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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Socialism favours the lazy at the expense of the hardworking.

Say there are two brothers, both bricklayers. Brother A works hard, has bought his own house, works long hours and pays loads of tax. Brother B is constantly losing his job due to him pissing it up and not attending work. He lives in subsidised housing and regularly claims unemployment benefits due to being a lazy shit and preferring to take lengthy breaks from work.

Under a socialist system, hardworking brother A is indirectly subsidising the lifestyle of lazy shit brother B.

There are valid reasons why the Tories are the most popular political party.
Socialism favours the lazy at the expense of the hardworking.

Say there are two brothers, both bricklayers. Brother A works hard, has bought his own house, works long hours and pays loads of tax. Brother B is constantly losing his job due to him pissing it up and not attending work. He lives in subsidised housing and regularly claims unemployment benefits due to being a lazy shit and preferring to take lengthy breaks from work.

Under a socialist system, hardworking brother A is indirectly subsidising the lifestyle of lazy shit brother B.

There are valid reasons why the Tories are the most popular political party.

Cool analogy bro. What happens when brother A cant get any building work because of a recession and has to work as a night cleaner on minimum wage? He cant pay for his mortgage, has his house repossessed and the stress causes him to develop serious depression. His wife cant take it anymore and leaves him. He then he ends up developing a serious alcohol abuse issue which results in him getting sacked and then ends up begging on the streets.
Does brother B walks past him and says "Dude - WTF? - its almost as if real life cant be reduced to simplistic platitudes about "hard work" in order to justify gross inequality"?
"Not sure making up bullshit stories about non-existent things like subsidised housing counts as valid by any usual definition"

Just trying to keep it simple for you.

There are many scholarly articles that I could link to on why socialism doesn't work, but they'll probably go right over your head.

Why do you think UK voters have not supported such a system, come election time?
"Not sure making up bullshit stories about non-existent things like subsidised housing counts as valid by any usual definition"

Just trying to keep it simple for you.

There are many scholarly articles that I could link to on why socialism doesn't work, but they'll probably go right over your head.

Why do you think UK voters have not supported such a system, come election time?

And there was me thinking that we've had a welfare state and NHS since 1945 precisely because of widespread public support for such socialist institutions and that the depredations visited on both are a key reason why Labour's fortunes have revived so markedly. Maybe us lazy people are in a majority.
What happens when brother A cant get any building work because of a recession and has to work as a night cleaner on minimum wage?

Firstly, brother A, due to his work ethic, will be a highly sought after employee, even during a recession, so will have no problem finding employment.

Secondly, being prudent and hard working, he will have put aside some funds to carry him through the tough times.

Brother A looks after himself whilst Brother B depends on a nanny state to look after him.
Firstly, brother A, due to his work ethic, will be a highly sought after employee, even during a recession, so will have no problem finding employment.

Secondly, being prudent and hard working, he will have put aside some funds to carry him through the tough times.

Brother A looks after himself whilst Brother B depends on a nanny state to look after him.

What if brother A is actually a brother and systemic biases means he’s unable to get another job solely due to the colour of his skin?
Firstly, brother A, due to his work ethic, will be a highly sought after employee, even during a recession, so will have no problem finding employment.

Secondly, being prudent and hard working, he will have put aside some funds to carry him through the tough times.

Brother A looks after himself whilst Brother B depends on a nanny state to look after him.
you can have all the work ethic you like, it doesn't guarantee you a job
And there was me thinking that we've had a welfare state and NHS since 1945

And you really think Corbyn is happy with what you term is a "welfare state"? if so, you are delusional.

Read the Labour manifesto. You will see that he is totally unhappy and wants increased taxation, nationalisation and all the other trappings of a true socialist system.
Firstly, brother A, due to his work ethic, will be a highly sought after employee, even during a recession, so will have no problem finding employment.

Secondly, being prudent and hard working, he will have put aside some funds to carry him through the tough times.

Brother A looks after himself whilst Brother B depends on a nanny state to look after him.

Of course. Hardworking bricklayers - or hardworking people in any line of work - never ever have problems finding well paid work and always have enough put by to cover themselves in case of misfortune. Even those who can barely pay for their hugely overinflated housing costs.
Me bad. Fuck the poor. Fuck the sick and disabled. Sell the NHS. #roadtoserfdom
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