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Is there a reason for the riots?

A man's home is his castle and yet no man is an island.

Two nations? That few?

...is to real life as masturbation is to sex.

Come on, if you try just a little bit harder I reckon you can make an even more vacuous and meaningless post - go on, you know you want to. It's like a really really shit version of Confucous posting after snorting an 8th of coke to fend off the mother of all hangovers.

And just to keep up the Kizmet theme of pointless self-indulgent posts, here's my two pennies worth: I'm really pessimistic, I think it's just going to get worse - I'll go with the LLETSA thesis - we're all fucked. But I'll keep doing what I can to try and prove myself wrong, futile though it is.
Tony Evans? thought I recognised him, he played trumpet in the Farm (who were briefly on my band agency) for a while. Their fans could be very agressive people, not sure about the band though..
Well it took longer than normal with these threads but eventually no one outside p+p regulars are bothering anymore.
Tony Evans? thought I recognised him, he played trumpet in the Farm (who were briefly on my band agency) for a while. Their fans could be very agressive people, not sure about the band though..

I attended one of their gigs and their fans did well in ripping down the butchersapron, some NF supporters had placed on the wall of the venue they were performing at that night.
...is to real life as masturbation is to sex.

Come on, if you try just a little bit harder I reckon you can make an even more vacuous and meaningless post - go on, you know you want to. It's like a really really shit version of Confucous posting after snorting an 8th of coke to fend off the mother of all hangovers.

And just to keep up the Kizmet theme of pointless self-indulgent posts, here's my two pennies worth: I'm really pessimistic, I think it's just going to get worse - I'll go with the LLETSA thesis - we're all fucked. But I'll keep doing what I can to try and prove myself wrong, futile though it is.

Erm.... I don't think you actually understood what I was saying.

I was kinda agreeing with you and going further... pointing out the dichotomy and balance between individualism and a sense of community. I was suggesting that it goes beyond rich and poor.

So creating many nations in Britain... not just two.

I also agree with you and lletsa... that we're fucked. But probably for different reasons. It all seems fairly inevitable to me.

I mean... I was agreeing with you and you called me a Coke snorting Confucius because you couldn't be bothered to work out what I meant.

While I might like that... and indeed might use it as my tagline... it just serves to confirm my opinion that humans aren't quite the social animals we might think we are.
Erm.... I don't think you actually understood what I was saying.

I was kinda agreeing with you and going further... pointing out the dichotomy and balance between individualism and a sense of community. I was suggesting that it goes beyond rich and poor.

So creating many nations in Britain... not just two.

I also agree with you and lletsa... that we're fucked. But probably for different reasons. It all seems fairly inevitable to me.

I mean... I was agreeing with you and you called me a Coke snorting Confucius because you couldn't be bothered to work out what I meant.

While I might like that... and indeed might use it as my tagline... it just serves to confirm my opinion that humans aren't quite the social animals we might think we are.
this just serves to confirm my opinion that you're something of a socially inadequate oddball
Erm.... I don't think you actually understood what I was saying.

I was kinda agreeing with you and going further... pointing out the dichotomy and balance between individualism and a sense of community. I was suggesting that it goes beyond rich and poor.

So creating many nations in Britain... not just two.

I also agree with you and lletsa... that we're fucked. But probably for different reasons. It all seems fairly inevitable to me.

I mean... I was agreeing with you and you called me a Coke snorting Confucius because you couldn't be bothered to work out what I meant.

While I might like that... and indeed might use it as my tagline... it just serves to confirm my opinion that humans aren't quite the social animals we might think we are.

Apologies - I wasn't entirely compos mentis when I posted that. I'm surprised I even spelled it correctly to be fair.

Note to self: never post after the pub.
Seamus Milne:

While bankers have publicly looted the country's wealth and got away with it, it's not hard to see why those who are locked out of the gravy train might think they were entitled to help themselves to a mobile phone. Some of the rioters make the connection explicitly. "The politicians say that we loot and rob, they are the original gangsters," one told a reporter. Another explained to the BBC: "We're showing the rich people we can do what we want."
Most have no stake in a society which has shut them out or an economic model which has now run into the sand. It's already become clear that divided Britain is in no state to absorb the austerity now being administered because three decades of neoliberal capitalism have already shattered so many social bonds of work and community.

Another posh public school boy vandal piece of shit:

Lib Dem (former) home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg has owned up to a criminal past.
As a 16-year-old exchange student in Munich, he was given community service after setting fire to a rare collection of cacti in a "drunken prank".

