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Immigration to the UK - do you have concerns?

For the record I don’t give a shit if I’m competing with someone from Pakistan, India, Singapore, Nigeria, Egypt. Which I was. Because I know I’m the best and I’ll out compete them all. But the question is asked, and I don’t think it’s unfair or racist to ask it. Whether your a doctor or a plumber or a labourer.

All over the world people look after their own preferentially. Is there a moral problem with that?
Isn't it true that some years ago, when Polish builders started coming in fairly large numbers to the UK, that they were so much cheaper than UK builders that they got most of the jobs and loads of UK builders went bust or had to drop their prices to an unsustainable degree?
What is the meaning of "open borders"? Would such a policy, applied everywhere, allow settlement occupied land?
That's not really worthy of you, brogdale.
I’m genuinely sorry you think that🙁
I was commenting in the context of the few sentences that preceded the claim that “people look after their own “…

For the record I don’t give a shit if I’m competing with someone from Pakistan, India, Singapore, Nigeria, Egypt. Which I was. Because I know I’m the best and I’ll out compete them all.
Ah ok, I've just twigged what the benefits argument is. Immigration raises the unemployment rate, increasing the number of people on benefit as immigrants take jobs from people. There's really no evidence whatever to support this. If you compare unemployment rates in the UK across, say, the last 50 years, with net migration rates across the same period, there is no correlation whatever. If anything the correlation is the other way around. As net immigration rose significantly through the late 90s and early 2000s, unemployment fell steadily.

Fundamentally, unemployment goes up as a result of failures in the financial system: mad Thatcherist monetarism in the 80s, 'Black Wednesday' in the 90s, the Credit Crunch in 2008.
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I’m genuinely sorry you think that🙁
I was commenting in the context of the few sentences that preceded the claim that “people look after their own “…
But then this:
All over the world people look after their own preferentially. Is there a moral problem with that?
All over the world people are not white so guessing 'white people' is disingenuous.
Isn't it true that some years ago, when Polish builders started coming in fairly large numbers to the UK, that they were so much cheaper than UK builders that they got most of the jobs and loads of UK builders went bust or had to drop their prices to an unsustainable degree?
Don’t know about most of the jobs or U.K. builders going bust however I knew a fair few kitchen fitters and builders who were out priced by their Polish counterparts at that time in Manchester .
To state the bleedin' obvious, not all British people are white. And not all immigrants are non-white.
Of course, but to also state the obvious, only Edie can say what she meant by “looking after our own”.

What troubles me most about that claim is that it follows hard on the heels of tropes long favoured by racists that immigrants are “flocking” over here to take our jobs and send all their income home.🙁
Therefore reasonable to assume "our people" means British people. Not white. Can we stop trying to insinuate long standing posters are racist and engage with what they've actually said.
For the record I’m not trying to insinuate anything, but coming out with tired old anti-immigrant tropes deserves challenging.
Of course, but to also state the obvious, only Edie can say what she meant by “looking after our own”.
But you put your own spin on it.
What troubles me most about that claim is that it follows hard on the heels of tropes long favoured by racists that immigrants are “flocking” over here to take our jobs and send all their income home.🙁
Well I read 'our own' as British people as it seems others did too. And as you point out, this is after all a thread about immigration to the UK.

Why not just own you fucked it and move on?

(Seriously this kind of thing is why I don't really post on threads like this..)
For the record I’m not trying to insinuate anything, but coming out with tired old anti-immigrant tropes deserves challenging.

I have no quibble with you challenging stats of course. But your "Quick guess…white people?" was plainly insinuation.
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For the record I’m not trying to insinuate anything, but coming out with tired old anti-immigrant tropes deserves challenging.
It was insinuation tbf. That said, you're right that about repeating tired tropes that don't stand up to scrutiny.

Someone who is struggling may perceive the reason they are struggling to be immigration, particularly if they think they see immigrants around them doing better than they are. But the perception doesn't make it true. And it does need to be challenged. Immigrants are an all-too-easy scapegoat.
I have no quibble with you challenging stats of course. But your "Quick guess…white people?" was plainly insinuation.
Not really, having just read “…I’m competing with someone from Pakistan, India, Singapore, Nigeria, Egypt…” and then to be told that “people look after their own”, I’d say the question posed was valid.
People born and raised in Britain.

What a dick you are.

Not necessarily. Although my heart still cares more for the working class as that’s my family and the middle class are constantly systematically advantaged anyway.
So, if I were not born or "raised" in Britain, I can neither be "our" or "own"? So basically get to fuck, then?

Again, I wonder where are you getting these racist, far-right adjacent tropes from? You think this is acceptable?

You call me a dick, but I'm not the one who proudly stands by ill-informed clap-trap long favoured by racists and offers not one glimmer of reflection on how offensive some of these tropes may be.
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