'Pundits Paradise' by William Bowles 11/04/04
Press pundits who pimp for imperialism
Readers may well think I'm nitpicking but the opposite holds true, for what these pages reveal is the Western mindset at its own wits end when confronted with the unpalatable truth that in spite of writing endless pages of so-called analysis, it has no answer except the one it refuses to acknowledge: That the apologists for the imperium are bereft of answers simply because they refuse to face the reality that the population of Iraq want the invaders out of their land. These are the words of the pundits who pimp for imperialism.
'Pundits Paradise' by William Bowles 11/04/04
Press pundits who pimp for imperialism
Readers may well think I'm nitpicking but the opposite holds true, for what these pages reveal is the Western mindset at its own wits end when confronted with the unpalatable truth that in spite of writing endless pages of so-called analysis, it has no answer except the one it refuses to acknowledge: That the apologists for the imperium are bereft of answers simply because they refuse to face the reality that the population of Iraq want the invaders out of their land. These are the words of the pundits who pimp for imperialism.