ResistanceMP3 said:
Thanks for another interesting contribution RPM 3.
I would answer you question with the following.
If You recognise that "economic migration makes the world a more unequal place" Do you argue for it or against it?
I think the anaswers obvious. And it doesnt mean siding with racists,it means confronting their arguements head on and honestly.
The left has to start to reconnect with Working Class people. If it is not prepared to tell the truth on this issue and come out firmly against economic migration it will never be trusted by millions of working class people who will simply not buy Liberal arguements on migration.
Workers internationally should argue for International Labour Laws and improving the conditions of Workers Internationally. Not argue for the rights of a small minority of people to have the freedom to live wherever they like.
That would do more for Union organisation and anti privatisation than the Left have done for years.
There is no "if you recognise" about it. I don't know anybody on the left who does not recognise that developed countries are raping less developed countries of skilled labour. And there isn't any dishonesty either. As I said in my last post, this argument is one of the key arguments socialist worker comrades will use against the racist argument that immigrants are a drain on Britains economy. So if you are demanding the left be honest, the least you can do is be honest and recognise what the left are saying. Nobody has as far as I can see denied that developed countries are raping less developed countries of skilled labour, and so making the world more unequal, and has not been honest about this fact when having discussions with people.
Now, it does not automatically follow that you recognise this injustice and then a compound this injustice by perpetrating another injustice. The hegemony on the immigration discussion does not lie with the noble antiracist, only concerned about the inequality that economic migration creates on the international stage, the hegemony lies with the national issues of wages, housing, health provision, education etc. and so with the Tories and fascist. And if the left is going to reconnect with working-class people it has to be honest and say problems in housing, health provision, education wages etc does not lie with immigration, but with the way the society is run. This is the fourth richest country in the world, and the only reason there is any shortages in any of those areas is because the way people have DECIDED to follow Thatcherite economic policies. Banning immigration will do nothing to change this situation in Britain.
Now you are right that Millions of ordinary people may not buy revolutionary arguments on immigration. This is because the dominant ideas in any society have always been those of the ruling class. And when antiracist back up the arguments of the ruling class with liberal arguments about international inequality, they do nothing to undermine the situation. There are no shortcuts, revolutionaries have to be honest, responsibility for scarcities and inequalities do not lie with immigrants, they lie with capitalism.
Resistance MP3.
PS. I wholeheartedly agree with you about international workers organisation. And if I were a socialist in a developing country I might well argue for barriers being placed upon international employers stealing workers who are trained/skilled in my country.but as a British worker, I think we should start that process in Britain. I think we should strengthen trade union organisation, wages terms and conditionsso that all workers indigenous and immigrant receive the same, and so cannot be played at one group off against another. this is purely from practical reasons. If we cannot achieve in Britain, how can we possibly achieve it internationally?