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Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

rioted said:
Hopefully, we'll get to a situation where "money" will have no value. But at the moment I don't think that having money in your pocket means you're a capitalist. There is a difference, you know, between using money for survival and for exploitation.

As for "SURREAL" - have you NO imagination?

You really are a dreamer. But i sort of like that, in a way.
tbaldwin said:
Maybe its too harsh to view all white South Africans or Australians as guilty but they have collectivelly benefited from the way Africans and Aborigines were treated. And i think its preety shit that there are so many in London taking Jobs that Black people could do.
What do you think?
I'm thinking: "why the fuck does tbaldwin want to racialise this discussion?"

ie What the fuck is a "black" person and what relevance does it have to the issue of immigration or who should do what job?
TeeJay said:
I'm thinking: "why the fuck does tbaldwin want to racialise this discussion?"

ie What the fuck is a "black" person and what relevance does it have to the issue of immigration or who should do what job?

Teejay, I wasnt first to racialise the discussion but as people raised the issue of race,i responded to it.
Brainaddict said:
Like a few people here I'm a bit puzzled by the notion that immigration fundamentally changed and developed a new 'agenda' with thatcherism. I've never heard anything to suggest this is the case. Could the thread starter provide historical evidence for this please?

Otherwise it just looks like you're trying to create an equation that looks like:


Which, yes, I find a little suspect.

ok to an extent you are right .. immigration has been used for centuries as a weapon against union organisation .. massively e.g. in scotland in the 19th century directly to break strikes e.g. in dundee

BUT from 1945 to thatcher tehre was a social compromise/welfare state social democracy system in europe from all parties .. thatcherism broke this system as part of the world bank/neoliberalism project which we see labour carry on with to day .. it is true that thatcherism didn't rely on immigration in the first stages of CCT anti union programme .. there weer a clear 3 million on the dole then .. she didn't have too .. the unemployed now are less keen to take the shit wages on offer .. hence the need for immigration
i am glad no one is disputing that there has been a big increase in immigration .. a year ago people were going mad if you suggested that..
rioted said:
I think you mean I have ideals and principles. But I'm grounded as fuck, mate.

So do you still think people should be free to go where they like as long as they dont take their money with them?
Up till this post people had been saying that we shouldn't divide people up on the basis of "race".

Then you went and posted this:
tbaldwin said:
The thought that White South Africans and Australians are taking Jobs off Black people in the UK given their history is preety repugnant.

Care to explain why we should divide people up on the basis of so-called "race"? Because as far as I can see you are the only person on this thread who has implied we should.
a absolutely fundamnetal thing is being sort of missed here .. we all agreed that we want a better world?? yes .. ok how do yopu get to that ?? surely the only way ( and i wait for swp to disagree with there As andPs here!!) is from the bottem up ??? it is really only possible to change the world fundamnetally by building power in the factories and w/c communities .. so how do we do that ?? deny people a say on housing allocation?? deny people having the chilren get housed in their own communities?? deny w/c people the right to a decent job?? deny people the power to stop workers coming into their workplace at alower wage?? no otherwise we are not better than liberals bewoaning what is wrong but with no strategy for change .. we all agree that racism is wrong and evil .. but we have forgotten why w/c racism exists .. it is not just a mimicing of the upper classes but based in material world .. we want to destroy racism?? well you will not do it by moralism but by materialism and changing power
TeeJay said:
Up till this post people had been saying that we shouldn't divide people up on the basis of "race".

Then you went and posted this:

Care to explain why we should divide people up on the basis of so-called "race"? Because as far as I can see you are the only person on this thread who has implied we should.

Teejay. I was asked what i thought of migration on the basis of race.
My reply was honest in that i find it preety shit that so many White south africans and Australians who have had many advantages come to London and take jobs while so many people born and bred here including many Black and Asian people are out of work.

I dont really have a problem with people looking at how migration effects people of different races, do you?
tbaldwin said:
And what bigotry is that Poi E?

You find the idea of South Africans etc taking "black" jobs here offensive, but presumably white English people taking those jobs is OK, even though all groups "collectively benefitted" from colonialism (not that I agree with that completely.)
tbaldwin said:
So do you still think people should be free to go where they like as long as they dont take their money with them?
They can take as much money as they want. It's what they do with it that's the problem. As I posted above "There is a difference, you know, between using money for survival and for exploitation."
durruti02 said:
ok to an extent you are right .. immigration has been used for centuries as a weapon against union organisation .. massively e.g. in scotland in the 19th century directly to break strikes e.g. in dundee
no - immigrants were used, not imigration per se. (even tho they are obvoiusly connected). These people were used to try and undermine lolcal wages, but the best of way of stopping that is to ensure tht they have the same wages as other workers - then it becomes pointless for the bosses to try and import labour in such a way.

