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Is there a reason for the riots?

You must be joking eric .. your post doesn't even make sense. Forget about me or my ego and your silly appreciation of it as giant I was directly attempting to communicate my ire when I saw Diane Abbot's comments the day after I was on the streets of Enfield. Because I used the term 'Uncle Tom' which is how I felt about her I was told to 'fuck off' by the esteemed Rutita 1.
I wasn't about to do that and I attempted to communicate with her in straight forward fashion. I am still incensed by Diane Abbott's comments which after all show the measure of the person in that they were her first reactions to something that is now over a week old.
You can stick your twat comment right up your arse as well you dullard.
As for Rutita1 I express myself how I see fit and care little how you view the same .. got that ?
Thank you very much !!

Me too, got that? :)

I attempted to communicate with her in straight forward fashion.

Anyone that uses terms like 'uncle tom' is not attempting to communicate in a straight forward fashion. IMO, the fact you can't see that is further evidence to me that you have absolutely no 'business' using it.

We are not gonna agree on this Rory. I can accept that. I am therefore done discussing it with you.
Oh you are ? Well that's excellent thanks.
I know exactly what the term 'Uncle Tom' means which is why I used it.
You can dismiss my point of view all you like but you make yourself look extremely silly (if not on this site) when you look down your nose at a sentient being purely because they use terminology you have deemed incorrect. Of course in the full knowledge that you will be mightily supported.
I don't care about skin colour, ethnicity nor race .. I am entitled to post my views .. and Diane Abbott made my blood boil.
I've served my ban despite repeated requests to communicate with you but you are above doing that so be it.
However when you declared that I was part of the problem it did make me think so I guess I ought to appreciate your little snippet of communiqué
Well, Noel Gallagher has spoken out and explained the reasons for the riots: it's TV and videogames, apparently.

We live in this age of violence - and I don't care what other people say: Brutal TV and brutal videogames are a reason for this pointless violence as well. The people are immune to violence, they are used to it. And if they get caught they aren't punished the right way. The prisons are already full? Then build new ones!


The people who are at these riots aren't poor. These are kids with fucking mobile phones and all sorts of shit.

Thanks for that, Noel.

David Harvey:

[T]he problem is that we live in a society where capitalism itself has become rampantly feral. Feral politicians cheat on their expenses, feral bankers plunder the public purse for all its worth, CEOs, hedge fund operators and private equity geniuses loot the world of wealth, telephone and credit card companies load mysterious charges on everyone’s bills, shopkeepers price gouge, and, at the drop of a hat swindlers and scam artists get to practice three-card monte right up into the highest echelons of the corporate and political world.

A political economy of mass dispossession, of predatory practices to the point of daylight robbery, particularly of the poor and the vulnerable, the unsophisticated and the legally unprotected, has become the order of the day. Does anyone believe it is possible to find an honest capitalist, an honest banker, an honest politician, an honest shopkeeper or an honest police commisioner any more? Yes, they do exist. But only as a minority that everyone else regards as stupid. Get smart. Get Easy Profits. Defraud and steal! The odds of getting caught are low. And in any case there are plenty of ways to shield personal wealth from the costs of corporate malfeasance.

...But there are various glimmers of hope and Light around the world. The indignados movements in Spain and Greece, the revolutionary impulses in Latin America, the peasant movements in Asia, are all beginning to see through the vast scam that a predatory and feral global capitalism has unleashed upon the world. What will it take for the rest of us to see and act upon it? How can we begin all over again? What direction should we take? The answers are not easy. But one thing we do know for certain: we can only get to the right answers by asking the right questions.

The glimmers of hope are with young people who don't understand how their parents have put up with the shit that we have for so long .. they don't even want to question us about it and quite rightly so.
They are the future and not us bunch of useless retarded ineffectual faux intellectual wastes of space.

Footnote in history .. buncha knobs end of !
The key to understanding rory is to get to grips with the idea that he sincerely believes that if anyone claims to have done something he hasn't then they must be lying. This is because he is a sad and boring individual leading a dull life, but with an ego so enormous that he can't believe he isn't the most interesting person on the planet. Best thing is to simply read his dafter posts for the laughs and never attempt to communicate with the twat.

I'm sorry, Eric, but I have to disagree. Rory is in no way similar to phildwyer.
The glimmers of hope are with young people who don't understand how their parents have put up with the shit that we have for so long .. they don't even want to question us about it and quite rightly so.
They are the future and not us bunch of useless retarded ineffectual faux intellectual wastes of space.

Footnote in history .. buncha knobs end of !