Cameron and his frat scum trash resturants for coked up laughs and young Nick joins Boris in arsonists-not-so-anonymous; but they all now agree that the destruction of property should be subject ot the most draconian punishments possible.

There is an old story about a worker suspected of stealing: every evening, as he leaves the factory, the wheelbarrow he pushes in front of him is carefully inspected. The guards find nothing; it is always empty. Finally, the penny drops: what the worker is stealing are the wheelbarrows themselves. The guards were missing the obvious truth, just as the commentators on the riots have done. We are told that the disintegration of the Communist regimes in the early 1990s signalled the end of ideology: the time of large-scale ideological projects culminating in totalitarian catastrophe was over; we had entered a new era of rational, pragmatic politics. If the commonplace that we live in a post-ideological era is true in any sense, it can be seen in this recent outburst of violence. This was zero-degree protest, a violent action demanding nothing. In their desperate attempt to find meaning in the riots, the sociologists and editorial-writers obfuscated the enigma the riots presented.

The protesters, though underprivileged and de facto socially excluded, weren’t living on the edge of starvation. People in much worse material straits, let alone conditions of physical and ideological oppression, have been able to organise themselves into political forces with clear agendas. The fact that the rioters have no programme is therefore itself a fact to be interpreted: it tells us a great deal about our ideological-political predicament and about the kind of society we inhabit, a society which celebrates choice but in which the only available alternative to enforced democratic consensus is a blind acting out. Opposition to the system can no longer articulate itself in the form of a realistic alternative, or even as a utopian project, but can only take the shape of a meaningless outburst. What is the point of our celebrated freedom of choice when the only choice is between playing by the rules and (self-)destructive violence?

Post-riots Levi's and Nike to shift comms and marketing strategy from rebellion.

wanker said:
In light of the riots, brands need to be more sensitive to the overall message they portray when marketing, in particular to youths. New PR and marketing campaigns need to be aware of their styling, messaging and the product placement in order not to encourage a rebellious attitude with certain poses and street scenes, as this could influence the audience negatively.

My advice post-riot would be for brands to invest in role models such as Kanye West and David Beckham, who are conscious of emphasising positive attitudes through their lifestyle, career and attitude.
That'll 'do it.'
I said "trying to be neutral". It seems you have a real problem with words like trying and almost. You pretend the don't exist. Weird.

And BTW, trying to be neutral to me means much the same thing as trying to be balanced or trying to be fair.

Glad to hear you see that as a waste of time. But I could have guessed.

If you had a little bit more intelligence it might occur to you that, after 20 years of failing to have an societal impact whatsoever, it's fair to say that it's your drivel that is meaningless and pointless.

Harsh. But fair to say.
HUH? are you thick, blind or both? in case you'd not noticed, I haven't been in govt for the past 30 years, and I'm hardly responsible for Blair taking the LP to a neoliberal position! ONE person alone can do very little. Has it ever occured to you that slightly greater socioeconomic forces (than one person posting on a BB) might possibly explain how we got to where we are?:rolleyes:
here's "harsh but fair"; your every post is that of someone desperately trying to convince everyone else of their superior wisdom, and unique insights into life; unfortunately, in the process they end up as a pile of meaningless, vague,vacuous pseudo-intellectual tosh that - when made in P&P - also show the clear lack of any class analysis that is the hallmark of dripping wet liberals everywhere, which is one the reasons why progressive liberalism is dead in the water, and neoliberalism has become the intellectual backbone of thatcherite tories.
when you post something that is politically insightful, genuinely so, I may change my mind.
Otherwise, your posts are a waste of valuable PC memory
Come on, if you try just a little bit harder I reckon you can make an even more vacuous and meaningless post - go on, you know you want to. It's like a really really shit version of Confucous posting after snorting an 8th of coke to fend off the mother of all hangovers.
what a way with words you have, Norman!
Erm.... I don't think you actually understood what I was saying.

I was kinda agreeing with you and going further... pointing out the dichotomy and balance between individualism and a sense of community. I was suggesting that it goes beyond rich and poor.

So creating many nations in Britain... not just two.

I also agree with you and lletsa... that we're fucked. But probably for different reasons. It all seems fairly inevitable to me.

I mean... I was agreeing with you and you called me a Coke snorting Confucius because you couldn't be bothered to work out what I meant.