BUT from 1945 to thatcher tehre was a social compromise/welfare state social democracy system in europe from all parties .. thatcherism broke this system as part of the world bank/neoliberalism project which we see labour carry on with to day .. it is true that thatcherism didn't rely on immigration in the first stages of CCT anti union programme .. there weer a clear 3 million on the dole then .. she didn't have too .. the unemployed now are less keen to take the shit wages on offer .. hence the need for immigration
this is of course partly true, if quite a step back from the orignial proposition that immigration was a central part of the destruction of the unions. But the same argument I put before still holds - if we fight together for 'proper' wages for all, then this type of situation would not happen. OIf it weren't imigrants, it would (probably) be another group, that has been the history of capitalism.

How do migrant labourers differ from the previous reserve army of labour -women?
What a shame that a thread like this should descend into bollocks, I was really hoping to learn something from this thread as I have seen attitudes expressed here for that I would have very much liked to explore.
in realtion to women ..

i would absolutely support an all male workforce opposing women bringing bought in .. if they are being brought in to lower wages ..

equally if i was a worker in that factory i would argue that any sexist employment practice should be scrapped
belboid .. you say "...no - immigrants were used, not imigration per se. (even tho they are obvoiusly connected). These people were used to try and undermine lolcal wages, but the best of way of stopping that is to ensure tht they have the same wages as other workers - then it becomes pointless for the bosses to try and import labour in such a way..."

ok lets put you on the spot .. would you have supported the dundee workers on general strike .. yes .. and what would you're attitude have been as the bosses bought in immigrants to break that strike ..

if we ever wish to build a movement you have to support people in the here and now!!!

privatisation has just been slowed down strike breaking
ffs! of course i'd support their innate right to scab! jeeeesus, what an argument! [fights urge to insert rolleyes..]

overwhelmingly immigrants to not come in to scab in that explicit manner - on the rare occasions that they do, they should be met with a fuck off great picket line, and an attempt to recruit them to it.

What would you do - tell them to fuck off 'home'? That would hardly be a way to build class solidarity, and would more likely shore them up behind the bosses.

You are absoluitely right that the central task is supporting peolpe in the here and now, which is in no small part why this 'argument' is abstract nonsense.
rioted said:
They can take as much money as they want. It's what they do with it that's the problem. As I posted above "There is a difference, you know, between using money for survival and for exploitation."

Excellent post. There is a difference eh? Good stuff rioted!

So as long as they use their money for survival they should be OK? What about leisure activities how will they be regulated? and what counts as exploitation?
tbaldwin said:
I'm saying its shit poaching workers but what are you saying? That its OK as a form of payback for what we did years ago.
Its the kind of confused thinking that makes me wonder who really pulls the strings of the far left.
The people most likely to leave poorer countries are those they need most.
You seem to be for the rights of a small group of individuals to have opportunities but what about the people they leave behind in poorer countries.
Its a question the Orthodox lefties on here just cant face.
I'm saying you're being a bit hypocritical. now emmigration/immigration is going in the other direction you want to ban it.

As far as poaching workers is concerned, no socialist is saying this is a good thing. when socialist are explaining how immigrants benefit Britain they are not doing this to justify the poaching of skilled workers from the Third World, doing this to counter the argument that immigrants are a drain on the British economy, and represent a threat to British workers to a lowering of wages terms and conditions.

The short answer to your question about poaching Third World skilled labour is not to ban them, it is to make the "Third World" work enviroment a more attractive option.

ResistanceMP3 said:
I'm saying you're being a bit hypocritical. now emmigration/immigration is going in the other direction you want to ban it.

As far as poaching workers is concerned, no socialist is saying this is a good thing. when socialist are explaining how immigrants benefit Britain they are not doing this to justify the poaching of skilled workers from the Third World, doing this to counter the argument that immigrants are a drain on the British economy, and represent a threat to British workers to a lowering of wages terms and conditions.

The short answer to your question about poaching Third World skilled labour is not to ban them, it is to make the "Third World" work enviroment a more attractive option.


1 How does that make me hypocritical? Its nonsense and you know it.

2 Hardly the point is it. The point is that mass migration makes the world a more unequal place.

3 Your short answer is going to take a bit longer than we might like.
In the mean time yoor arguing for mass migration which leads to the people who can moving from poorer countries. It means Doctors Teachers and Engineers etc moving to richer countries as ac heap option to those countries training their own.

