Non sibi sed omnibus
You know if some other country other than the US and UK were carrying these actions out I sadly fear the rection to this wouldnt bo ignored quite so much......
Some gave accounts of the recent fighting. "As soon as the Americans see a group of people in the streets, they shoot at them, people venture out only if their homes risk being bombarded or if they must carry the dead or wounded to the city's clinics," one man told AFP.
"I saw people bury their dead in their yards because they feared to venture out," he added.,2763,1189883,00.html
Then on the other hand we have General Kimmitt, a supreme fuckwit if ever there was one.
And when we see televisions running footage -- don't know the quality of the footage, don't know the veracity of the footage -- which somehow tries to trump up the charge that we are incurring massive civilian casualties in the conduct of our operation, that just frankly doesn't square with the facts. There have been times when we have taken -- we have conducted operations, and in the process of the operation there have been unintentional casualties. When that happens we thoroughly investigate. If improper actions have been taken, we take the proper prosecutorial actions. But in the main, as a matter of policy, we run deliberately precise operations so that we make sure that our focus is on the target, and we minimize any opportunity and any chance of bringing damage onto the surrounding area.