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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I'm glad at my work if you have to take a day off sick everyone doesn't instantly assume you're malingering. It's not like it was an important vote (as it was already a done deal), or that anyone didn't already know her position.
Diane is becoming a liability, its a shame, she can be very good at times.

Though it is John Mann who is doing the stirring.

she - and by extention, the cause she espouses - gave her political enemies (and boy, does she have them...) a 300ft gold plated spoon. she didn't even leave it lying around by mistake, but posted it to them and made sure someone would be in to take delivery.

if Corbyn doesn't understand what an utter liability she is then he's even more useless than i imagined, and to quote our favourite smuggler, i can imagine quite a lot...
she - and by extention, the cause she espouses - gave her political enemies (and boy, does she have them...) a 300ft gold plated spoon. she didn't even leave it lying around by mistake, but posted it to them and made sure someone would be in to take delivery.

if Corbyn doesn't understand what an utter liability she is then he's even more useless than i imagined, and to quote our favourite smuggler, i can imagine quite a lot...
About 5 people actually care.
I'm glad at my work if you have to take a day off sick everyone doesn't instantly assume you're malingering. It's not like it was an important vote (as it was already a done deal), or that anyone didn't already know her position.
If there's any significance at all, it's her not supporting Corbyn. But yes, given the way the whole Corbyn/Momentum thing has died anyway, it's not very significant.
If there's any significance at all, it's her not supporting Corbyn. But yes, given the way the whole Corbyn/Momentum thing has died anyway, it's not very significant.

oh yeah, its got no significance in terms of Brexit/Remain, but its got lots of juicy significance within Labour - perhaps, though i'm horrified that i might think it - she's decided that while the Great Leaders project is very worthy, of greater importance is the upcoming three-way selection fight where She, Corbyn and Thornberry (?) are going after two seats between them, and voting for Brexit might be a blot on her CV.

one, of course, that the other two will have...
I'm glad at my work if you have to take a day off sick everyone doesn't instantly assume you're malingering. It's not like it was an important vote (as it was already a done deal), or that anyone didn't already know her position.

This gives her the ability to say later she wouldn't have voted for it, I suspect every interview she does after this she'll have to say that she would have voted with the whip.
Ukip are clearly on the retreat in Rotherham -couldnt win this ward and lost another seat to labour last night.Voters are all over the place at the moment -Rotherham is for Brexit but votes libdem ?Explain.

Does this say anything about Stoke ?

Existing labour councillor got convicted of summat (don't know what, sorry). Area has a high muslim population, so unlikely to desert labour for ukip. Hence libdem gain......The other seat was in a very white w/c ex-mining village. Went from ukip -> labour

Most pleasing aspect for me (Rotherhams not far from me), is that the far-right have been turning up in Rotherham for ages, trying to use the CSE case as a way of causing racial-friction. Good to see them lose here :)
Existing labour councillor got convicted of summat (don't know what, sorry). Area has a high muslim population, so unlikely to desert labour for ukip. Hence libdem gain......The other seat was in a very white w/c ex-mining village. Went from ukip -> labour

Most pleasing aspect for me (Rotherhams not far from me), is that the far-right have been turning up in Rotherham for ages, trying to use the CSE case as a way of causing racial-friction. Good to see them lose here :)

Thanks local explanation was given for libdem gain in sunderland two weeks ago.
Ukip are clearly on the retreat in Rotherham -couldnt win this ward and lost another seat to labour last night.Voters are all over the place at the moment -Rotherham is for Brexit but votes libdem ?Explain.

Does this say anything about Stoke ?
It's a council by election, trying to use it as a measure of what "Rotherham" thinks is utterly stupid.
Labour looks at collaborating with Lib Dems and Greens in Stoke

On the one hand, it would make a change from Labour's traditional arrogant refusal to collaborate with anyone else on the left. On the other, will doubtless be seen as (and, let's be honest, is) exactly the kind of establishment stitch-up that makes some people want to vote UKIP in the first place. So it might 'keep 'em out' but its hardly addressing the problem.
Labour looks at collaborating with Lib Dems and Greens in Stoke

On the one hand, it would make a change from Labour's traditional arrogant refusal to collaborate with anyone else on the left. On the other, will doubtless be seen as (and, let's be honest, is) exactly the kind of establishment stitch-up that makes some people want to vote UKIP in the first place. So it might 'keep 'em out' but its hardly addressing the problem.
I just posted that over in the LidDems shit thread.