Tis true, but tbf there's always been a sort of generational thing were the younger wonder why the fuck the older put up with shit, and rightly so. No fucker wants to repeat the mistakes of their parents if they can help it.
Thanks ViolentPanda (re phil) .. I'd have to say having met him that I am though.
He's a seriously knowledgeable person .. and someone I wouldn't hesitate to seek advice from should I ever need it.
He's as sound as it gets imo
The key to understanding rory is to get to grips with the idea that he sincerely believes that if anyone claims to have done something he hasn't then they must be lying. This is because he is a sad and boring individual leading a dull life, but with an ego so enormous that he can't believe he isn't the most interesting person on the planet. Best thing is to simply read his dafter posts for the laughs and never attempt to communicate with the twat.
you've actually got him quite wrong.
Thanks ViolentPanda (re phil) .. I'd have to say having met him that I am though.
He's a seriously knowledgeable person .. and someone I wouldn't hesitate to seek advice from should I ever need it.
He's as sound as it gets imo

So if you are similar to him, you've just bigged yourself up in your own post by citing all his good points. :hmm:

You egomaniac!! :mad:
No one else is gonna big me up are they
I just have scant regard for our generation VP .. love ya lots and I know there's no love lost between you and phil


Back on topic it makes me genuinely feel ill to see our so called leaders .. the fucking bastards make me puke and cry my arse off! I'd call myself a cissy tbf
I'd call myself a cissy tbf
I'd call you a cissy too but the whole vitality seems to have fallen out of this department, usually astutely arguing fools tying themselves in knots, slapping eachother on the back like a bunch of performing seals and so on. It's a bit grim really. I carefully planted a seed this morning so a good full-on arguement could get brewing and they all fell over within an hour. Must be getting flacid in their blowhard cheeks or something...
So he's just an aggressive twat who accuses everyone else of being liars or morons pretty much at random for absolutely no reason?
Good article here from Al Jazeera.

Of course any solution will be rebelled against unless executed with a shift from parliamentary sovereignty to popular sovereignty. Until that happens then the idealistic side of this article will be dismissed and ridiculed. Would be nice though if the UK were a modern, secular, progressive and representative democracy, instead of an oppressive elected dictatorship which refuses to even aim at the ideal of meritocracy. It will not change until those in power finally recognise that it is they who need to change, not those without the power in the underclass.
So he's just an aggressive twat who accuses everyone else of being liars or morons pretty much at random for absolutely no reason?
Nah. He's more like the gimp in Pulp Fiction. When I think of Rory, the mental image is something like this
Usually it's a bit of a waste of data usage. And navigating through multiple pages is clumsy.

Interesting, really, how different access methods mean different reading habits.
On a related note..

But of course, you are not interested in any of this are you? Because you are not really claiming that I have hidden my ideological position, you simply object to me posting one. As for your objection to my linking to an article. I was simply drawing peoples attention to an article that I agreed with and considered worthy of people reading. Are you really claiming that this is invalid? I have made no claim that the Klein article in question is anything but an opinion piece. So be consistant at least, If your objection is not to the content of the article I quoted but to the fact that I quoted an article at all, then you should object to any poster linking to or quoting any source whatsoever. This is the logic of your argument. You object to any poster drawing attention to any article whatsoever, including news reports (which after all are no less ideological in their perspectives) If we were to follow your logic that would reduce this forum to a list of unsubstantiated, "personal opinions" along the lines of " I think". Is this what you really want? There are indeed other angles and perspectives, and you are free to post them and link to articles that put them forward. I see no reason why I am obliged to do so just to attempt some non existant neutrality.

I wasn't going to bother answering this since dylans nearly disappeared up his own backside writing it and I don't think he could hear me.

But, actually dylans, it wasn't particularly you I had in mind when I posted that this thread was becoming a propaganda thread. Was a specific comment about this thread.

"This is the logic of your argument. You object to any poster drawing attention to any article whatsoever, including news reports (which after all are no less ideological in their perspectives) If we were to follow your logic that would reduce this forum to a list of unsubstantiated, "personal opinions" along the lines of " I think". Is this what you really want?"

I said thread and you changed it to forum. Cheeky.

I really don't give a damn if you want to have threads where all you post is other people's opinions and soundbites that you agree with. I don't read them, they bore me.

I like threads where people post their own opinions. That stuff you called "a list of unsubstantiated, "personal opinions"" that other people might call a conversation.

Partly because of the logical reasons I just explained to pickmans, but mainly because they are way more interesting.

That doesn't mean that I object to any poster linking to articles... but that just linking to articles kills conversations.

If I was interested in what Gilroy had to say I would read his blog. I'm not.

I might be, however, interested in what you think of him and what he said.

I'm not asking you to be more neutral... I'm telling you that trying to be makes you more believable.

That may not matter to you, but it almost goes without saying that it is no great achievement to be believed by those who want to believe... but to be believed by those who don't... is.
Coke addled multimillionaire rock star lectures the yoot on their morals - what a bell end.

And weren't the gallagher brothers little burgler scrotes in their youth?
Coke addled multimillionaire rock star lectures the yoot on their morals - what a bell end.

And weren't the gallagher brothers little burgler scrotes in their youth?

So they reckoned, although their mam said they were always good boys, and that they were fibbing.
Thanks ViolentPanda (re phil) .. I'd have to say having met him that I am though.
He's a seriously knowledgeable person .. and someone I wouldn't hesitate to seek advice from should I ever need it.
He's as sound as it gets imo

Thank you Rory!

Thıs ıs probably a good tıme to say that anyone who belıeves Rory to be anythıng other than an ımmensely amusıng, ıntellıgent and ınterestıng chap who has enjoyed a full and fascınatıng lıfe ıs barkıng up totally the wrong tree. He ıs a dıamond geezer and a half.
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