While I might like that... and indeed might use it as my tagline... it just serves to confirm my opinion that humans aren't quite the social animals we might think we are.
Let me explain something your superior intellect is clearly failing to grasp; someone on a BB who says other people aren't intelligent enough to understand their posts....is almost certainly spouting WMD-strength bollocks, and us lesser mortals have understood that all too clearly!
HUH? are you thick, blind or both? in case you'd not noticed, I haven't been in govt for the past 30 years, and I'm hardly responsible for Blair taking the LP to a neoliberal position! ONE person alone can do very little.

Can you see the contradiction in your own words?

when you post something that is politically insightful, genuinely so, I may change my mind.
Otherwise, your posts are a waste of valuable PC memory

Problem is... what you think is politically insightful is not at all. It's just mostly excuses.

Change your mind. Get a better one.
Let me explain something your superior intellect is clearly failing to grasp; someone on a BB who says other people aren't intelligent enough to understand their posts....is almost certainly spouting WMD-strength bollocks, and us lesser mortals have understood that all too clearly!

It's not about superior, silly, it's about taking responsibility.

You have an attitude that says I have to post in a certain way.. show insight that you understand otherwise you are gonna ignore me. That attitude is why you failed. That attitude is why any campaign against the forces you think are negative have failed.
It's not about superior, silly, it's about taking responsibility.

You have an attitude that says I have to post in a certain way.. show insight that you understand otherwise you are gonna ignore me. That attitude is why you failed. That attitude is why any campaign against the forces you think are negative have failed.

Because having a positive attitude will make everything right, won't it? :D

Campaigns generally fail because they're either not supported well enough or, more usually, because the forces they confront have the power to be able to resist or ignore.

You're definitely going on the "Hippy" pyre CTR. ;)
It's not about superior, silly, it's about taking responsibility.
bollocks. The deep-rooted social problems we have will NOT be solved by me 'taking responsibility', and I bet in my grassroots activism I do a lot more to 'take responsibility' for my community and part of London than you do, wherever you live.. And this is NOT about ordinary working-class people 'taking responsibility'; it's about the wealthy seeking to absolve themselves from any real sense of responsibility towards the society they feed off.
You have an attitude that says I have to post in a certain way..
WATTALOTTABOLLOX! I have ZERO 'attitude', merely a conviction that my socialist-scientific views are the basis of my understanding and analysis of Britain today. WHAT way do I 'have to post in'? either you give something with just SOME specifics, or I'll treat it with the same disdain as I do the rest of your drivel
show insight that you understand otherwise you are gonna ignore me.
Insight for WHAT? i understand your posts perfectly well - for the great steaming pile of ub er-vague meaningless, pointless wittering that they are, with FUCK ALL to be gained from reading them, and valuable time lost. There simply is nothing there worth reading, my nieces display greater understanding of political issues than you do. There's no good reason to NOT ignore you
That attitude is why you failed.
who's 'you'? I'm personally quite successful thanks
That attitude is why any campaign against the forces you think are negative have failed
what a pile of steaming, meaningless hippy shite! i think you'll actually find that has nothing to do with the 'Left's failure over the past 30 years.
Can you see the contradiction in your own words?
Nope, and i strongly suspect there isn't one, so howsabout you spelling it out, O Great Internet Mystic Sage?
Problem is... what you think is politically insightful is not at all
You haven't got a f-ing clue what I think is 'politically insightful! However, I do seem to recall that an awful lot of people, today and in the past, draw a lot of inspiration from the works of a long-dead dead, hairy German who tends to formj the backbone of my political ideas
It's just mostly excuses.
HOW is any ideas I support 'just excuses'? any chance of a comment that makes sense from you-or has ANY worthwhile meaning?
Change your mind. Get a better one
christ, what ridiculous, faux-spiritual New Age crap. Like that's possible, or would solve any deep-rooted social or economic problems.
And, besides which, if that meant changing it to the spliff-addled, terminally-wibbling turbogenerator of meaningless hippy bollocks that yours is - no ta, I'm fine as it is,kthanks.
Because having a positive attitude will make everything right, won't it? :D

Campaigns generally fail because they're either not supported well enough or, more usually, because the forces they confront have the power to be able to resist or ignore.

You're definitely going on the "Hippy" pyre CTR. ;)

It won't make everything alright. Nothing will ever make everything all right. Anyone who tells you different is selling something.

But it will make streathamite happier and probably live longer.
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