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It seems it is the 100th running of the Le Mans 24 hours

Ferrari 50 has so many bugs on its windscreen it is hard to see driving into the setting sun.

I hope the driver can see more than I can :) :(

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Ax^ do you know of a leaderboard anywhere, I have started hunting for one, in previous years I had a site that updated the board every hour. At the moment I am losing track of who is in front and who out etc etc ..
18.5 hours to go ..

7 hours of darkness awaits the teams, sunrise is supposed to be at 6am.

If I was there I would be hungry by now :)
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italian jesus has just overtaken you Weltweit

I take my eye off the road ahead for just a moment and look what happens !! :)

Lots of cars on the lead lap still and a long way to go, anyone's guess at the moment I would say .. :/
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I wonder how many times each car has pitted .?

It is the sort of detail I expect from RLM, hope they come through .. :/
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jesus if ferrari can do pit stops at le mans and still come out second

maybe they should give the f1 team pointers
#50 had a moment and went across a gravel trap, managed to drive around it and back onto the track NOPE it has problems and is going into the pit lane ,. wtf

The feed went blank for a bit but the car seems to be back on track now, no idea what happened. there is a lot of water on the track though ..

Lost a lot of time

Fallen to 5th place
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just seen a picture of them racing at night in the rain

even with the stupidly bright headlights its madness at these speeds
just seen a picture of them racing at night in the rain

even with the stupidly bright headlights its madness at these speeds
Lap times have extended a lot though the lead Ferrari did a 5 min 20s lap compared to their fastest lap of 3.29 ..
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You can't see so much - wet and dark .. if it wasn't for the reflectors on the armco it would be very tricky

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The 3' 29" lap is an average speed of 146 mph. (ish) (but a very close 'ish' :) )
That sounds about right. The cars are crazy fast on the Mulsanne even with the two chicanes but the rest of the track is much slower.

The drivers used to like the Mulsanne before the chicanes because it was a bit of the lap they could just relax and put the pedal down :)
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6 cars still on the lead lap, they have done 88 laps, Ferrari #50 has fallen to 6th place (shame)

Still 22C at the circuit with a 40% chance of rain.

Expected to fall to 17C overnight
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