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Is this woman a transphobe?

I engage because otherwise women will not be provided single sex spaces when they are most vulnerable- in prison, in hospital, in custody, under a section of the mental health act. And that there is enough historical evidence of that men can and do pose an ongoing threat of sexual violence to vulnerable women.
Is there much evidence that trans women pose such a threat though?
I engage because otherwise women will not be provided single sex spaces when they are most vulnerable- in prison, in hospital, in custody, under a section of the mental health act. And that there is enough historical evidence of that men can and do pose an ongoing threat of sexual violence to vulnerable women.
Are women provided single sex spaces in custody or in prisons? An awful lot of men work in women's prisons and police stations.
I engage because otherwise women will not be provided single sex spaces when they are most vulnerable- in prison, in hospital, in custody, under a section of the mental health act. And that there is enough historical evidence of that men can and do pose an ongoing threat of sexual violence to vulnerable women.
Regardless of whether this is a good endeavour or not, how is it going to be achieved through posting on here?
Are women provided single sex spaces in custody or in prisons? An awful lot of men work in women's prisons and police stations.
So you think because there are male staff that there should not be single sex accommodation. See men like you are only too quick to take away our protections, because it makes no odds to you.
I engage because otherwise women will not be provided single sex spaces when they are most vulnerable- in prison, in hospital, in custody, under a section of the mental health act. And that there is enough historical evidence of that men can and do pose an ongoing threat of sexual violence to vulnerable women.
There is no provision of your idea of women only spaces. Save for staff of shelters, all women only spaces allow people with a GRC (or working towards a GRC) whatever their anatomy.
So you think because there are male staff that there should not be single sex accommodation. See men like you are only too quick to take away our protections, because it makes no odds to you.
In prison and hospital there is no guarantee of female only staff.
You’re suggesting we shouldn’t discuss it because feelings are being hurt. But women have long conceded things to keep the peace.
In your case I'm suggesting that since we as Urban75 are not yet to my knowledge in the business of hospital or prison commissioning, specific concerns and risks in these respects - which we do not own or influence - should not be a driver of how we as a community behave around and towards people in general. Whether you try to or not, this and similar threads are never confined to a discussion of what you describe, and instead they end up far more heavily oriented towards equal rights or right to exist. That's what you end up engaging in.

Feelings being hurt is something of an understatement given that the historic outcome of these 'discussions' on here has been to permanently exclude groups of people.
Feelings being hurt is something of an understatement given that the historic outcome of these 'discussions' on here has been to permanently exclude groups of people.

I think permanent exclusion is something that happens with use of the banhammer. Some people decided this place wasn’t somewhere they wanted to be (and the site is worse off for it).

I’m probably just trying not to get too hopeless..
In your case I'm suggesting that since we as Urban75 are not yet to my knowledge in the business of hospital or prison commissioning, specific concerns and risks in these respects - which we do not own or influence - should not be a driver of how we as a community behave around and towards people in general. Whether you try to or not, this and similar threads are never confined to a discussion of what you describe, and instead they end up far more heavily oriented towards equal rights or right to exist. That's what you end up engaging in.

Feelings being hurt is something of an understatement given that the historic outcome of these 'discussions' on here has been to permanently exclude groups of people.
Maybe you’re right and it should just be verboten.
Why hasn’t this shite been binned yet? As others have said, this is the same stuff being re-hashed, and the same hurt caused, and a good friend leaving the boards again ffs!

Co op, I think you knew exactly what you wanted out of this and it’s been allowed - why?

^^^ This plus a it's being used as a showcase for a 'very dubious new poster'. Bin it.
Or perhaps we should discuss it on the thread we agreed to, in the part of the forum that has a bit more sensitivity, and those that this doesn't affect should take a step back from the endless beard stroking philosophising. Because this discussion has only ever proved fruitful when that happened.
To be honest smokedout I’m happy to stfu and let you and others discuss it further.
mauvais The reason I'm engaging is that Co-op looks determined to promote this stuff and it has some resonance on here unfortunately. I don't think it's just going to go away. I'm also aware that I may be causing more harm than good though, so I'll but out now.

The thread should have been binned and Co-op put on a warning if not permanently booted. I don't blame the mods for not doing that, because it would have created a storm. But there's no reason urban can't collectively be won over to a more trans accepting position and recognise something like the OP as a provocation. Also when people engage there's often a lot more nuance than there appears at first sight.

We're both "promoting" stuff, you can shake your head at how evil I am, I don't see any way this issue just disappears because you want it to. I haven't posted on trans issues in ages, I started this thread because someone I know a bit got banned off twitter and I read what she'd written and I just cannot see the "transphobia" in it and I'm left wondering what it is I'm missing, am I the only person who can't see it? And also find myself thinking, is this the kind of person we want to drive out of politics? Because that's what you're arguing for.

I haven't slated anyone on this thread, I have just stated a straight up disagreement of ideology. You disagree. There are obviously plenty of people on here who don't disagree.