In the next decade the SWP etc will all change their position on this issue.
At present what they say is a complete joke.
belboid said:
ffs! of course i'd support their innate right to scab! jeeeesus, what an argument! [fights urge to insert rolleyes..]

overwhelmingly immigrants to not come in to scab in that explicit manner - on the rare occasions that they do, they should be met with a fuck off great picket line, and an attempt to recruit them to it.

What would you do - tell them to fuck off 'home'? That would hardly be a way to build class solidarity, and would more likely shore them up behind the bosses.

You are absoluitely right that the central task is supporting peolpe in the here and now, which is in no small part why this 'argument' is abstract nonsense.

yes but the left do not support people in the here and now .. otherwise we would not be having this thread .. the left come out with boolcks like refugees welcome here .. they not not support or be active in w/c communities .. they argue that sons and d's is racist .. etc etc etc

it is maybe unfair to use strike breaking as an example but we please stop and think for a second

we all hate scabs ok .. right well most w/c people see their jobs for life gone .. their lower wages .. the impossibility of getting a house/flat etc etc .. and quite clearly the restructuring of the economy has been done in th last few years using immigration.. so it is not suprising that there is resentment ..

where i work it is clear .. what were well paid jobs a few years back are now being done as cheap labour by agency .. a few students but mostly immigrants

where i live the flats that families could have had are now occupied by the immigrants who do the low wage jobs .. needed for restructuring uk capitalism inc ..

yes yes yes of course this is just opart of it .. BUT IT IS THE BIT THE LEFT ALWAYS MISS OUT .. and those damn w/c types seem to notice that ..
cockneyrebel said:
Louis I can see where you are coming from. But there is no way that I will support a policy that allows single people to stay in four and five bedroom houses while families wait in hostels..

this is a smoke screen cr ..

it might seem daft that one child should have a 2/3 bed room flat ( estates aound here don't generally have 4/5 bedrooms :confused: !!) but will they not have kids themselves?? why should they end up in a hostel to get a flat later ..

and why should only middle class people be able to hand down flats /houses??

but really what is being said here is that to build a movemnet that can change the world w/c communities need to /should be able to assert a right to control housing ..
I think you are confusing the SWP for this nebulous 'left'.

The loss of 'jobs for life' had nothing to do with immigration - it wasn't imigration or immigrants that attacked the printers, dockers, miners, etc etc. And it was that that destroyed the 'job for life'.

once those jobs had been destroyed - and the wages in many other industries massively cut back - after that, migrant labour was used, in some cases, to work for the poverty wages that the companies considered necessary to maintain a profit. Obcviously in many cases they arelying, and could pay higher, but in many others, it is most likely true that they are the only wages payable to make 'normal' capitalist profit. And it isn't just migrants doing those jobs - it can be students, new workers, who weren't used to those higher levels of wages, or it can be the same people, those who can only get one of these jobs on lower wages. Often migrants are used as they are seen as more pliant, and less able to assert their rights. Well, the answer to that is surely to help them assert their rights. Not to tell them, however nicely, that they are 'stealoing our jobs' - how does that build solidarity?

I missed your earlier comment before, re women - apologies.
in realtion to women ..

i would absolutely support an all male workforce opposing women bringing bought in .. if they are being brought in to lower wages ..

equally if i was a worker in that factory i would argue that any sexist employment practice should be scrapped
so you would oppose the introduction of women if it was done in a way to lower wages. Note the way you have said tht - you haven't said you would demand that al lworkers are paid the same whatever their sex (or nationality etc) - but you have said you will oppose their right to work to maintain your living standards. How does that help build solidarity between men and women in order to strengthen the fight against lower wages generally? it is another divisive measure - and we all know that it is when we, as a clas, are divided, that the bosses are strongest.

In such an instance I would argue for oppositon to any worker undercutting the 'going rate'. But I'd argue against them as workers not as women, or migrants, or temp workers, or whatever.
tbaldwin said:
Bellboid remind me again, what you think of rich countries taking the people poorer countries need most?
for at least the third time - i think that open borders means that people are not 'trapped' in the country to which they migrate for a time. Being able to come and go, means that most people do return to their country of origin after a spell abroad - as happens now within the EU.

I believe that a well run scheme to give such workers training in a properly funded hospital/school/whatever could give them valuable experience which they can take back to thier home countries and use for all thier countryfolk.

All organised 'poaching', especially when it is done in an attempt to undercut UK working conditions, should be oppossed, and indeed outlawed.
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