bricklayers. Brother A works hard, has bought his own house, works long hours and pays loads of tax. Brother B is constantly losing his job due to him pissing it up and not attending work. He lives in subsidised housing and regularly claims unemployment benefits due to being a lazy shit and preferring to take lengthy breaks from work.

Under a socialist system, hardworking brother A is indirectly subsidising the lifestyle of lazy shit brother B.

There are valid reasons why the Tories are the most popular political party.

So if you get cancer you'll refuse NHS treatment and instead pay for it out of your own pocket? Don't wanna be one of those lazy socialists now would you?
I work because there are things that I need to do, and things that need doing by someone. I'd like to be paid more for doing the work I do but that's another question.

If someone else decides to do fuck all with their time, why do I care? I could do that too but I choose not to.

Also plenty of people who don't ''work'' actually do work. Full-time parents, for one. People that do voluntary work, for another.

The problem isn't people ''being too lazy to work'' the problem is envy. Fuck envy. Find something to do with your time that makes you happy, and let other people do the same. Nobody deserves to starve and live in the cold.
tory mps do.
Socialism favours the lazy at the expense of the hardworking.

Say there are two brothers, both bricklayers. Brother A works hard, has bought his own house, works long hours and pays loads of tax. Brother B is constantly losing his job due to him pissing it up and not attending work. He lives in subsidised housing and regularly claims unemployment benefits due to being a lazy shit and preferring to take lengthy breaks from work.

Under a socialist system, hardworking brother A is indirectly subsidising the lifestyle of lazy shit brother B.

There are valid reasons why the Tories are the most popular political party.

What is "subsidised housing"?
maybe a diversion, but the idea of hardworking does open up that Weberian work ethic sink hole, which no one really wants to get involved with. As to the need for hard work, that is another question entirely but it is an essential component of the capitalist model as it stands. and I am still lazy.
I wonder if Happy Larry would be willing to be monitored each and every second of his workday so that his employers could adjust his hourly rate based on his productivity. Why should people who work faster than him and use the toilets less often get paid the same as he does?

After all, only a lazy socialist would have it any other way.
I wonder if Happy Larry would be willing to be monitored each and every second of his workday so that his employers could adjust his hourly rate based on his productivity. Why should people who work faster than him and use the toilets less often get paid the same as he does?

After all, only a lazy socialist would have it any other way.
he's in management
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