Permanently booting anyone whose views you don't like? I think you need to grow up because out of your little lefty bubble you are going to really struggle to get your ideology across and you are handing the political right the easiest culture-war tap-in they've had for a long time.
Now, yes. Before it became a long-running toxic sludge fest, before treef and Steph and froggy and MDK and others left, before urban started to be talked about elsewhere as having the same gender politics as mumsnet - that’s the time it wouldn’t have been too late.

There's plenty of people from both sides who've been driven out, it seems so built-in to the gender ideology side to keep crying victim that it never seems to occur to you that others get beaten up too, TRAs (probably their super-keen allies) have got a bit legendary for their pile-ons.
I haven't posted on trans issues in ages
This is not true.

Loads of your posts on both.

I went back to December which is page five of your history and there are only three other threads you've posted on.
This is not true.

Loads of your posts on both.

I went back to December which is page five of your history and there are only three other threads you've posted on.

Fair enough, I meant starting threads, I believe this is the only one I've started, I was posting last night just before bed so there you go, fill yer boots with my "dishonesty" if that makes you feel better.

Where a thread is running I'm allowed to post on it. In the census thread the ONS had just got thrashed in court and no one was posting about that despite the fact that the court case had already been discussed -is it forbidden to even mention real-world events unless they happen to support a certain point of view? Why's it illegitimate to even mention this?

Same with the Challenor case, Reddit was closed down by this, isn't that newsworthy?

How is this going to work? Just shut it down wherever you can and let it be discussed everywhere else, is that the strategy?
We're both "promoting" stuff, you can shake your head at how evil I am, I don't see any way this issue just disappears because you want it to. I haven't posted on trans issues in ages, I started this thread because someone I know a bit got banned off twitter and I read what she'd written and I just cannot see the "transphobia" in it and I'm left wondering what it is I'm missing, am I the only person who can't see it?
I'm fairly sure the dodginess of the stuff in the OP has been covered several times now, but how about this: she clearly dislikes trans women so much that she can't bring herself to say "trans women" and insists on using the loaded term "trans-identifying male" instead. Fair enough, I'm not the boss of her and I can't dictate what language she uses, but if you insist on talking like that you probably shouldn't expect trans people to throw a parade in your honour or anything,
Same with the Challenor case, Reddit was closed down by this, isn't that newsworthy?
Arrested Development narrator voice: Reddit was not, in fact, closed down.
Arrested Development narrator voice: Reddit was not, in fact, closed down.

Ho ho.

Multiple sub-forums with millions of users were made private by their mods in a spontaneous rebellion against AC's appointment. The only reason that Reddit capitulated and sacked her was because of this.
1. I had assumed that a lot of the people posting here were trans. Turns out that most of them were cis men with very strong opinions. It's the same ones who turn up on feminist threads and tell us how to do feminism; the trans folk should be allowed to speak, that's how we should learn about this stuff. It's important.

2. You won't get the gc feminists among us joining in this debate anyway. The thread is too hostile. So their opinions seem to have been imagined (mostly by cis men again). So really I don't know what the point of the thread is except once again it seems to want to drive a wedge between people. It just looks like a massive shit stirring exercise from here.
I agree that this thread, indeed the whole general conversation/debate, is getting nowhere. It might be better if we all stopped talking about it for a while. But in the meantime, with regards to shit stirring, people keep calling others bigots, transphobes, hypocrites and misogynists on this thread, the main trans/terf thread, urban in general and everywhere else. Unless that stops the topic will keep rearing its ugly head, like it or not.
We're both "promoting" stuff, you can shake your head at how evil I am, I don't see any way this issue just disappears because you want it to. I haven't posted on trans issues in ages, I started this thread because someone I know a bit got banned off twitter and I read what she'd written and I just cannot see the "transphobia" in it and I'm left wondering what it is I'm missing, am I the only person who can't see it? And also find myself thinking, is this the kind of person we want to drive out of politics? Because that's what you're arguing for.

I haven't slated anyone on this thread, I have just stated a straight up disagreement of ideology. You disagree. There are obviously plenty of people on here who don't disagree.

Permanently booting anyone whose views you don't like? I think you need to grow up because out of your little lefty bubble you are going to really struggle to get your ideology across and you are handing the political right the easiest culture-war tap-in they've had for a long time.

On a personal level you seem like a decent person, and even politically I'm pretty much on the same page as you on most things. You yourself have put your finger on it here, though. It's ideology and in the modern parlance, you've fallen down a rabbit hole. You starting this thread was preceded by you talking about the tra hold over twitter and if you're saying that sort of thing you're in it pretty deep. At the minute, at least, I think you're too involved in these social media wars and nobody is going to argue you out of it. That's something you're going to have to work out on your own. But if I was in the same rabbit hole, I would be doing the same shit stirring. I don't see an end to this.

For some posters (trans or not) Urban75 is a sanctuary from a world where they're experiencing problems including isolation. These threads have the effect of making trans posters feel isolated on here. There's been an informal agreement to keep it all in one place, but you've broken that agreement.
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