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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Well that puts paid to the notion that they were there to represent solidarity with the syrian people doesn't it - when JM attacks the flag and what it stands for!

As if, he didn't know or see anyway. Those people holding them are there to be visible and they make damn sure they are.

...and those kind of freaks are there every year. With their hammers and sickles and Stalin portraits.
...and those kind of freaks are there every year. With their hammers and sickles and Stalin portraits.

I think that the Stalin portraits are incredible, where else do you see them? Surely even the Stalinists realise how awful they look to everyone?
They have a quite amazing video on youtube, with some rap, and explaining how Stalin was a feminist and all round good guy.
Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 19.18.36.png
"Yes Nick Robinson, I spoke in front of a 100 foot high banner depicting Lenin riding a workers bomb and I liked it"

And yet the idea that this may negatively affect my chances of become chancellor of a capitalist country just frankly never occurred. But then that's the media for you.
Churchill was doing it for the love of the pursuit, rather than the money.
Who killed the most people is actually irrelevant. The attempt to establish 'official' communist rule cost the lives of millions, mostly in China and the territory of the former USSR. Establishing capitalism as a global system cost even more, directly and indirectly, and as the impossibility of continuing down the road we're on unfolds as reality, we will see mass corpses as never before.
Just plain creepy. Those blokes shouldn't be encouraging her to have such a narrow and incomplete world view.
Why not? Other blokes with other ideological hobbyhorses, in other situations, would do the same.

Why does everything seem somehow unreal these days?*

*Or perhaps it's just me.
You can't by voting for Labour that ousts a vaguely left leader and then shifts to the right. It's been said many times and the answer hasn't changed either.

Replacing a vaguely left leader with someone like Corbyn clearly isn’t working either. That’s been said many times too.

So assuming you agree that a Labour GE win is the only way of stopping the tories and their demolition of essential services, how can it be made to happen? Surely attracting more voters would help!
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