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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

That's right. Which bit don't you agree with?
what parts of it are the trying to sensor? How do they inforce it? Threat of death? Imprisonment? Why are they sensoring it? Do they write to twitter or visit and flash strange pens in their eyes? Why are they not trying to sensor the billions of pro trump voices? What is the FBIs involvement with private institutions? What is their remit? Where is the paper trail leading to somewhere? Who over sees what it leads too? Who ordered the censorship?

To explore these questions we might have a semblance of truth. We might get somewhere. Instead we get “fbi used to heavily censor twitter now they can’t do that so they put people off by other means”. It’s the floating garbage of the internet Phil and it’s everywhere and gets us nowhere
And by that 'logic' it follows that Musk must be an FBI agent by making twitter a censored, shittier, hate filled dumpster fire of platform to dissuade people from using because otherwise, it would be a [checks notes] a bastion of free speech run by [double checks notes] Musk.

No, he's doing it for profit not politics.
what parts of it are the trying to sensor? How do they inforce it? Threat of death? Imprisonment? Why are they sensoring it? Do they write to twitter or visit and flash strange pens in their eyes? Why are they not trying to sensor the billions of pro trump voices? What is the FBIs involvement with private institutions? What is their remit? Where is the paper trail leading to somewhere? Who over sees what it leads too? Who ordered the censorship?

To explore these questions we might have a semblance of truth. We might get somewhere. Instead we get “fbi used to heavily censor twitter now they can’t do that so they put people off by other means”. It’s the floating garbage of the internet Phil and it’s everywhere and gets us nowhere

And now you're asking me why the security state might want to censor the media. Come on. Calm down and have a bit of a think.
Still reading, this was the FBIs response btw:

“The correspondence between the FBI and Twitter show nothing more than examples of our traditional, longstanding and ongoing federal government and private sector engagements, which involve numerous companies over multiple sectors and industries. As evidenced in the correspondence, the FBI provides critical information to the private sector in an effort to allow them to protect themselves and their customers. The men and women of the FBI work every day to protect the American public. It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding the American public misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency.“
Pretty underwhelming stuff as far as I have read. Sounds like one long hair pulling day for content moderation bods rather than any secretive plot to influence the election by the fbi
Yes. It's just people not understanding how big social media companies work.

BTW - I would be astounded if this stuff is not happening right now at Twitter

Musk tweeted that Twitter had acted "under orders from the government", though Taibbi reported that he found no evidence of government involvement in the laptop story, tweeting, "Although several sources recalled hearing about a 'general' warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there's no evidence—that I've seen—of any government involvement in the laptop story."[20][25] His reporting seemed to undermine a key narrative promoted by Musk and Republicans that the FBI pressured social media companies to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop stories.[20][34]

I like jack dorseys response to the release of the files - “release them all”

Sorry Phil the whole thing from a skim read seems like another musk ego game that makes him look even more pathetic instead of his desired outcome. Even the journos he assigned discredited his reasons for publishing lol? He dragged a hella of a lot of people through the mud with those files and none of the mud stuck it seemed.

This is far different to your initial claims about state over reach in twitters affairs. It just reads like the agonies of trying to make a social media site function properly and somewhat ethically (lol).

No, he's doing it for profit not politics.

Who's profits? Musk offered to buy Twitter for way too much, and then got strong-armed into completing the deal when he tried to back out. Twitter was only ever profitable for a couple of years pre-Musk, so he's now still bleeding money even after paying 44 billion smackaroonies for the privilege of being the world's most divorced shitposter.
So shadowy, manipulative, and corrupt that the bloke actually in charge at the time is asking for them all to be released instead of just some, which musk hasn’t done:

“Twitter's former CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey urged Musk to release all the internal documents "without filter" at once, including all of Twitter's discussions around current and future actions on content moderation.[79]Dorsey later criticized Musk for only allowing the internal documents to be accessed by select people, suggesting that the files should have been made publicly available "Wikileaks-style" so that there were "many more eyes and interpretations to consider". Dorsey conceded that "mistakes were made" at Twitter but stated his belief that there was "no ill intent or hidden agendas" in the company. He also condemned the harassment campaigns waged against former Twitter employees, saying that it is "dangerous" and "doesn't solve anything".[80]

I mean can you get a better defence? Put them all out there there for all to see. Musk is a twat.
I don't think they've needed to spend much money on this at all tbh, it's all being concocted for them. Why pay for disinformation when grifters and loons will do it for free?
Yeh some would argue that never have we enslaved ourselves so thoroughly with the tsunami of horseshit that is out there. We don’t need governments and elites to provide misinformation any more, we do it for them.
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Thing is if the Deep State really wanted to intimidate Mush into compliance with a particular agenda they have plenty of leverage.

Beyond just straightforward intimidation of a man with plenty to lose he gets away with lots of dubious activity (eg. his ignoring of environmental laws at SpaceX, regular public defamation of people, his shady labour practices etc) that's overlooked because he's a successful billionaire and the State is generally not enthusiastic to have those fights with a major economic player. But it doesn't have to play nice. He could easily be tied up in litigation til Kingdom come.

China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (and likely Russia) have clearly had a quiet word because he's constantly grovelling at them. But the US State doesn't seem to bother when it comes to silencing his heroic promotion of conspiracy theories.

Because there's no need to.
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OK, so the jackbooted, censorship-happy, anti-free speech thugs of the Deep State crushed free speech at Twitter.

Until Elon Musk took over the platform and, with an inexplicable lack of censorship from the DS and the Biden administration they brought to power for shadowy reasons, turned Twitter into a bastion of free speech for far-right conspiracy theorists like himself.

But now, the DS is taking on Musk and trying to turn the masses against Twitter by influencing columnists at outlets like Bloomberg, because the typical family in Frogspawn, Ohio is definitely looking at Bloomberg.com on their phones while they've having breakfast.

It doesn't seem like the Deep State people are very good at their job, tbh
That's the great thing about most modern conspiracy theories. They don't make internal sense. You don't need to be an expert, or have much knowledge of a subject, Just think logically about for about 30 seconds.

  • Twitter is beholden to the FBI, CIA MFI or whatever 3 letters can be mashed on a keyboard and is censoring stuff. (Which is mostly either wild political bullshit that is equally easier disproved or hate-speech)
  • Twitter is purchased by the galant Musk who solely owns the company. Let that sink in.
  • Twitter is solely owned by Musk and is micromanaging the design.
  • Twitter has now opened the floodgates and re-admitted the hatemongers and censored journalists.
  • Twitter usage is tanking due to all the right-wing hate and shitty design changes.
  • This is not due Musk, but to the Deep State.
Yeah right.
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