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*IRAQ: latest news and developments

Originally posted by bigfish
Equally, many of them may well be happy to see the back of him and now they want to see the back of you.

You say "polls don't lie", but forgot to add... unless they're conducted in Florida, of course!

Though your above statement is not applicable to anything about Iraq, I wonder what Florida polls you are referring to. Polls before the 2000 election had Bush Gore running in the margin of error, they were right. The 2002 Florida polls had Jeb Bush Solidly beating McBride, and those were correct as well.
Originally posted by mears
Though your above statement is not applicable to anything about Iraq, I wonder what Florida polls you are referring to. Polls before the 2000 election had Bush Gore running in the margin of error, they were right. The 2002 Florida polls had Jeb Bush Solidly beating McBride, and those were correct as well.

It's the 2000 election where Bush - I'm sure I don't need to tell you this :rolleyes: - stole the election thanks to one Katherine Harris and his bro Jeb. Dimpled chads my eye! The number 537 is particularly relevant.
Originally posted by nino_savatte
It's the 2000 election where Bush - I'm sure I don't need to tell you this :rolleyes: - stole the election thanks to one Katherine Harris and his bro Jeb. Dimpled chads my eye! The number 537 is particularly relevant.

No, Democratic Attorney General Bob Butterworth never brought charges against Mrs. Harris or Jeb Bush. You can say he stole the election but Florida law doesn't back you up.

And polls are not elections. But if one can't refute a poll that shows a majority of Iraqis supported the American led invasion of Iraq than you might as well bring the 2000 Florida election. Makes good sense:D
Originally posted by mears
No, Democratic Attorney General Bob Butterworth never brought charges against Mrs. Harris or Jeb Bush. You can say he stole the election but Florida law doesn't back you up.

And polls are not elections. But if one can't refute a poll that shows a majority of Iraqis supported the American led invasion of Iraq than you might as well bring the 2000 Florida election. Makes good sense:D

Florida law eh? How bloody convenient. Guess you haven't heard of Greg Palast either. He's probably been dismissed by your lot as a "commie" , "unpatriotic" or "hateful". Heard it before :rolleyes:
George, here's what to do in Iraq: Declare victory and bring the troops home.

full http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2001742573_ramsx24.html


IRAQ: Privatisation of drug companies spells disaster

full http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=36749&SelectRegion=Iraq_Crisis&SelectCountry=IRAQ


How Much Is $87,000,000,000, ... and where can we get that kind of cash?:

$87 B is more than all state budget deficits in the United States, combined. President Bush wouldn’t help states deal with their deficits, even though his tax cuts helped.


Iraq Plan Includes Zip Codes, Atrocity Museum, English Lessons:

President Bush's $20.3 billion proposal for rebuilding Iraq includes money to establish ZIP codes there, help Iraqi workers learn English and start a museum of former leader Saddam Hussein's atrocities, an administration document shows.

full http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_IRAQ_REBUILDING?SITE=DCTMS&SECTION=HOME


Neo-Cons, Fundies, Feddies, and Con-Artists:

Does anyone seriously believe that a pro-Israeli Chicago/Strauss/Bloom product such as Wolfowitz could care less about democracy in Iraq?

full http://www.transnational.org/pressinf/2003/pf189_NeoconsConartists.html
Originally posted by bigfish

How Much Is $87,000,000,000, ... and where can we get that kind of cash?:

$87 B is more than all state budget deficits in the United States, combined. President Bush wouldn’t help states deal with their deficits, even though his tax cuts helped.


Its also less than USAID to Israel since 1949
which as I write this stands at 89,083,524,978 according to the applet on

Sorry, couldn't resist as i had just seen the other figure
Powell explains 2001 remarks:

Secretary of State Colin Powell tried on Thursday to explain away remarks on Iraq dating back to the beginning of the Bush administration, before the United States decided to invade Iraq.

"He (Saddam Hussein) has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq, and these are policies that we are going to keep in place," he added.

And now......

"A lot changed between February 2001 (and the invasion), but I don't find anything inconsistent between what I said then and what I've said all along," Powell said.

BLAH BLAH BLAH. Is it possible for these idiots to patronise us anymore? Christ on a bike.

Bremer Advises U.S. on Iraq Oil Revenue -----
Facing pressure from lawmakers in both parties, the American administrator in Iraq said Thursday the United States should not ask Iraqis to use future oil revenue to repay part of the $20.3 billion that the Bush administration is seeking to rebuild the country.

Bremer said that even if Bush's proposal were approved, Iraq would need about $40 billion more over five years to pay reconstruction costs. If the United States insists that Iraq use oil revenues to repay American loans, "then necessary investments that the Iraqis should be making in their country will not happen," he said.

