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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Good grief! You keep on replying but never manage to actually say anything.

My question hasn't changed: How do we get rid of the tories and save public services?

Corbyn's leadership has failed, (and you’ve finally ruled out ‘undemocratic means’ or 'revolution' after a month or more of blather), so what other options are there? Most people don't want this tory dismantling of state funded education and healthcare, so why aren't they rallying behind Corbyn?

The only viable solution is that the Labour Party makes itself electable again by appealing to centre/left voters. They'll need to start that process on June 9th, because in a couple more years it may be too late. (And no, that doesn’t mean I want a return to Blair and PFI).

Out of curiosity, what policies do you think the 'Centre/Left' desires?
If anyone is remotely interested, the clerks at my polling station - Worcestershire county council elections - thought that turn-out was definitely higher than average.

Not referendum or GE levels, but higher than standard county/district council elections.

That was at 8.30pm, so a decent sample.
So apparently Kelvin MacCunt actually did say that the fake news he'd like to see would be regarding an asylum seeker stabbing Corbyn to death.

What the actual fuck.

How have we sunk to this?
According to Popbitch today, he's already been sacked anyway, a couple of weeks ago.
I don't know if he was sacked. Last i heard he was 'suspended'.

Either way it's not enough. If I had my way he'd be thrown off a fucking cliff into the channel.
He wasn't sacked for that (it hadn't happened yet) - he was gone anyway, just sitting around the office running his internet business. Allegedly.
A nice shiny brogue stamping on a human face. Forever.

None of us here are centre or centre left and nobody thinks what you think they believe and anyway nobody in Labour is really centre or centre left and you are parodying nothing but your own paranoia [/standard moderate reponse to parody about moderates]
None of us here are centre or centre left and nobody thinks what you think they believe and anyway nobody in Labour is really centre or centre left and you are parodying nothing but your own paranoia [/standard moderate reponse to parody about moderates]

You wot?
Nothing. That message does not exist. Tony is not a Blairite and the term "moderates" is a slur that Corbynistabots throw at [fill in with current appropriate and acceptable appellation] Labour MPs.
Assad Regime flag?

Don't you think that might represent the people in Syria, not solely the leader?
It's the flag of the regime that's killed tens of thousands of civilians via barrel bombing and airstrikes, that hung 10 000+ political opponents as the revolution gathered pace, that practices mass torture and rape on the 10s of thousand political opponents that it currently holds hostage in it's prisons, that starves towns and cities that oppose all the above - the regime that has threatened and acted on the slogan Assad or the country burns.

So no, i don't think it was there meaning anything but support for those actions and the wish for the principal designer of these policies to win by using them. To represent that approval and endorsement. Certainly not to represent the people.
The Union Flag doesn't represent me.

I'm happy for people to call it a "regime" flag.

isn't it just an easy way to assert solidarity with the people - just by showing the flag of that country?

Personally I hate flags and I hate nationalism, but I'm not going to infer from the presence of the Syrian flag that John McDonnell is pro-Assad, that's ridiculous!
It's the flag of the regime that's killed tens of thousands of civilians via barrel bombing and airstrikes, that hung 10 000+ political opponents as the revolution gathered pace, that practices mass torture and rape on the 10s of thousand political opponents that it currently holds hostage in it's prisons, that starves towns and cities that oppose all the above - the regime that has threatened and acted on the slogan Assad or the country burns.

So no, i don't think it was there meaning anything but support for those actions and the wish for the principal designer of these policies to win by using them. To represent that approval and endorsement. Certainly not to represent the people.
I'm not defending the Assad regime. More to the point, I see no evidence that JM is either.
isn't it just an easy way to assert solidarity with the people - just by showing the flag of that country?

Personally I hate flags and I hate nationalism, but I'm not going to infer from the presence of the Syrian flag that John McDonnell is pro-Assad, that's ridiculous!
No, that's not what that flag means - it means that you support one side over another. As would carrying this flag:

isn't it just an easy way to assert solidarity with the people - just by showing the flag of that country?

Personally I hate flags and I hate nationalism, but I'm not going to infer from the presence of the Syrian flag that John McDonnell is pro-Assad, that's ridiculous!

I doubt he designed the backdrop anyway. It mainly shows that he's not too fussed about what he stands in front of, I think.
I'm not defending the Assad regime. More to the point, I see no evidence that JM is either.
I'm telling you what that flag means and what is behind the flying of it as you seemed unaware. I'm not saying that you support the assad regime. It doesn't mean what you think - that's all.

JM knows what it means as well. That's probably why he made sure it was not in his tweet of the pictures of the speech. But he knew when he made that speech and he could have asked for its removal. The london-labour-union left is riddled with these assad regime supporting stalinists and red-brown and conspiracy types.
In the context of the civil war, it's apparently considered a partisan flag.
I think it's more likely a short hand for showing solidarity with the people. I've seen nothing that makes me think McDonnell supports Assad. If someone has evidence to the contrary I'm happy to be corrected, but I'm not going to condemn the guy like this just because he's standing next to the Syrian flag, that's completely over the top
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