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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

'True, but not meaningful' - Elon Musk has two legs. Elon Musk has four letters in his first name and four letters in his last. Elon Musk has never been to Mars.
API stands for Application Programming Interface and is a method for external programs to query and get data from an application.

These are quite often web interfaces. A fairly simple one is the UK river levels API. Here: Real-time API reference

For example, https://environment.data.gov.uk/flood-monitoring/id/stations?search=River+Wey will return all the monitoring stations on the River Wey

The complicated bit is ensuring that the API requests are decoded correctly and the correct data is returned to the user requesting the data.

The code for searching through billions of tweets and returning the correct data while not crashing the system must be pretty complex. This the Jackanory version; I would expect the actual implementation to be horrendously complicated that takes dozens of people to understand and this group would have years of expertise, even if it is properly documented.

It's lucky that Twitter has a genius in charge who fully understands these things.
Clear and interesting, thank you :) I now feel confident I could get a job monitoring floods in twitter server locations.

Is the "Application" bit part of the 7-layer OSI model? (I did look but it doesn't seem all that conclusive).
I would absolutely not discuss this stuff on the company Slack, let alone on fucking twitter. I wouldn't put it on here. Like, it's beyond stupid. Just unbelievable.
The thing is though a huge portion of twitter will be his fan boy Edge Lords, absoloutly validating him to keep going. It's just one giant sick eco system. (But still remember folks its mainstream media's fault fundementally). Stop feeding the wolf and a small part of it will die.
Being utterly destroyed by that ex-employee is the only interesting thing musk has done on twitter for months as far as i know, nobody is tuning in to see his hundreds of shitty memes anymore, it was only very briefly interesting back when the absolute state of him was a surprise.
It's like a culture war false reality, or false economy. The only people it matters to are the people involved. Of course the ideologies have influence on everything else, but to whom it actually matters are those directly involved - like me, typing this. Is the person involved more empowered to himself and to society than someone not involved at all? What value has all this shit?
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"Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet" says totally competent CEO of twitter.
It took a turn.

Turns out the disabled guy who Elon Musk accused of doing nothing was the Icelandic founder of a tech company that was sold to Twitter (before Musk bought Twitter).

It turns out that when Haraldur 'Halli' Thorlieffson sold his company to Twitter he structured the deal so that the $100 million was going to be paid to him as salary, because he actually wanted to pay Icelandic taxes on his income.

There were clauses to take account of the eventuality of him being laid off, which meant that the $100 million immediately became payable.

So not only did Musk defame a disabled person by saying that they did no work, he did so without having much of a clue who he was or what he did.

Although Musk apparently knew enough about Halli to know he was independently wealthy, another accusation about Halli doing no work because he didn't need to, because he was independently wealthy.

And assuming disabled/can't type very much equals useless, ableism, much?

And since that information came to light, Musk has now backtracked and apologised and said that Halli is considering staying at Twitter.

The fact that Tesla stock dived amid rumours Musk was going to have to sell off some more shares to find the $100 million to pay Halli for his company is just the cherry on the cake.
It took a turn.

Turns out the disabled guy who Elon Musk accused of doing nothing was the Icelandic founder of a tech company that was sold to Twitter (before Musk bought Twitter).

It turns out that when Haraldur 'Halli' Thorlieffson sold his company to Twitter he structured the deal so that the $100 million was going to be paid to him as salary, because he actually wanted to pay Icelandic taxes on his income.

There were clauses to take account of the eventuality of him being laid off, which meant that the $100 million immediately became payable.

So not only did Musk defame a disabled person by saying that they did no work, he did so without having much of a clue who he was or what he did.

Although Musk apparently knew enough about Halli to know he was independently wealthy, another accusation about Halli doing no work because he didn't need to, because he was independently wealthy.

And assuming disabled/can't type very much equals useless, ableism, much?

And since that information came to light, Musk has now backtracked and apologised and said that Halli is considering staying at Twitter.

The fact that Tesla stock dived amid rumours Musk was going to have to sell off some more shares to find the $100 million to pay Halli for his company is just the cherry on the cake.
And people on Twitter commented that Musk has been selling office plants to Twitter staff and joking that he's going to have to sell a lot of plants to raise that $100 million.
It's easy to do that to someone who's resources to fight such a case are microscopic compared to his. Not so much with someone who has him by the short and curlies to the tune of $100,000,000 and with every employment lawyer on the face of the planet looking on expectantly :)
Musk's accusation that Halli called him out on Twitter because he was looking for a big payout (despite being independently wealthy to the tune of $100 million) is indicative of the Musk (and Trump) mindset:

They are hard-working geniuses who've earned every cent through being smart, through having superior genes (despite all evidence to the contrary).

And their superiority complexes are bizarrely accompanied by a strange paranoia-fuelled victim complex, whereby they feel like everyone is on the make, everyone is trying to get one over on them, everyone is trying to screw them over.
And their superiority complexes are bizarrely accompanied by a strange paranoia-fuelled victim complex, whereby they feel like everyone is on the make, everyone is trying to get one over on them, everyone is trying to screw them over.
This sounds like my last boss.
I reckon their paranoia comes from the fact they are doing the very things they think everyone else is doing to them so they know it’s possible. Similar to cheating partners being overly suspicious and accusatory.

I know people have been predicting the end of Twitter for ages now but these are both definite possibilities, outside agents will kill it, not creaky servers.

Plays into the old adage.

“How did you go bankrupt?"
Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”​

― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
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