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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

After the end of the conference last week I was feeling pretty positive. Today though I'm holding my head in my hands wondering why parts of the left have to be so tactically stupid. Of course Jackie Walker has to go - it's not about the facts of what she said and whether it's anti-semitic or not, it's about political reality - her own stupidity and the rabid reaction of the media make her toxic for the time being. Then there's the additional stupidity of people deciding that Clive Lewis is now a bad guy. Then there's the fact that my local Momentum has decided that its big campaigning priority should be an Equality campaign based on intersectionality. Why is the Parliamentary Road to Socialism lined with crowds of idiots walking the wrong way?
Ah ok. Greenstein is very much on the extreme fringe of Momentum tbh, not sure if anything he puts his name to can be seen as representative of the organisation in general (although he is very noisy so its understandable some might think it is).

Marginalising idiots like Greenstein (and Walker) is a pretty critical task for Momentum if they want to get anything done IMO. Otherwise it's constant firefighting at their latest idiocy is paraded by their enemies.
Zionist infiltrators and manipulators are clearly undermining the Corbyn project no matter what they do, they must be confronted in a final boss battle in which Jackie Walker will be the champion of Momentum.
A 770 foot tall Jackie Walker like ISIS think about Jesus. It's happening people. The ball is rolling.
Once all the voters know the truth about Holocaust Memorial Day and the Jewish role in the slave trade the people will rally to the Labour banner.
there was a mention of the old 'socialism of fools' line in a New Statesman piece I skimmed a few days ago (thats from me googling the phrase, not when the article was published, didn't look at the date). There's a book, a good one that I read ages ago that had a similar title but I'm damned if I can remember. Googling for it was what lead me to the statesman article

A 770 foot tall Jackie Walker like ISIS think about Jesus. It's happening people. The ball is rolling.

you almost certainly have said book on epub
there was a mention of the old 'socialism of fools' line in a New Statesman piece I skimmed a few days ago (thats from me googling the phrase, not when the article was published, didn't look at the date). There's a book, a good one that I read ages ago that had a similar title but I'm damned if I can remember. Googling for it was what lead me to the statesman article
There's loads on the subject but there's a newish one by Michele Battini called Socialism of Fools: Capitalism and Modern Anti-Semitism (well published in 2010 but only translated into english this year so prob not the one you read). I've not read it yet, but it's in my kindle 'read asap' pile.
Kinnock's on Hardtalk on BBC News now.
His first gambit:
NK: A new generation joined the Labour Party looking for a Socialist identity.
HT: So Corbyn then?
NK: Oh no! That Socialism doesn't work. More of a Blair-type of Socialism.

With Smith back into political wilderness, I'm glad I can still get my fill of accidental satire...

He also used the "No Labour government in my lifetime" again. Which at the age of 75, is remarkably optimistic...
"Having read reports of what Jackie Walker is alleged to have said, listened to the leaked video, and heard Jackie's version of events, the committee does not regard any of the comments she appears to have made, taken individually, to be anti-Semitic."

It said Ms Walker "should have done more to explain herself to mitigate the upset caused and should have been careful about statements on this and related subjects, whatever her record as an anti-racist, which the committee applauds".

So she didn't do what she was accused of but has been sacked for not doing enough to defend herself and the party from what she was accused of.

So she didn't do what she was accused of but has been sacked for not doing enough to defend herself and the party from what she was accused of.

That's what a defensive statement would say rather than an in-depth investigation. Do you think a defence of jackie walker (and the comments) are what momentum should do now?
The repetition of 'taken individually' from the piece above and the lansman/greensten thing. It suggests a) taken together it does mean something nasty and b) whose in charge
So she didn't do what she was accused of but has been sacked for not doing enough to defend herself and the party from what she was accused of.

There is nothing innocent about repeatedly insisting on specific jewish guilt. That they didn't see that is wrong. Or maybe they did and wanted to frame it another way.

Let's just get this right - defenders of the content of her comments here:

Opposers here:
"Me too. Any more of this disgusting capitulation to the zios and I'm off."

Someone on Momentum FB hasn't got the memo, just used the term 'Zio's

"I have never known anything like this except for Argentina in the 70s, I never thought this could happen in the uk"

yeah momentum deaths squads are calling for you.
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