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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

No one wants to go because it's boring

It's boring - and excluding - because it's been hollowed out and captured by Stalinist loons and other cobweb left acts.

Given one of Coryn's ideas is to extend the number of bank holidays,you would have hoped for a more imaginative May Day this year instead of the usual bankrupt tropes.
I was looking at the May Day activities in the West Midlands yesterday and there is a weighty Stalinist presecne here as well if the speakers at the events are anythign to go by.

Part of the problem is that once these things become hollowed out - i.e. once the Labour movement lost it's relevance to people - the presence of these types of crank becomes more visible
I went down to the May Day thing on the Marktplatz here, and it was all points of the compass from CDU to PKK. But the emphasis seemed to be on a fun day out for families with kids. Or grandparents and grandchildren, more likely.
if you want to go Stalinist - at least give it a bit of oomph

Corbyn may have won the party’s leadership handsomely twice over, but insiders say that the leader of the opposition’s office – or “Loto”, as it is known in party parlance – has never really lost a sense of siege. They would add that there is some justification for that. Matt Zarb-Cousin, who recently stepped down as Corbyn’s spokesman, told the US magazine Jacobin this week – just as the election campaign cranks into gear – that Labour party staff habitually handed sensitive information to the press to destabilise the leadership.

“There were endless leaks from Southside, which makes it incredibly difficult to function in a professional way,” he said. “I don’t think anyone would be able to under those conditions.”

General election 2017: John McDonnell accuses Tories of 'lies' on Labour spending plans – politics live

Appalling if correct.
of all the things to criticise that poster for, the technical difference between the army and the air force seems low on the list.

I liked this one myself.

It's the best I've got. I think it's too confusingly and multifacetedly shit to form a coherent criticism. The bombshell bit almost inspires Carry On style raised eyebrows but it's just not close enough.

This is the real menace of the Tories, I reckon.
So apparently Kelvin MacCunt actually did say that the fake news he'd like to see would be regarding an asylum seeker stabbing Corbyn to death.

What the actual fuck.

How have we sunk to this?
So apparently Kelvin MacCunt actually did say that the fake news he'd like to see would be regarding an asylum seeker stabbing Corbyn to death.

What the actual fuck.

How have we sunk to this?

Give it six months he'll be blubbing that he had a 'breakdown' and someone will be daft enough to let him make a documentary.
So apparently Kelvin MacCunt actually did say that the fake news he'd like to see would be regarding an asylum seeker stabbing Corbyn to death.

What the actual fuck.

How have we sunk to this?

Give it six months he'll be blubbing that he had a 'breakdown' and someone will be daft enough to let him make a documentary.
Give it six months he'll be blubbing that he had a 'breakdown' and someone will be daft enough to let him make a documentary.
Doubtful. He's a remorseless belligerent bully who thrives in this sickness we call society. He's enjoyed that position for decades. He will always find someone somewhere to air his views and pay his way.

At what point does this change?
So apparently Kelvin MacCunt actually did say that the fake news he'd like to see would be regarding an asylum seeker stabbing Corbyn to death.

What the actual fuck.

How have we sunk to this?

He is an arsewipe - but where is the outrage or the sanctions from his paymasters ? Outside broadly partisan political outlets, I have seen it mentioned but reaction is a bit meh.
He is an arsewipe - but where is the outrage or the sanctions from his paymasters ? Outside broadly partisan political outlets, I have seen it mentioned but reaction is a bit meh.
Nowhere, they clearly share his views - people like him are their mouthpieces. He says what they (by which they'd like to infer society as a whole) believe.
course if it had been the other way round, say a momentum bod saying that about TM, well he'd be tried under the Jo Cox act and thrown in chokey
in posts passim since 10 marchwhy are you changing the question from one post to the next?

E2A: don't bother answering, can't be dealing with your lies and nonsense any more

of changing government.

do you see that? OF CHANGING GOVERNMENT. it is a general question, not 'do you have a way of changing government which is viable in the uk in the current political context'.

so i answered the question asked and you haven't understood what's been going on since then you daft twat. this correspondence is now closed.

Good grief! You keep on replying but never manage to actually say anything.

My question hasn't changed: How do we get rid of the tories and save public services?

Corbyn's leadership has failed, (and you’ve finally ruled out ‘undemocratic means’ or 'revolution' after a month or more of blather), so what other options are there? Most people don't want this tory dismantling of state funded education and healthcare, so why aren't they rallying behind Corbyn?

The only viable solution is that the Labour Party makes itself electable again by appealing to centre/left voters. They'll need to start that process on June 9th, because in a couple more years it may be too late. (And no, that doesn’t mean I want a return to Blair and PFI).
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