Saddam minister granted immunity :rolleyes:

Ahmed surrendered after reported mediation
Former Iraqi Defence Minister Sultan Hashim Ahmed has been granted immunity from prosecution following his surrender to US forces.

Mr Ahmed - number 27 on the Americans' list of most wanted former Iraqi officials - gave himself up in the northern city of Mosul last Friday.

White House officials say they have high hopes he will provide significant information on Iraq's alleged weapons programmes.

Fresh UN retreat from Iraq

The United Nations says it is cutting back its operations in Iraq amid a deteriorating security situation in the country.
"Today there remain 42 in Baghdad and 44 in the north of the country, and those numbers can be expected to shrink over the next few days," said Fred Eckhard, a spokesman for UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

There are concerns about Iraq's deteriorating security situation
"This is not an evacuation, just a further downsizing, and the security situation in the country remains under constant review," he added.

Baghdad Blogger speaks:

A friend of my mine was working with this NGO trying to find out about civilian casualties because of bombing, because of troop movements in cities and when they were being offered financial support by USAID, they specifically - USAID - told them, we will not give you any money unless you stop looking for civilian casualties. So yes, of course they will never tell you what happened - you will have to depend on independent sources to tell you the number of civilians that were killed. As to the troops - no one will know.

Seven US soldiers wounded in convoy ambush:

One witness, Mohammad Ali, told AFP: "An American jeep was blown up at around 9.30am (3.30pm AEST) and an American car. I saw the bodies of four Americans who had died, one of them without legs."

full http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/09/25/1064083130615.html


Pentagon's call to mercenaries

Jason is taking part in military training in rural Pennsylvania. But he is a mercenary, not a government soldier, and this is America's latest boom industry.

full http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4827.htm


On how to make enemies:

Are the new enemies of the US of its own making? One gets the impression that an office, located somewhere in Washington, has been assigned the task of making plans on a daily basis for the acquisition of new enemies.

full http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4830.htm
Up to 100,000 expected at London Iraq protest:

UK: Tens of thousands of people are expected to join a protest calling for the withdrawal of British and US troops from Iraq this weekend.



U.S. Absolves Troops In Shooting Of Iraqi Police:

A U.S. military investigation found no misconduct by U.S. soldiers who earlier this month killed eight Iraqi policemen and a Jordanian hospital guard near Fallujah, the U.S. commander in Iraq said Thursday.



Bomb Kills Guard At Baghdad Hotel For U.S. Media:

A bomb exploded on Thursday at a Baghdad hotel housing journalists from U.S. television network NBC, killing a guard, the latest in a string of deadly attacks targeting foreigners in Iraq.

Britain in talks with US on restoring death penalty:

The attorney general is discussing with the US the reintroduction of the death penalty in Iraq.



Robert Fisk: Brutal Reality That Fans The Flames Of Hatred In Iraq:
If anyone wants to know why Iraqis set bombs for American soldiers, they had only to sit in the two-storey villa in this little farming village and look at the frozen face of Ahmed al-Ham and his angry friends yesterday.



Bush Plan on Iraq Hits Snag in Congress:

"The American people never been told that we're going into that country to build a new nation, to build a new government, to democratize the country and to democratize the Middle East," Byrd said. "They were told we're going in there because of weapons of mass destruction."



More American Troops May Face Iraq Duty:

The United States may have to alert thousands more National Guard and Reserve troops within weeks that they are needed for duty in Iraq, the Pentagon's second-ranking general said Wednesday.

Fallujah: A Multilayered Picture Emerges:

Sheikh Khaled Saleh, a Sunni cleric in his early 50s, says that "although unorganized and without leadership, the Iraqi resistance is a ball of fire in America's face that will bring its end in Iraq".



Fresh UN Retreat From Iraq:

The United Nations says it is cutting back its operations in Iraq amid a deteriorating security situation in the country.



Musharraf slammed for troops to Iraq offer:

Senator Farhatullah Babar, said Pakistani troops in Iraq would be used "only to protect American lives and to serve as mercenaries."

More US troops face Iraq call-up

Many troops will be given the chance to have a 15-day break
About 15,000 US soldiers and reservists have been told to prepare for service in Iraq , as other countries hold back from pledging troops....

...The first US troops to get a 15-day holiday - in a bid to boost morale among the ranks - have arrived back home on their break.

Just under 200 soldiers were flown out of Iraq and thousands more could be eligible to take a sought-after respite.

The BBC's Pentagon correspondent Nick Childs said the recuperation programme shows how concerned military commanders are about the morale of their forces.

I love this, if your ill-conceived occupation of a country goes wrong you can always blame it on inbreeding: -


The prevalence of cousin marriage did not get much attention before the war from Republicans in the United States who expected a quick, orderly transition to democracy in Iraq. But one writer who investigated the practice warned fellow conservatives to stop expecting postwar Iraq to resemble postwar Germany or Japan.