It is worth bearing in mind that there isn't a single quote from any Labour source there, not even an anonymous one, while at the same time there's LD arse-licking aplenty, it's clearly part of the the Guardians own agenda.

That said there are people, both inside and outside the LP, that want to see this type of progressive alliance (urgh) and would cheer over an anti-UKIP message. And your completely right that this is the type of shit that is why people are voting for UKIP and merely strengthens the hard-right vote.
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Cant see it myself -tho if labour were to lose both some would rethink.Its a sign of weakness to many labour traditionalists

Its a function of the voting system surely -only under pr would you see it happen when it would be a sign of inevitability.

I sense the hard right threat is receding fast but time will tell in stoke.
I heard that DA was tweeting about the time the vote was taking place.
It's complicated by DA having a fling with JC a while back.
the full employment thing has less popularity because no one has any interest in being seen to propose to pay people to do nothing,

You seem to be agreeing with Thatcher and the big business bosses that British business (and the government) needed to be 'slimmed out' in the 80s and beyond.

There's loads of work around - people are working two jobs just to pay then rent, loads of council employees have gone so litter isn't being collected and footpaths aren't being cut and parks aren't being kept as well as they were. Ever since '79, millions of people people have been got rid of and the workload transferred to the people staying or the work just isn't being done.

Even though productivity has gone up steadily wages haven't, the money has gone to the bosses instead. We need more nurses and people building homes and smaller class sizes with kids being taught by proper teachers. We should be making sure peoples' houses are well insulated and they have solar panels and battery back up. We should be making renewable equipment in Britain. There's loads of things around Britain that need doing to stop it turning into a shithole.

and the student fees has political sympathy, but its not in the top five of anyones list, and no one is going to choose students over housing or NHS spending,

So you agree with the tories and lib dems on this one, too. Quantitative easing (always assuming people would buy the bonds after brexit but you'd think they might - I would with any spare cash) would mean you don't have to do it or housing or NHS spending because you'd be doing all of them. It's a disgusting policy to saddle poor and lower-middle-class kids with tens of thousands of pounds of debt before they even get into a job (rich kids no problem) that will hang over some of them for 20 years. Particularly after our generation has benefited from free education and then pulled the drawbridge up again.

it fits fully in the nice to have catagory - but the rest of it could be written in the personal manifesto of any Lab MP from Yvette Cooper leftwards.

The blairite way of raising money that nearly all? labour MPs signed up to was to privatize it using PFI, I could quite see a 'centrist' giving it another round. She's come out against quantitative easing so how do you raise the money? 'Blooper Cooper threatens HUGE tax rises on hard working people - that's YOU' would be all over the papers.

Corbyns problem has never been his domestic economic agenda, its him personally, his defence/overseas agenda, and his baggage. the polling supports that - when people are asked about anonymised policies they, from all over the political spectrum, give high approval ratings to the policies you've outlined above. however, as soon as you put Corbyns name next to them you may as well have suggested drowning puppies while getting your knob out in a junior school, the approval ratings for those polices nosedive.

its him, the electorate - and i take this from polling and my own doorknocking experience - don't like him. they don't trust him or like what he stands for and who his friends are in the defence/security/overseas sphere, and they don't think he could run a whelk stall, let alone a government, in the domestic sphere.

And after the pasting corbyn has had in the press any labour mp you'd choose to name would soon enough be "like suggesting drowning puppies while getting your knob out in a junior school". Photos of bacon sarnies, them not bowing deeply enough at a commemoration, them being anti-semite because they want israel to stop building settlements on Palestinian land. Six months of that and it would be 'Last person to leave Britain turn the lights out' again.

You wouldn't trust any of them with a whelk stall after the Mail and the Sun got after them. To me it's policies that are important, not personalities.

If Labour's ratings don't improve I think I'd like to see him hand over some months before an election to someone younger but it would have to be someone that supports his policies and doesn't just pay lip service to get power and then get on with Business as Normal. I doubt there are too many of those tbh. They'd be what you'd accuse of being Corbynite groupies or cultists.
Looking at the boundary proposals it seems Abbott is in direct competition with Meg Hillier high profile chair of the Public accounts committee for the new Hackney central seat which takes in five wards from each of their current seats..And surprise surprise Hillier voted against article 50.Hence Diane has more than one headache to contend with.

And if I recall correctly as she deselected Ernie Roberts ,one of those pro moscow apologists and an old man of the left all those years ago knives could be being sharpened down the Wick.Revenge is a dish best eat cold.
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