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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

If we’re going to consider the possible impact of his neurodoversity on his decision making then maybe we also need to factor in the effects of his violent abusive father (who went on to have a child with his own stepdaughter).

Or we could continue to further our understanding by calling a rich cunt a rich cunt because he's a rich cunt like all the rich cunts but richer and cuntier.
This is interesting because it kind of displays the sort of sophisticated political thinking of a twelve year old who has jsut read Animal Farm. I assume he means he lives in a totalitarian state because social media companies tend to not tolerate out right fascism and racism? Poor little guy, always on the cusp of being cancelled, but bigotting his way on. Grow the fuck up and go touch grass.

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This fucking billionaire dickhead just bought a major social media platform, so if we're living in some weird mish-mash of various dystopian scenarios, then he's literally part of the fucking problem.

He's thicker than pig shit.
So totalitarian that half of the social media world (telegram etc) is a seething cess pit of fascism, misinformation, anti science, bigotry. Don't think the right have ever had such a constant, never ending whining voice.

I wonder how much of a role the pandemic’s played in enabling certain kinds of people (those with very limited prior experience of any curbs to their doing whatever they feel like) to imagine themselves as victims of a mendacious tyranny of anti freedom oppressors. As in, he was prevented from using his private jet in order to save the lives of some total strangers, must be a cabal of evil leftists at the helm etc. idk.
Rumoured data breach of 400M Twitter users data. ie: everyone 😬

Being picked up by newspapers weeks later, but "only" 200m now.
I wonder how much of a role the pandemic’s played in enabling certain kinds of people (those with very limited prior experience of any curbs to their doing whatever they feel like) to imagine themselves as victims of a mendacious tyranny of anti freedom oppressors. As in, he was prevented from using his private jet in order to save the lives of some total strangers, must be a cabal of evil leftists at the helm etc. idk.
Perhaps. I do genuienly think he feels that there are armies of LGTBQ/BLM folk wanting to eat men like him, purely because outright hatred of them is not tolerated in some places. I think he believes this purely because of the ecosystems he inhabits online. The rogan spliff episode I think made him believe that he was some sort of leader of the Broniverse. He simply has probably several right wing bees in his bonnet that bounce around all day, which he salivates at expressing. He is just your typical wreck of an online right wing shit poster, so locked into the dopamine feed that it's goign to take him enormous amounts of self control and insight to re-asses how he actually views reality.
This fucking billionaire dickhead just bought a major social media platform, so if we're living in some weird mish-mash of various dystopian scenarios, then he's literally part of the fucking problem.
And the Starlink system he owns is providing Internet access to various places in Ukraine affected by the war. Scary how much this wanker is controlling. Internet access, what you can say on one of the key platforms etc
"You are here" refers to Twitter. Musk making the quite common mistake that Twitter = the world when in fact it's not even close.
What actually is the intersection of 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World? I mean, those are some wildly different dystopias. They don’t have much in common, from an administrative or governance perspective.

Wildly different dystopias they maybe, but they do have one thing in common. All of them owe a great debt to two much lesser known works that predated them and influenced all three: Jack London's The Iron Wheel and Yevgeny Zamyation's We. Both brilliant reads and well worth checking out if you're interested in that kind of dystopian-themed fiction.
Wildly different dystopias they maybe, but they do have one thing in common. All of them owe a great debt to two much lesser known works that predated them and influenced all three: Jack London's The Iron Wheel and Yevgeny Zamyation's We. Both brilliant reads and well worth checking out if you're interested in that kind of dystopian-themed fiction.
That's if you can find a copy....if musk is right most of them will have been burnt. Probably better off keeping taking the soma and doing your bit in the war against EastAsia and leave Musk to wrestle control from Ford
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What actually is the intersection of 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World? I mean, those are some wildly different dystopias. They don’t have much in common, from an administrative or governance perspective.
they're all routinely presented by people who read them in their teenage years as profound critiques of totalitarianism and/or communism. Thats the intersection.
What actually is the intersection of 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World? I mean, those are some wildly different dystopias. They don’t have much in common, from an administrative or governance perspective.

It's plucking bits from each novel and applying them to What's Wrong With The World According to Elon.

1984: Policing and manipulation of language. Unpersoning.
Brave New World: Pacification by distraction with trinkets, drugs and general amusements
Fahrenheit 451: The Maoist tendencies of the Wokeleft towards texts and history
But I seriously. The method of control in BNW is basically the polar opposite of that in 1984.
It's plucking bits from each novel and applying them to What's Wrong With The World According to Elon.

1984: Policing and manipulation of language. Unpersoning.
Brave New World: Pacification by distraction with trinkets, drugs and general amusements
Fahrenheit 451: The Maoist tendencies of the Wokeleft towards texts and history
That’s not an intersection, though, is it? They wouldn’t be in the central overlap of the Venn diagram of the three books.

I know you know this, but it does really need saying.
But I seriously. The method of control in BNW is basically the polar opposite of that in 1984.

That’s not an intersection, though, is it? They wouldn’t be in the central overlap of the Venn diagram of the three books.

I know you know this, but it does really need saying.

No, it’s not an intersection as used in Venn diagrams - Dotty and you are dead right that it is a bit embarassing for the world’s most famous alleged rocket scientist to not seem to understand how Venn diagrams work (I can’t think of a diagram you would best use for the particular relationship described, but I’m quite tired - I think “you are here” could be done as a fourth set in a 3d Venn diagram with the intersection (involving all 4 spheres) representing Musk or the author’s view of the world right now, but I don’t think it would go over well on tinternet).

Tbh I’ve never had a use for Venn diagrams and have pretty much only seen them done for internet meme silliness. I think most people on looking at that pic would draw the same conclusion as me.

I get the impression these are generally re-tweets or forwards or whatever the expression would be - not things Musk has drawn himself. He likely glanced at it briefly and pressed a button. Much like when he wants to sack a department of a few thousand people.
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I get the impression these are generally re-tweets or forwards or whatever the expression would be - not things Musk has drawn himself. He likely glanced at it briefly and pressed a button. Much like when he wants to sack a department of a few thousand people.

Yeah, I don't think Musk spent more than a few seconds thinking about it, it's a meme that's been around for at least a few years with plenty of variations, all of which seem to fail as Venn diagrams.

That Venn diagram is even worse than the other one. For example, Brazil as the intersection of Brave New World and Handmaid’s Tale, but not in the 1984 bubble at all? Did they just sprinkle names of novels over the picture at random?
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