"The deep social structure of Iraq is the complete opposite of those two true nation-states, with their highly patriotic, cooperative, and [not surprisingly] outbred peoples," Steve Sailer wrote in The American Conservative magazine in January. "The Iraqis, in contrast, more closely resemble the Hatfields and the McCoys."
For those US units with female personnel attached, the rules of no-fraternization have been wantonly ignored. "We've had 4 out of 10 females get knocked up in the past 5 months," said a Corporal Slaughter. "The women know that being pregnant is a one way ticket out of this sh*t-hole… for the guys it ain't so easy. We only go home early if we are in a bodybag or on a stretcher!"

When I asked one young soldier how they had screened the police applicants, he said with a Texan drawl, "…well, seeing as how it was the Kurds that was doing all the looting, we just went out and hired the Ay-rabs."

When I asked him why they had not considered hiring some Turkmen (who actually constitute the majority of Kirkuk's population), the GI replied, "what the fuck is a Turkman?"

At this point his Iraqi translator – who had been standing patiently beside us right up until this point – suddenly went berserk. "I am a Turkman! I am a Turkman! I tell you everyday about my people, and still you don't understand!"

Baghdad Police Open Fire on Demonstrators

BAGHDAD, Iraq Oct. 1 — Iraqi police opened fire in downtown Baghdad Wednesday morning after jobless demonstrators stormed a police station and threw stones at officers, a policeman said. At least one demonstrator was injured in the shooting.
When the shooting stopped about 30 minutes later, fist fights broke out between some demonstrators and police. The protesters said they had been promised police jobs in July, but the positions had not been given out. They charged that police were demanding bribes in return for hiring them.

Pentagon skips medical testing
Posted by Lakshmi on September 30, 2003 @ 10:04AM

A newly released report by the General Accounting Office indicts the Pentagon for not conducting pre-deployment and post-deployment assessments on U.S. soldiers. The Pentagon has no way (and perhaps no wish) to determine, say, the effects of depleted uranium weapons, which are considered the main cause for the Gulf War Syndrome.

An email from a mother of a soldier makes clear just why the Pentagon has been so lax in enforcing this medical requirement: "My daughter told me that as they rolled into Baghdad from Kuwait, right after the end of the big bombing, in mid-April, there were Iraqi tanks on the sides of the roads, that still had the dead Iraqi soldiers in them. She asked why the tanks were not cleared off or the bodies taken out, and she was told that no one wanted the duty because the tanks had been hit with DU shells.

"She said they all assumed the dust in the road was full of DU dust, and she said she felt she would now be at an increased risk of cancer, as did all of her unit. She was manning the 50-caliber on top of the truck, and said she breathed in the dust for many miles

Pentagon agency disses neocon sources
Posted by Lakshmi on September 29, 2003 @ 11:00AM

The neocons in the Pentagon, led by Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, went around their own Defense Intelligence Agency and relied instead on a bunch of Iraqi deffectors, especially Ahmed Chalabi. Now the New York Times reports, "An internal assessment by the Defense Intelligence Agency has concluded that most of the information provided by Iraqi defectors who were made available by the Iraqi National Congress was of little or no value, according to federal officials briefed on the arrangement.

One U.S. Soldier Killed by Iraq Bomb Attack
Wed October 1, 2003 11:17 AM ET

TIKRIT, Iraq (Reuters) - A U.S. soldier was killed and three other soldiers were wounded on Wednesday by a bomb blast near the entrance to the main U.S. military base in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, the U.S. military said.
The remote controlled bomb was detonated as a convoy of several vehicles headed toward the base, the headquarters of the U.S. Army's 27,000-strong 4th Infantry Division located in one of Saddam's country palaces on the edge of Tikrit.

Thiswhat you've been waiting for? :D

Kuwait foils smuggling of chemicals, bio warheads from Iraq
Associated Press
Kuwait City, October 2

Kuwaiti security authorities have foiled an attempt to smuggle $60 million worth of chemical weapons and biological warheads from Iraq to an unnamed European country, a Kuwaiti newspaper said on Wednesday.
The pro-Government Al-Siyassah, quoting an unnamed security source, said the suspects had been watched by security since they arrived in Kuwait and were arrested "in due time." It did not say when or how the smugglers entered Kuwait or when they were arrested.

The paper said the smugglers might have had accomplices inside Kuwait. It said Interior Minister Sheik Nawwaf Al Ahmed Al Sabah would hand over the smuggled weapons to an FBI agent at a news conference, but did not say when.

Government officials could not be immediately reached for comment.

Iraqi Interior Minister Nouri Al-Badran met on Tuesday with Sheik Nawwaf and discussed cooperation between the two countries in security matters. His visit is the first by an Iraqi interior minister to Kuwait since 1990.

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