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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

How is this guy still seen as a genius?

Dunno what the best thread for this is, but suppose it might as well go here, on how social media platforms die:
I read this last week and thought it was very good. This exactly why I mostly abandoned Facebook - interestingly when I mention this people often say 'Oh yeah, I was much happier when I left FB' and I'm like 'No, I was happy with FB - it was really useful to me having one place to aggregate what all my disparate friendship groups were up to', but then it got enshittified by becoming 40-60% (I checked this a few times) 'promoted' and 'suggested' posts or groups and hardly any of my contact's content at all. The suggestions weren't even any fucking good, I mean, I like Lord of the Rings and fantasy well enough but they're really not as major an interest as FB seems to think they are to me.

I haven't actually noticed that much change in my Twitter feed since Musk's takeover (other than fucking promoted tweets appearing in replies :mad: ) - some people say they're getting pushed a lot more RW content, or not seeing anyone they follow, but mine seems to be OK. If anything, I seem to have more responses to my tweets than previously. So, apols people if you're seeing more of my tweets for some reason :D
Not the primary thrust of that article I know, but it did make me realise how important ransomware has been to the growth of cryptocurrency.
interesting/// a friend was telling me of these two massive recent hits

My understanding is they both paid up big sums, but this is pub chat so who knows.

Really good that Wired article, put into words a series of steps I've noticed but hadn't verbalised...the process correct for certain IMO
Apparently you can get around the glitch by scheduling tweets a minute or whatever in advance, not that I'm going to bother testing it
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